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blamm - BLAS Accelerated Motif Matching

BLAS Accelerated Motif Matching or blamm is a tool to find Position Weight Matrix (PWM) occurrences in DNA sequences. It runs on both CPU and GPU, requires very little RAM and can make using of multithreading. The software is written in C++.

Getting Started

The performance of blamm depends almost exclusively on the performance of the BLAS library. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) provide routines for basic vector and matrix operations. The blamm software relies heavily on matrix-matrix multiplications (sgemm). Almost all CPU/GPU vendors provide highly optimized BLAS implementations.

  • For Intel CPUs we highly recommend the use of MKL (Math Kernel Library).
  • For AMD CPUs we highly recommend the use of ACML (AMD Core Math Library).
  • The open source GotoBLAS or OpenBLAS implementations may also provide good performance.
  • For GPUs, we support nVidia's CUBLAS.

We do not recommend the use of BLAS libraries as provided by many Linux distributions (often called blas and blas-devel). These reference implementations are often tens of times slower than optimized implementations.


  • CMake version 2.80 or higher
  • A C++ compiler with C++11 support (e.g. gcc version 4.8.1 or higher)
  • BLAS library
  • Optionally for the GPU version: nVidia CUDA SDK (we tested version 8.0)


Installing may be as easy as:

tar -xzvf blamm-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
cd blamm-X.Y.Z
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

The blamm binary file will then be present in the blamm.X.Y.Z/build directory. Optionally, to install the binary system-wide:

make install

CMake will automatically detect the presence or absence of the C++ compiler, BLAS libraries and CUDA compiler. It will generate warnings/errors in case software is missing from your system.

Running the example

Example input files are available in the blam.X.Y.Z/example folder.

# Generate the dictionary file for the input sequence(s)
blamm dict

# Generate the PWM histograms
blamm hist motifs.jaspar

# Find the PWM occurrences in the sequence(s)
blamm scan -rc -pt 0.0001 motifs.jaspar

Also available in that folder is the default settings.cnf file. This file contains certain advanced parameters to tweak performance. For most users, the default settings are fine.


The blamm binary consists of three modules:

  • blamm dict - generate a sequence dictionary and compute the background nucleotide composition
  • blamm hist - generate PWM score histograms (optionally)
  • blamm scan - find PWM occurrences in the sequence

For each module, help messages can be displayed using the -h or --help flag, e.g.:

blamm dict --help

By default, blamm uses as many threads as the operating system suggests (typically the number of CPU cores or twice that number in case the CPU has hyper-threading enabled). This may be changed using the -t <val> or --numthreads <val> option in the hist and scan modules. Many BLAS implementations however, also enable multithreading by default. For optimal performance, we strongly advise to disable multithreading within BLAS itself, and let blamm control the number of threads. For many BLAS implementations, multithreading can be disabled by setting the appropriate environment variable, for example:

export MKL_NUM_THREADS=1   # for Intel MKL
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1  # for certain other BLAS implementations

Dictionary module

The input sequence(s) must be prepared as one or more fasta files. Every sequence must be preceded by a sequence descriptor line that start with a > character. The sequence descriptors are used to report PWM matches. Hence, in order to avoid ambiguities, each sequence should have unique sequence descriptor. Note that sequence descriptors are read by blamm up until the first whitespace character. The remainder of the descriptor line ignored. For example, see this minimal example fasta file.

To facilitate command line interaction with blamm, the input fasta files should be listed in a single manifest file. For example, an [example file could look like this:

group1		pathTo/fileA.fa
group2		pathTo/fileB.fa
group1		pathTo/fileC.fa

Where each fasta file is preceded by a user-defined group identifier (see further). One can now run the blamm dict module:

blam dict

blamm will read through all input fasta files and create a dictionary file with all sequence descriptors and the nucleotide (ACGT) compositions. The latter serve as background models bi when computing the Position Weight Matrices (PWMs). This procedure is light-weight and should complete in a few seconds. The results are written to the file and will be used by the other modules.

Separate background nucleotide compositions are computed across all fasta files that share the same group identifier in the manifest file. In the example above, one background model is computed across all sequences contained in fileA.fa and fileC.fa as both files share the same group identifier. A second background model is computed for all sequences contained in fileB.fa. In case a single background model should be computed across all sequences in the three files, it suffices to provide them with the same group identifier in the manifest file.

Note that different sequences in the same fasta file will always use the same background model. In case the use of different background models is warranted, the sequences should be organised in different fasta files (each with a unique group identifier).

Note that the choice of the actual name of the group identifier(s) is arbitrary. The only restriction is that group identifiers should not contain whitespace characters.

Hist module (optional)

The motif search patterns should be provided as Position Frequency Matrices (PFM) in JASPAR format. All PFMs should be organized in a single file that ends with the .jaspar suffix. For example, see this minimal example motif file.

Note that JASPAR motifs are typically provided as one separate .jaspar file per motif. These can easily be merged using cat *.jaspar > motifs.jaspar.

The blamm hist module generates a PWM score histogram for each motif - background model combination. For example, if the motif input file contains three search patterns and two group identifiers (i.e., two background models) were specified in the manifest file, a total of six histograms will be computed. The histograms are important to convert p-values into PWM thresholds. Histograms can be computed as follows:

blamm hist motifs.jaspar

For each motif - background model combination, two files are generated: hist_groupID_motifID.dat and hist_groupID_motifID.gnu. The .datfile contains the histogram data while the .gnu file can be used by gnuplot to generated a postscript .ps file that can visualized by a viewer of your choice (e.g. okular):

gnuplot hist_groupID_motifID.gnu

In case no optional arguments are provided to the blamm hist module, theoretical histograms are computed using a dynamic programming algorithm. In that case, the background model nucleotide probabilities are used assuming a zero-order model.

Alternatively, one can generate empirical PWM score histograms by scanning a portion of the actual input sequences using the -e or --empirical flag. By default, the first 10 million nucleotides of the sequences in each group are scanned. This can be changed using the -l <val> or --length <val> flag. For example, to scan the first 20 million nucleotides:

blamm hist -e -l 20000000 motifs.jaspar

Regardless of whether the theoretical or empirical histograms are computed, the user can specify the number of bins per histogram (250 by default) using the -b <val> or --numbins <val> flag. A higher number of bins improves the accuracy when converting p-values to PWM score thresholds.

Finally, the -H <path> or --histdir <path> option can be used to provide blamm with a path to an existing directory where the histogram output files can be written.

Scan module

The scan module is used to scan the input sequences for PWM matches, i.e., substrings in the sequences for which the PWM score exceeds the PWM threshold. There are three options to specify the threshold:

  • Using the -at <T> or --absthreshold <T> flag. This sets a global, absolute PWM score threshold T that is the same for all PWMs. This is generally not recommended as a good threshold differs between PWMs.
  • Using the -rt <f> or --relthreshold <f> flag with f a fraction [0..1]. For each PWM individually, the score threshold is computed as (1-f) * minScore + f * maxScore. As the shape of PWM score histograms may differ between PWMs, this choice is again not optimal.
  • Using the -pt <p> or --pthreshold <p> flag with p the p-value. Using the histograms that were previously computed, the p-value will be converted to a PWM threshold for each PWM individually.

The scan module can be run as follows:

blamm scan -pt 0.00001 motifs.jaspar

The motif occurrences are written to occurrences.txtby default. This may be changed by providing the -o <outputfilename> or --output <outputfilename> options. Motif occurrences are written in the .gtf file format, example:

chr1    blamm   MA0282.1        22893   22901   13.5375 -       .       .
chr1    blamm   MA0282.1        29577   29585   12.8617 -       .       .
chr1    blamm   MA0282.1        57287   57295   11.453  -       .       .
chr1    blamm   MA0282.1        59932   59940   13.5375 +       .       .

The first column refers to sequence identifier (as specified in the input fasta file). The second column will always be blamm (the tool that generated the data). The third column is the motif identifier as specified in the motifs.jaspar input file. The fourth and fifth columns are respectively the begin and end positions motif occurrence in the sequence. The sixth column is the PWM score. Finally, the seventh column is the strand ('+' for forward; '-' for reverse). Column eight and nine are not used.

Note that the motif occurrences appear in unsorted order and that this order can vary between runs in case more than one thread is used. One can simply the Linux sort commond to efficiently sort the contents of the output file.

The PWM thresholds that were used are written to PWMthresholds.txt. This file is formatted as follows:

group1    MA0282.1        -37.9454        10.9633 13.5375

The first column refers to the group identifier (i.e., the background model). The second column contains the motif identifier. The third, fourth and firth column respectively contain the minimum, threshold and maximum PWM score.

In case the histograms were written to a different directory, the -H <path> or --histdir <path> option should again be used to point to their correct location. Note that the histograms are only needed in case a p-value threshold is specified.

By default, only the forward strand of the sequences is scanned. Using the -rc or --revcompl flag enables the search in both forward and reverse strands.

Finally, the -c or --cuda flag enables the use of GPU devices. By default, all available GPU devices will be used. By specifying the correct environment variables, the use of specific devices can be specified. We refer to nVidia documentation for this.

Advanced settings

If the file is available, blamm reads the configuration file settings.cnf that is used to tweak certain performance parameters. If settings.cnf is not present, default values will be used. The file settings.cnf can be used to specify the following parameters:

MATRIX_S_W      250
MATRIX_S_H      1000
FLUSHOUTPUT     100000

PSEUDOCOUNT is the only parameters that may impact the reported motif occurrences by blamm. It corresponds to the value that is added to every element individually in the Position Frequency Matrix (PFM) before conversion to the Position Weight Matrix (PWM).

MATRIX_S_W and MATRIX_S_H specify the S-matrix dimensions. In the paper, these values are referred to as w and h respectively. The MATRIX_P_TILE_MIN_ZERO_AREA specifies the minimum number of zeros that should be removed by splitting the P matrix in two tiles. FLUSHOUTPUT hints blamm how many motif occurrences should be kept in memory before spilling them to disk.


Jan Fostier, Ghent University - imec


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 - see the LICENSE file for details.