Name: Harshil Patel
Place: India
Contribution: Invisible Cloak, Hand Dino (Python)
Name: Mahnoor Fatima
Place: Pakistan
Contribution: Analogue Clock(JavaScript)
Name: Devanshi Katyal
Place: India
Contribution: kadanes algorithm(c++), finding least positive number(Python)
Name: Ankita Ugale
Place: India
Contribution: Anagram program (c++), printCharactersAfterDecimalPoint(c++)
Name: Meekha E Saji
Place: India
Contribution: Bubble Sort (python) Contactme.html simple page
Name: Gaurav
Place: India
Contribution: merge sort(c++), quick_sort(c++)
Name: Suraj Kumar
Place: India
Contribution: Prims mst, Binary search, Linear search, Merge sort(Algorithms), bubble sort(Python), Game of Dice(javascript)
Name: Mohanish Kashiwar
Place: India
Contribution: Bubble sort(c++), Fibonacci Search(c++)
Name: Vidnyani Umathe
Place: India
Contribution: Rock Paper Scissors using python
Name: Sarthak Jha
Place: India
contributions: pigeonholeSort(python), bucketSort(python)
Name: Rashmiee Prabha
Place: Sri Lanka
Contribution: Palindrome_Word_for(C Programming)
contributions: pigeonholeSort(python), bucketSort(python)
Name: Christa Bridges
Place: United Kingdom
Contribution: text to speech (python) using gTTS
Name: K Shakthi Dhar Reddy
Place: India
Contribution: Sentiment Analysis (python)
Name: Neeraj Bhadani
Place: India
Contribution: Web Scraper App using Selenium and Flask
Name: Toh De Kai
Place: Singapore
Contribution: Check valid phone number (python), rock paper scissors (python)
Name: SentiWW
Place: Poland
Contribution: SpeedTypingTestConsole (C#)
Name: Devwanto Dariel Nugroho
Place: Indonesia
Contribution: Circular Queue operation in C
Name: Krishna Sashank
Place: India
Contribution: Fibonacci Series (Python)
Name: Muhammad Raza Khan
Place: India
Contribution: Rock Paper Scissors (Javascript)