###Low Quality Posts The Low Quality Posts queue contains posts which were automatically determined to be of low quality based on several system criteria that generates a post quality score. It also contains posts that have been flagged for being extremely low-quality and answers flagged for not being proper answers. If you feel that a post is acceptable for the site and cannot be improved further, click the Looks OK button. Keep in mind that you can also post a comment before clicking this button.
If the post is acceptable other than a few formatting or grammar errors, you can click the Edit button to improve the post, which has an implied Looks OK functionality upon completion of your edits.
If the post cannot be salvaged, you have two options depending on whether the post is a question or answer:
Close for questions. Opens a menu that lets you choose a description for the problem that makes the question inappropriate. If you haven't earned the close privilege, you'll be offered a Recommend Close option instead - this carries no weight on its own, but puts the question in a queue for privileged users to confirm or decline.
Delete for answers. Opens a menu that lets you choose a boilerplate comment to place. You don't have to choose a comment, but if one fits the situation then doing so is a courtesy to the author of the post you're deleting. The comment chosen will automatically be posted on your behalf (unless the same comment already exists). If you haven't earned the trusted user privilege, you'll be offered a Recommend Deletion option instead - this will prioritize the review task for others who can vote to delete, and if a sufficient number of reviewers all recommend deletion (as of March 2014, the number is six) it can cause the post to be either deleted (if the score is less than or equal to 0) or forwarded to moderators for further review.
You gain access to this queue with the ability to edit questions and answers.
##Guidelines for reviewing low-quality posts
Questions appear in the low-quality-post queue both by algorithm and by very-low-quality or not-an-answer flags from users.
Check if the post can be improved. If you can raise its quality above the threshold of acceptability, Edit it. Keep in mind that editing within the queue will be a unilateral Looks OK vote, so be careful with edits that just make minor improvements (“repainting the titanic as it sinks”).
If you think that an answer does not address the question at all or is incomprehensible, Recommend Deletion (see common reasons below). If you haven’t left an individual comment or upvoted an existing one, consider choosing an appropriate canned comment from the list. Note that these are really just canned comments, which have no further effect.
If you think that a question should be closed, Recommend Close.
If the above doesn’t apply, choose Looks OK. This is the correct choice for answers that are just wrong.
If you are unsure, Skip it.
Most of the time, the reviewer should not need domain expertise to perform the review.
If you have sufficient reputation to cast close votes, Recommend Close turns into Close. If you can vote to delete, Recommend Deletion turns into Delete.
[QA] Spam or offensive posts: click the "link" to the post, and cast its corresponding flag. Do not "recommend deletion" or "delete" in the queue.
[Q] Closeworthy questions: Recommend Close brings up the regular close dialogue.
[A] Comments posted as an answer: This is common from users who do not have the 50 reputation required to comment, but feel they have something useful to say. Nonetheless, recommend deletion. If the answer would actually be a constructive comment, consider flagging it for moderator attention.
[A] “Thank You” answers, “I’m having this problem, too” answers and different questions posted as answers: These are considered noise; answers must be actual answers. Recommend deletion and choose the corresponding canned comment. Consider leaving an individual comment to help with the choice of asking a new question or to recommend improvements on a possible new question.
[A] Link-only answers: These tend to break under maintenance of the linked reference. Users should be encouraged to include the essential parts of the solution in the answer's body. Note that, only if the answer is fully worthless without the link, it actually is a link-only answer. Also watch out for spam.
- If the information behind the link is worth having, not already included in other answers and can be edited in, do so (beware of copyright infringements, though).
- If the link is helpful but it’s inherently impossible to edit the information in (e.g., if the link is to a video or copyrighted image), recommend deletion and if the answer would make a useful comment, consider flagging for moderator attention.
- If the information behind the link is redundant to existing answers, recommend deletion
[A] Answers that fail to address the question: If you evaluate the answer such, first check carefully whether there is a lack of clarity in the question that you and the answer’s author may have interpreted differently. Otherwise recommend deletion. Leave an explaining comment in both cases.
[QA] Gibberish: If the post is clearly not intended to be understandable, recommend deletion or closure as unclear what you are asking.
[QA] Incomprehensible posts: Improve what you can and leave a comment for the author. Vote to close questions as unclear what you are asking. Recommend deleting an answer, if what is understandable does not make for an answer.
[QA] Bad formatting, spelling, structure and language: Improve it or leave a comment to the author. If there is no other problem and the post is understandable, choose Looks OK.
[A] Wrong and unhelpful answers: If you can fix it without making an intrusive edit, do so. Otherwise, leave a comment explaining what’s wrong and possibly downvote. If there is no other problem, choose Looks OK.