Password Caddy API built using AWS SAM and GoLang. This API leverages AWS SAM to create a serverless architecture API utilizing, API Gateway, Lambda, and Dynamo DB.
├── Makefile <-- Make to automate build
├── <-- This instructions file
├── scripts <-- Contains useful scripts for local development and CI
│ ├── CreateController.ps1 <-- Powershell script to bootstrap a controller under the src/controllers dir
│ ├── <-- Changes environment variables in template.yaml for local development
│ └── version_check <-- Checks if current version is greater than upstream version
├── src <-- Source code for a lambda function
│ ├── controllers <-- Contains all the controllers (Lambda) code
│ │ └── auth <-- Contains all the Auth controllers (i.e login, registration)
│ │ ├── create-user <-- The controller folder for the Lambda function to create a user
│ │ │ ├── create_user.go <-- Create User Lambda function code
│ │ │ └── create_user_test.go <-- Unit tests for create user Lambda function
│ │ └── login <-- The controller folder for the Lambda function to login
│ │ ├── login.go <-- Login Lambda function code
│ │ └── login_test.go <-- Unit tests for login Lambda function
│ ├── core <-- Contains core packages (Types, config, etc)
│ │ └── config <-- Config module (Contains the config core logic)
│ │ ├── config.go <-- Config module (Hanldes fetching environment variables and converting them to int, bool, etc)
│ │ └── config_test.go <-- Unit tests for config
│ └── lib <-- Contains all the controllers (Lambda) code
│ ├── result <-- The result module (Contains the types and functions for a global result object)
│ │ ├── result.go <-- The result code
│ │ └── result_test.go <-- Unit tests for result
│ └── util <-- The util module (Contains static utility methods)
│ ├── util.go <-- Collection of utility functions
│ └── util_test.go <-- Unit tests for util
├── go.mod <-- Root go module file
├── go.sum <-- Root go module sum file
├── sam.version <-- SAM version file (Just shows the current version of SAM used)
├── template.local.yml <-- SAM template file for local development
├── template.yml <-- SAM template file for AWS deployments
└── version.json <-- Version of the API in format major.minor.patch (i.e 1.0.0)
This project has a Makefile
. To install on Windows, use chocolately
choco install make
go mod vendor
This will install go modules in
into thevendor
Validate template.yml
make validate
Validate template.local.yml
make validate-local
Build template.yml
make build
Build template.local.yml
make build-local
Start the API locally. Requires Docker to be running.
make api
Run unit tests
make test
Run unit tests with coverage report. Opens the report afterwards.
make coverage