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Password Caddy API built using AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model)

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Password Caddy API

Password Caddy API built using AWS SAM and GoLang. This API leverages AWS SAM to create a serverless architecture API utilizing, API Gateway, Lambda, and Dynamo DB.

Table of Contents

File Structure

├── Makefile                               <-- Make to automate build
├──                              <-- This instructions file
├── scripts                                <-- Contains useful scripts for local development and CI
│   ├── CreateController.ps1               <-- Powershell script to bootstrap a controller under the src/controllers dir
│   ├──                         <-- Changes environment variables in template.yaml for local development
│   └── version_check                      <-- Checks if current version is greater than upstream version
├── src                                    <-- Source code for a lambda function
│   ├── controllers                        <-- Contains all the controllers (Lambda) code
│   │   └── auth                           <-- Contains all the Auth controllers (i.e login, registration)
│   │       ├── create-user                <-- The controller folder for the Lambda function to create a user
│   │       │    ├── create_user.go        <-- Create User Lambda function code
│   │       │    └── create_user_test.go   <-- Unit tests for create user Lambda function
│   │       └── login                      <-- The controller folder for the Lambda function to login
│   │           ├── login.go               <-- Login Lambda function code
│   │           └── login_test.go          <-- Unit tests for login Lambda function
│   ├── core                               <-- Contains core packages (Types, config, etc)
│   │   └── config                         <-- Config module (Contains the config core logic)
│   │       ├── config.go                  <-- Config module (Hanldes fetching environment variables and converting them to int, bool, etc)
│   │       └── config_test.go             <-- Unit tests for config
│   └── lib                                <-- Contains all the controllers (Lambda) code
│       ├── result                         <-- The result module (Contains the types and functions for a global result object)
│       │   ├── result.go                  <-- The result code
│       │   └── result_test.go             <-- Unit tests for result
│       └── util                           <-- The util module (Contains static utility methods)
│           ├── util.go                    <-- Collection of utility functions
│           └── util_test.go               <-- Unit tests for util
├── go.mod                                 <-- Root go module file
├── go.sum                                 <-- Root go module sum file
├── sam.version                            <-- SAM version file (Just shows the current version of SAM used)
├── template.local.yml                     <-- SAM template file for local development
├── template.yml                           <-- SAM template file for AWS deployments
└── version.json                           <-- Version of the API in format major.minor.patch (i.e 1.0.0)


Getting Started

This project has a Makefile. To install on Windows, use chocolately

choco install make

Install Modules

go mod vendor

This will install go modules in go.mod into the vendor directory


Validate template.yml

make validate

Validate template.local.yml

make validate-local


Build template.yml

make build

Build template.local.yml

make build-local

Local Start

Start the API locally. Requires Docker to be running.

make api

Unit Tests

Run unit tests

make test

Run unit tests with coverage report. Opens the report afterwards.

make coverage


Password Caddy API built using AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model)







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