diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d57ef4b..cdae39f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 A sleek and modern OSC for [mpv](https://mpv.io/), this project is a fork of ModernX designed to enhance functionality by adding more features, all while preserving the core standards of mpv's OSC.
 <p align="center">
     <a href="#installation"><strong>Installation »</strong></a>
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ A sleek and modern OSC for [mpv](https://mpv.io/), this project is a fork of Mod
 Don't like the default white buttons and text? ModernZ is fully customizable! Change colors and button layouts to match your style:
 See the [Color Customization](docs/USER_OPTS.md#colors-and-style) section in the configuration guide for details on how to customize colors and buttons.
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ ModernZ supports mpv's built-in console/select ([v0.39+](https://github.com/mpv-
 2. Example short configuration:
-   ```
+   ```EditorConfig
    # Seekbar colors (Hex format)
@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ For even more useful scripts, check out the [mpv User Scripts Wiki](https://gith
 ## History
 - [Samillion/ModernZ](https://github.com/Samillion/ModernZ)
-  - forked from [zydezu/ModernX](https://github.com/zydezu/ModernX)
   - forked from [dexeonify/ModernX](https://github.com/dexeonify/mpv-config/blob/main/scripts/modernx.lua)
     - forked from [cyl0/ModernX](https://github.com/cyl0/ModernX)
     - forked from [maoiscat/mpv-osc-modern](https://github.com/maoiscat/mpv-osc-modern)
@@ -188,6 +187,7 @@ For even more useful scripts, check out the [mpv User Scripts Wiki](https://gith
 - To add a dedicated layout for images. [[details](/docs/IMAGE_VIEWER.md)]
 - To re-do the project entirely to match mpv's stock osc standards, to ensure compatibility
 - To eliminate old bugs and redundancy within the code
+    - Which allows other `Modern` forks to use ModernZ as a base, such as [zydezu/ModernX](https://github.com/zydezu/ModernX). [[Reference](https://github.com/zydezu/ModernX/releases/tag/0.3.9)]
 In essence, to modernize and revive the `Modern` origin.
diff --git a/docs/CONTROLS.md b/docs/CONTROLS.md
index e8528b1..afae234 100644
--- a/docs/CONTROLS.md
+++ b/docs/CONTROLS.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # ModernZ Controls Guide
 ## Button Interactions
@@ -25,17 +25,12 @@ Below is a list that explains the OSC buttons function depending on how you inte
 | Right mouse click      | Seek to the head of chosen chapter |
 | Scroll wheel           | Seek forward/backwards             |
-### Playback Time
+### Play Time Codes
-| Action           | Function                     |
-| ---------------- | ---------------------------- |
-| Left mouse click | Display time in milliseconds |
-### Duration
-| Action           | Function                                     |
-| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
-| Left mouse click | Display remaining time instead of total time |
+| Action            | Function                                     |
+| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| Left mouse click  | Display remaining time instead of total time |
+| Right mouse click | Display time in milliseconds                 |
 ### Play/Pause
diff --git a/docs/INTERACTIVE_MENUS.md b/docs/INTERACTIVE_MENUS.md
index 69daead..22b6d09 100644
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ModernZ integrates mpv's [console.lua](https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/ma
 For details on how to interact with these buttons, view the [controls manual](/docs/CONTROLS.md).
 > [!TIP]
 > If the font size for the interactive playlist is too small, you can add the following in your `mpv.conf`
diff --git a/docs/USER_OPTS.md b/docs/USER_OPTS.md
index 8da87a2..d8a9fb6 100644
--- a/docs/USER_OPTS.md
+++ b/docs/USER_OPTS.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Create `modernz.conf` in your mpv script-opts directory:
 | fadeduration            | 250   | fade-out duration (in ms), set to `"0"` for no fade        |
 | minmousemove            | 0     | minimum mouse movement (in pixels) required to show OSC    |
 | bottomhover             | yes   | show OSC only when hovering at the bottom                  |
-| bottomhover_zone        | 160   | height of hover zone for bottomhover (in pixels)           |
+| bottomhover_zone        | 130   | height of hover zone for bottomhover (in pixels)           |
 | osc_on_seek             | no    | show OSC when seeking                                      |
 | mouse_seek_pause        | yes   | pause video while seeking with mouse move (on button hold) |
 | vidscale                | auto  | scale osc with the video. (set to `"no"` to disable)       |
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ Create `modernz.conf` in your mpv script-opts directory:
 | show_title         | yes              | show title in the OSC (above seekbar)                                            |
 | title              | `${media-title}` | title above seekbar format: `"${media-title}"` or `"${filename}"`                |
 | title_font_size    | 30               | font size of the title text (above seekbar)                                      |
-| show_chapter_title | yes              | show chapter title alongside timestamp (below seekbar)                           |
+| show_chapter_title | yes              | show chapter title (above seekbar)                                               |
 | chapter_fmt        | %s               | format for chapter display on seekbar hover (set to `"no"` to disable)           |
 | timetotal          | yes              | show total time instead of remaining time                                        |
 | timems             | no               | show timecodes with milliseconds                                                 |
 | unicodeminus       | no               | use the Unicode minus sign in remaining time                                     |
 | time_format        | dynamic          | `"dynamic"` or `"fixed"`. shows MM:SS when possible, fixed always shows HH:MM:SS |
-| time_font_size     | 18               | font size of the time display                                                    |
+| time_font_size     | 16               | font size of the time display                                                    |
 ### Title bar settings
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Create `modernz.conf` in your mpv script-opts directory:
 | Option                | Value | Description                                                            |
 | --------------------- | ----- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
 | raise_subtitles       | yes   | raise subtitles above the OSC when shown                               |
-| raise_subtitle_amount | 165   | amount by which subtitles are raised when the OSC is shown (in pixels) |
+| raise_subtitle_amount | 125   | amount by which subtitles are raised when the OSC is shown (in pixels) |
 ### Buttons display and functionality
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Create `modernz.conf` in your mpv script-opts directory:
 | track_nextprev_buttons     | yes           | show next/previous playlist track buttons                                                                                                                                                              |
 | volume_control             | yes           | show mute button and volume slider                                                                                                                                                                     |
 | volume_control_type        | linear        | volume scale type: `"linear"` or `"logarithmic"`                                                                                                                                                       |
-| playlist_button            | no            | show playlist button: Left-click for simple playlist, Right-click for interactive playlist                                                                                                             |
+| playlist_button            | yes           | show playlist button: Left-click for simple playlist, Right-click for interactive playlist                                                                                                             |
 | hide_empty_playlist_button | yes           | hide playlist button when no playlist exists                                                                                                                                                           |
 | gray_empty_playlist_button | yes           | gray out the playlist button when no playlist exists                                                                                                                                                   |
 | download_button            | yes           | show download button on web videos (requires yt-dlp and ffmpeg)                                                                                                                                        |
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ Create `modernz.conf` in your mpv script-opts directory:
 | loop_button                | no            | show `loop` button                                                                                                                                                                                     |
 | speed_button               | no            | show speed control button                                                                                                                                                                              |
 | loop_in_pause              | yes           | enable looping by right-clicking pause                                                                                                                                                                 |
-| info_button                | no            | show `info (stats)` button                                                                                                                                                                             |
+| info_button                | yes           | show `info (stats)` button                                                                                                                                                                             |
 | fullscreen_button          | yes           | show `fullscreen toggle` button                                                                                                                                                                        |
-| playpause_size             | 30            | icon size for the play/pause button                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| playpause_size             | 28            | icon size for the play/pause button                                                                                                                                                                    |
 | midbuttons_size            | 24            | icon size for the middle buttons                                                                                                                                                                       |
 | sidebuttons_size           | 24            | icon size for the side buttons                                                                                                                                                                         |
 | zoom_control               | yes           | show zoom controls in image viewer mode                                                                                                                                                                |
@@ -122,14 +122,14 @@ Create `modernz.conf` in your mpv script-opts directory:
 | seekbar_cache_color         | `#918F8E` | color of the cache ranges on the seekbar                                                        |
 | volumebar_match_seek_color  | no        | match volume bar color with seekbar color (ignores `side_buttons_color`)                        |
 | time_color                  | `#FFFFFF` | color of the timestamps (below seekbar)                                                         |
-| chapter_title_color         | `#FFFFFF` | color of the chapter title next to timestamp (below seekbar)                                    |
+| chapter_title_color         | `#FFFFFF` | color of the chapter title (above seekbar)                                                      |
 | side_buttons_color          | `#FFFFFF` | color of the side buttons (audio, subtitles, playlist, etc.)                                    |
 | middle_buttons_color        | `#FFFFFF` | color of the middle buttons (skip, jump, chapter, etc.)                                         |
 | playpause_color             | `#FFFFFF` | color of the play/pause button                                                                  |
 | held_element_color          | `#999999` | color of the element when held down (pressed)                                                   |
 | hover_effect_color          | `#FFFFFF` | color of a hovered button when `hover_effect` includes `"color"`                                |
 | thumbnail_border_color      | `#111111` | color of the border for thumbnails (with thumbfast)                                             |
-| fade_alpha                  | 150       | alpha of the OSC background box                                                                 |
+| fade_alpha                  | 130       | alpha of the OSC background box                                                                 |
 | fade_blur_strength          | 100       | blur strength for the OSC alpha fade. caution: high values can take a lot of CPU time to render |
 | window_fade_alpha           | 75        | alpha of the window title bar                                                                   |
 | thumbnail_border            | 2         | width of the thumbnail border (for thumbfast)                                                   |
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ Customize the button function based on mouse actions.
 |                               | playlist_mbtn_right_command      | `show-text ${playlist} 3000`                                                    |
 | Volume Control                | vol_ctrl_mbtn_left_command       | `no-osd cycle mute`                                                             |
 |                               | vol_ctrl_mbtn_right_command      | `script-binding select/select-audio-device; script-message-to modernz osc-hide` |
-|                               | vol_ctrl_wheel_down_command      | `add volume -5`                                                                 |
-|                               | vol_ctrl_wheel_up_command        | `add volume 5`                                                                  |
+|                               | vol_ctrl_wheel_down_command      | `no-osd add volume -5`                                                          |
+|                               | vol_ctrl_wheel_up_command        | `no-osd add volume 5`                                                           |
 | Audio Button                  | audio_track_mbtn_left_command    | `script-binding select/select-aid; script-message-to modernz osc-hide`          |
 |                               | audio_track_mbtn_mid_command     | `cycle audio down`                                                              |
 |                               | audio_track_mbtn_right_command   | `cycle audio`                                                                   |
diff --git a/modernz.conf b/modernz.conf
index caeeb51..83fce22 100644
--- a/modernz.conf
+++ b/modernz.conf
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ minmousemove=0
 # show OSC only when hovering at the bottom
 # height of hover zone for bottomhover (in pixels)
 # show OSC when seeking
 # pause video while seeking with mouse move (on button hold)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ unicodeminus=no
 # "dynamic" or "fixed". dynamic shows MM:SS when possible, fixed always shows HH:MM:SS
 # font size of the time display
 # Title bar settings
 # show window title in borderless/fullscreen mode
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ windowcontrols_title=${media-title}
 # raise subtitles above the OSC when shown
 # amount by which subtitles are raised when the OSC is shown (in pixels)
 # Buttons display and functionality
 # show the jump backward and forward buttons
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ volume_control=yes
 # volume scale type: "linear" or "logarithmic"
 # show playlist button: Left-click for simple playlist, Right-click for interactive playlist
 # hide playlist button when no playlist exists
 # gray out the playlist button when no playlist exists
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ loop_button=no
 # show speed control button
 # show info button
 # show fullscreen toggle button
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ fullscreen_button=yes
 # icon size for the play/pause button
 # icon size for the middle buttons
 # icon size for the side buttons
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ hover_effect_color=#FFFFFF
 # alpha of the OSC background box
 # blur strength for the OSC alpha fade. caution: high values can take a lot of CPU time to render
 # alpha of the window title bar
@@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ playlist_mbtn_right_command=show-text ${playlist} 3000
 # volume mouse actions
 vol_ctrl_mbtn_left_command=no-osd cycle mute
 vol_ctrl_mbtn_right_command=script-binding select/select-audio-device; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
-vol_ctrl_wheel_down_command=add volume -5
-vol_ctrl_wheel_up_command=add volume 5
+vol_ctrl_wheel_down_command=no-osd add volume -5
+vol_ctrl_wheel_up_command=no-osd add volume 5
 # audio button mouse actions
 audio_track_mbtn_left_command=script-binding select/select-aid; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
@@ -313,4 +313,4 @@ playlist_next_mbtn_right_command=script-binding select/select-playlist; script-m
 # fullscreen button mouse actions
 fullscreen_mbtn_left_command=cycle fullscreen
-fullscreen_mbtn_right_command=cycle window-maximized
\ No newline at end of file
+fullscreen_mbtn_right_command=cycle window-maximized
diff --git a/modernz.lua b/modernz.lua
index a38980d..f8c8d61 100644
--- a/modernz.lua
+++ b/modernz.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 -- and subsequent forks:
 --   * cyl0/ModernX
 --   * dexeonify/ModernX
---   * zydezu/ModernX
 -- It is based on the official osc.lua from mpv, licensed under the 
 -- GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 (LGPLv2.1). 
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ local user_opts = {
     fadeduration = 250,                    -- fade-out duration (in ms), set to 0 for no fade
     minmousemove = 0,                      -- minimum mouse movement (in pixels) required to show OSC
     bottomhover = true,                    -- show OSC only when hovering at the bottom
-    bottomhover_zone = 145,                -- height of hover zone for bottomhover (in pixels)
+    bottomhover_zone = 130,                -- height of hover zone for bottomhover (in pixels)
     osc_on_seek = false,                   -- show OSC when seeking
     mouse_seek_pause = true,               -- pause video while seeking with mouse move (on button hold)
@@ -54,14 +53,14 @@ local user_opts = {
     cache_info_speed = true,               -- show cache speed per second
     cache_info_font_size = 12,             -- font size of the cache information
-    show_chapter_title = true,             -- show chapter title alongside timestamp (below seekbar)
+    show_chapter_title = true,             -- show chapter title (above seekbar)
     chapter_fmt = "%s",                    -- format for chapter display on seekbar hover (set to "no" to disable)
     timetotal = true,                      -- show total time instead of remaining time
     timems = false,                        -- show timecodes with milliseconds
     unicodeminus = false,                  -- use the Unicode minus sign in remaining time
     time_format = "dynamic",               -- "dynamic" or "fixed". dynamic shows MM:SS when possible, fixed always shows HH:MM:SS
-    time_font_size = 18,                   -- font size of the time display
+    time_font_size = 16,                   -- font size of the time display
     -- Title bar settings
     window_title = false,                  -- show window title in borderless/fullscreen mode
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ local user_opts = {
     -- Subtitle display settings
     raise_subtitles = true,                -- raise subtitles above the OSC when shown
-    raise_subtitle_amount = 165,           -- amount by which subtitles are raised when the OSC is shown (in pixels)
+    raise_subtitle_amount = 125,           -- amount by which subtitles are raised when the OSC is shown (in pixels)
     -- Buttons display and functionality
     jump_buttons = true,                   -- show the jump backward and forward buttons
@@ -86,12 +85,12 @@ local user_opts = {
     volume_control = true,                 -- show mute button and volume slider
     volume_control_type = "linear",        -- volume scale type: "linear" or "logarithmic"
-    playlist_button = false,               -- show playlist button: Left-click for simple playlist, Right-click for interactive playlist
+    playlist_button = true,                -- show playlist button: Left-click for simple playlist, Right-click for interactive playlist
     hide_empty_playlist_button = true,     -- hide playlist button when no playlist exists
     gray_empty_playlist_button = true,     -- gray out the playlist button when no playlist exists
     fullscreen_button = true,              -- show fullscreen toggle button
-    info_button = false,                   -- show info button
+    info_button = true,                    -- show info button
     ontop_button = true,                   -- show window on top button
     screenshot_button = false,             -- show screenshot button
     screenshot_flag = "subtitles",         -- flag for screenshot button: "subtitles", "video", "window", "each-frame" 
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ local user_opts = {
     loop_in_pause = true,                  -- enable looping by right-clicking pause
-    playpause_size = 30,                   -- icon size for the play/pause button
+    playpause_size = 28,                   -- icon size for the play/pause button
     midbuttons_size = 24,                  -- icon size for the middle buttons
     sidebuttons_size = 24,                 -- icon size for the side buttons
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ local user_opts = {
     seekbar_cache_color = "#918F8E",       -- color of the cache ranges on the seekbar
     volumebar_match_seek_color = false,    -- match volume bar color with seekbar color (ignores side_buttons_color)
     time_color = "#FFFFFF",                -- color of the timestamps (below seekbar)
-    chapter_title_color = "#FFFFFF",       -- color of the chapter title next to timestamp (below seekbar)
+    chapter_title_color = "#FFFFFF",       -- color of the chapter title (above seekbar)
     side_buttons_color = "#FFFFFF",        -- color of the side buttons (audio, subtitles, playlist, etc.)
     middle_buttons_color = "#FFFFFF",      -- color of the middle buttons (skip, jump, chapter, etc.)
     playpause_color = "#FFFFFF",           -- color of the play/pause button
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ local user_opts = {
     hover_effect_color = "#FFFFFF",        -- color of a hovered button when hover_effect includes "color"
     thumbnail_border_color = "#111111",    -- color of the border for thumbnails (with thumbfast)
-    fade_alpha = 150,                      -- alpha of the OSC background box
+    fade_alpha = 130,                      -- alpha of the OSC background box
     fade_blur_strength = 100,              -- blur strength for the OSC alpha fade. caution: high values can take a lot of CPU time to render
     window_fade_alpha = 75,                -- alpha of the window title bar
     thumbnail_border = 2,                  -- width of the thumbnail border (for thumbfast)
@@ -184,8 +183,8 @@ local user_opts = {
     -- volume mouse actions
     vol_ctrl_mbtn_left_command = "no-osd cycle mute",
     vol_ctrl_mbtn_right_command = "script-binding select/select-audio-device; script-message-to modernz osc-hide",
-    vol_ctrl_wheel_down_command = "add volume -5",
-    vol_ctrl_wheel_up_command = "add volume 5",
+    vol_ctrl_wheel_down_command = "no-osd add volume -5",
+    vol_ctrl_wheel_up_command = "no-osd add volume 5",
     -- audio button mouse actions
     audio_track_mbtn_left_command = "script-binding select/select-aid; script-message-to modernz osc-hide",
@@ -410,7 +409,7 @@ local function set_osc_styles()
     osc_styles = {
         background_bar = "{\\1c&H" .. osc_color_convert(user_opts.osc_color) .. "&}",
         box_bg = "{\\blur" .. user_opts.fade_blur_strength .. "\\bord" .. user_opts.fade_alpha .. "\\1c&H000000&\\3c&H" .. osc_color_convert(user_opts.osc_color) .. "&}",
-        chapter_title = "{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&H" .. osc_color_convert(user_opts.chapter_title_color) .. "&\\3c&H000000&\\fs" .. user_opts.time_font_size .. "\\fn" .. user_opts.font .. "}",
+        chapter_title = "{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&H" .. osc_color_convert(user_opts.chapter_title_color) .. "&\\3c&H000000&\\fs14\\fn" .. user_opts.font .. "}",
         control_1 = "{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&H" .. osc_color_convert(user_opts.playpause_color) .. "&\\3c&HFFFFFF&\\fs" .. playpause_size .. "\\fn" .. iconfont .. "}",
         control_2 = "{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&H" .. osc_color_convert(user_opts.middle_buttons_color) .. "&\\3c&HFFFFFF&\\fs" .. midbuttons_size .. "\\fn" .. iconfont .. "}",
         control_2_flip = "{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&H" .. osc_color_convert(user_opts.middle_buttons_color) .. "&\\3c&HFFFFFF&\\fs" .. midbuttons_size .. "\\fn" .. iconfont .. "\\fry180}",
@@ -1236,7 +1235,7 @@ local function render_elements(master_ass)
             local hoverstyle = button_lo.hoverstyle
             if hovered and (contains(user_opts.hover_effect, "size") or contains(user_opts.hover_effect, "color")) then
                 -- remove font scale tags for these elements, it looks out of place
-                if element.name == "title" or element.name == "tc_left" or element.name == "tc_right" or element.name == "chapter_title" then
+                if element.name == "title" or element.name == "time_codes" or element.name == "chapter_title" then
                     hoverstyle = hoverstyle:gsub("\\fscx%d+\\fscy%d+", "")
                 elem_ass:append(hoverstyle .. buttontext)
@@ -1609,13 +1608,22 @@ local layouts = {}
 -- Default layout
 layouts["modern"] = function ()
-    local no_title_function = 
-        (user_opts.title_mbtn_left_command == "" or user_opts.title_mbtn_left_command == "ignore") and
-        (user_opts.title_mbtn_right_command == "" or user_opts.title_mbtn_right_command == "ignore")
+    local no_title = 
+        ((user_opts.title_mbtn_left_command == "" or user_opts.title_mbtn_left_command == "ignore") and
+        (user_opts.title_mbtn_right_command == "" or user_opts.title_mbtn_right_command == "ignore")) or 
+        not user_opts.show_title
+    local no_chapter = 
+        ((user_opts.chapter_title_mbtn_left_command == "" or user_opts.chapter_title_mbtn_left_command == "ignore") and
+        (user_opts.chapter_title_mbtn_right_command == "" or user_opts.chapter_title_mbtn_right_command == "ignore")) or 
+        not user_opts.show_chapter_title
+    local chapter_index = user_opts.show_chapter_title and mp.get_property_number("chapter", -1) >= 0
+    local osc_height_offset = (no_title and 30 or 0) + ((no_chapter or not chapter_index) and 15 or 0)
     local osc_geo = {
         w = osc_param.playresx,
-        h = (not user_opts.show_title or no_title_function) and 110 or 160
+        h = 130 - osc_height_offset
     -- origin of the controllers, left/bottom corner
@@ -1661,14 +1669,14 @@ layouts["modern"] = function ()
     -- Seekbar
     new_element("seekbarbg", "box")
     lo = add_layout("seekbarbg")
-    lo.geometry = {x = refX, y = refY - 100, an = 5, w = osc_geo.w - 50, h = 4}
+    lo.geometry = {x = refX, y = refY - 72, an = 5, w = osc_geo.w - 50, h = 4}
     lo.layer = 13
     lo.style = osc_styles.seekbar_bg
     lo.alpha[1] = 128
     lo.alpha[3] = 128
     lo = add_layout("seekbar")
-    lo.geometry = {x = refX, y = refY - 100, an = 5, w = osc_geo.w - 50, h = 18}
+    lo.geometry = {x = refX, y = refY - 72, an = 5, w = osc_geo.w - 50, h = 18}
     lo.style = osc_styles.seekbar_fg
     lo.slider.gap = 7
     lo.slider.tooltip_style = osc_styles.tooltip
@@ -1693,96 +1701,72 @@ layouts["modern"] = function ()
     local screenshot_button = user_opts.screenshot_button
     local loop_button = user_opts.loop_button
     local speed_button = user_opts.speed_button
+    local download_button = user_opts.download_button and state.is_URL
+    local cache_speed = user_opts.cache_info_speed
     local playlist_button = user_opts.playlist_button and (not user_opts.hide_empty_playlist_button or mp.get_property_number("playlist-count", 0) > 1)
     local offset = jump_buttons and 60 or 0
     local outeroffset = (chapter_skip_buttons and 0 or 100) + (jump_buttons and 0 or 100)
     -- Title
-    geo = {x = 25, y = refY - 122, an = 1, w = osc_geo.w - 50 - (loop_button and 45 or 0) - (speed_button and 45 or 0), h = 35}
+    geo = {x = 25, y = refY - (chapter_index and 102 or 90), an = 1, w = osc_geo.w - 50 - (loop_button and 45 or 0) - (speed_button and 45 or 0), h = 35}
     lo = add_layout("title")
     lo.geometry = geo
     lo.style = string.format("%s{\\clip(0,%f,%f,%f)}", osc_styles.title, geo.y - geo.h, geo.x + geo.w, geo.y + geo.h)
     lo.alpha[3] = 0
-    -- cache info
-    if user_opts.cache_info then
-        lo = add_layout("cache_info")
-        lo.geometry = {x = 25, y = refY -109, an = 1, w = 160, h = 20}
-        lo.style = osc_styles.cache
+    -- Chapter Title (above seekbar)
+    if user_opts.show_chapter_title then
+        lo = add_layout("chapter_title")
+        lo.geometry = {x = 26, y = refY -87, an = 1, w = osc_geo.w / 2, h = 20}
+        lo.style = string.format("%s{\\clip(0,%f,%f,%f)}", osc_styles.chapter_title, geo.y - geo.h, geo.x + geo.w, geo.y + geo.h)
     -- buttons
     if track_nextprev_buttons then
         lo = add_layout("playlist_prev")
-        lo.geometry = {x = refX - (60 + (chapter_skip_buttons and 60 or 0)) - offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = refX - (60 + (chapter_skip_buttons and 60 or 0)) - offset, y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_2
     if chapter_skip_buttons then 
         lo = add_layout("chapter_backward")
-        lo.geometry = {x = refX - 60 - offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = refX - 60 - offset, y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_2
     if jump_buttons then
         lo = add_layout("jump_backward")
-        lo.geometry = {x = refX - 60, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = refX - 60, y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
         lo.style = (user_opts.jump_icon_number and icons.jump[user_opts.jump_amount] ~= nil) and osc_styles.control_2 or osc_styles.control_2_flip
     lo = add_layout("play_pause")
-    lo.geometry = {x = refX, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 45, h = 45}
+    lo.geometry = {x = refX, y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 45, h = 45}
     lo.style = osc_styles.control_1
     if jump_buttons then
         lo = add_layout("jump_forward")
-        lo.geometry = {x = refX + 60, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = refX + 60, y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_2
     if chapter_skip_buttons then
         lo = add_layout("chapter_forward")
-        lo.geometry = {x = refX + 60 + offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = refX + 60 + offset, y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_2
     if track_nextprev_buttons then
         lo = add_layout("playlist_next")
-        lo.geometry = {x = refX + (60 + (chapter_skip_buttons and 60 or 0)) + offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = refX + (60 + (chapter_skip_buttons and 60 or 0)) + offset, y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 30, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_2
-    -- Time
-    local remsec = mp.get_property_number("playtime-remaining", 0)
-    local possec = mp.get_property_number("playback-time", 0)
-    local dur = mp.get_property_number("duration", 0)
-    local show_hours = possec >= 3600 or user_opts.time_format ~= "dynamic"
-    lo = add_layout("tc_left")
-    lo.geometry = {x = 25, y = refY - 84, an = 7, w = 45 + (state.tc_ms and 30 or 0) + (show_hours and 20 or 0), h = 20}
-    lo.style = osc_styles.time
-    local show_remhours = (state.tc_right_rem and remsec >= 3600) or (not state.tc_right_rem and dur >= 3600) or user_opts.time_format ~= "dynamic"
-    lo = add_layout("tc_right")
-    lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 25, y = refY -84, an = 9, w = 50 + (state.tc_ms and 30 or 0) + (show_remhours and 25 or 0), h = 20}
-    lo.style = osc_styles.time
-    -- Chapter Title (next to timestamp)
-    if user_opts.show_chapter_title then
-        lo = add_layout("separator")
-        lo.geometry = {x = 73 + (state.tc_ms and 32 or 0) + (show_hours and 20 or 0), y = refY - 84, an = 7, w = 30, h = 20}
-        lo.style = osc_styles.time
-        lo = add_layout("chapter_title")
-        lo.geometry = {x = 86 + (state.tc_ms and 32 or 0) + (show_hours and 20 or 0), y = refY - 84, an = 7, w = osc_geo.w - 200 - ((show_hours or state.tc_ms) and 60 or 0), h = 20}
-        lo.style = osc_styles.chapter_title
-    end
     -- Audio
     if audio_track then
         lo = add_layout("audio_track")
-        lo.geometry = {x = 37, y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = 37, y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 500 - outeroffset)
@@ -1790,7 +1774,7 @@ layouts["modern"] = function ()
     -- Subtitle
     if subtitle_track then
         lo = add_layout("sub_track")
-        lo.geometry = {x = 82 - (audio_track and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = 82 - (audio_track and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset)
@@ -1798,7 +1782,7 @@ layouts["modern"] = function ()
     -- Playlist
     if playlist_button then
         lo = add_layout("tog_playlist")
-        lo.geometry = {x = 127 - (audio_track and 0 or 45) - (subtitle_track and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = 127 - (audio_track and 0 or 45) - (subtitle_track and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset)
@@ -1806,76 +1790,103 @@ layouts["modern"] = function ()
     if audio_track then
         -- Volume
         lo = add_layout("vol_ctrl")
-        lo.geometry = {x = 172 - (audio_track and 0 or 45) - (subtitle_track and 0 or 45) - (playlist_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = 172 - (audio_track and 0 or 45) - (subtitle_track and 0 or 45) - (playlist_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset)
         -- Volumebar
         lo = new_element("volumebarbg", "box")
-        lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 920 - outeroffset) and user_opts.volume_control
+        lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 910 - outeroffset) and user_opts.volume_control
         lo = add_layout("volumebarbg")
-        lo.geometry = {x = 200 - (audio_track and 0 or 45) - (subtitle_track and 0 or 45) - (playlist_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 4, w = 80, h = 4}
+        lo.geometry = {x = 200 - (audio_track and 0 or 45) - (subtitle_track and 0 or 45) - (playlist_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 4, w = 55, h = 4}
         lo.layer = 13
         lo.alpha[1] = 128
         lo.style = user_opts.volumebar_match_seek_color and osc_styles.seekbar_bg or osc_styles.volumebar_bg
         lo = add_layout("volumebar")
-        lo.geometry = {x = 200 - (audio_track and 0 or 45) - (subtitle_track and 0 or 45) - (playlist_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 4, w = 80, h = 10}
+        lo.geometry = {x = 200 - (audio_track and 0 or 45) - (subtitle_track and 0 or 45) - (playlist_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 4, w = 55, h = 10}
         lo.style = user_opts.volumebar_match_seek_color and osc_styles.seekbar_fg or osc_styles.volumebar_fg
         lo.slider.gap = 3
         lo.slider.tooltip_style = osc_styles.tooltip
         lo.slider.tooltip_an = 2
+    -- Time codes
+    local remsec = mp.get_property_number("playtime-remaining", 0)
+    local possec = mp.get_property_number("playback-time", 0)
+    local dur = mp.get_property_number("duration", 0)
+    local show_hours = possec >= 3600 or user_opts.time_format ~= "dynamic"
+    local show_remhours = (state.tc_right_rem and remsec >= 3600) or (not state.tc_right_rem and dur >= 3600) or user_opts.time_format ~= "dynamic"
+    local tc_w_offset = (state.tc_ms and 60 or 0) + (show_hours and 20 or 0) + (show_remhours and 20 or 0)
+    lo = add_layout("time_codes")
+    lo.geometry = {x = 275 - (audio_track and 0 or 165) - (subtitle_track and 0 or 45) - (playlist_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 4, w = 90 + tc_w_offset, h = 15}
+    lo.style = osc_styles.time
     -- Fullscreen/Info/Pin/Screenshot/Loop/Speed
     if fullscreen_button then
         lo = add_layout("tog_fullscreen")
-        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 37, y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 37, y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 250 - outeroffset)
     if info_button then
         lo = add_layout("tog_info")
-        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 82 + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 82 + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 300 - outeroffset)
     if ontop_button then
         lo = add_layout("tog_ontop")
-        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 127 + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 127 + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 500 - outeroffset)
     if screenshot_button then
         lo = add_layout("screenshot")
-        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 172 + (ontop_button and 0 or 45) + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 172 + (ontop_button and 0 or 45) + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset)
     if loop_button then
         lo = add_layout("tog_loop")
-        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 217 + (screenshot_button and 0 or 45) + (ontop_button and 0 or 45) + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 217 + (screenshot_button and 0 or 45) + (ontop_button and 0 or 45) + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset) and loop_button
     if speed_button then
         lo = add_layout("tog_speed")
-        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 262 + (loop_button and 0 or 45) + (screenshot_button and 0 or 45) + (ontop_button and 0 or 45) + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 262 + (loop_button and 0 or 45) + (screenshot_button and 0 or 45) + (ontop_button and 0 or 45) + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset)
-    if user_opts.download_button then
+    if download_button then
         lo = add_layout("download")
-        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 307 + (speed_button and 0 or 45) + (loop_button and 0 or 45) + (screenshot_button and 0 or 45) + (ontop_button and 0 or 45) + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
+        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 307 + (speed_button and 0 or 45) + (loop_button and 0 or 45) + (screenshot_button and 0 or 45) + (ontop_button and 0 or 45) + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45), y = refY - 35, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24}
         lo.style = osc_styles.control_3
         lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 400 - outeroffset)
+    -- cache info
+    if user_opts.cache_info then
+        local cache_x_offset = (download_button and 0 or 45) + (speed_button and 0 or 45) + (loop_button and 0 or 45) + (screenshot_button and 0 or 45) + (ontop_button and 0 or 45) + (info_button and 0 or 45) + (fullscreen_button and 0 or 45)
+        lo = add_layout("cache_info")
+        lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - (cache_speed and 345 or 340) + cache_x_offset, y = refY - (cache_speed and 40 or 35), an = 6, w = 35, h = 24}
+        lo.style = osc_styles.cache
+        if user_opts.cache_info_speed then
+            lo = add_layout("cache_info_speed")
+            lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 345 + cache_x_offset, y = refY - 27, an = 6, w = 35, h = 24}
+            lo.style = osc_styles.cache
+        end
+    end
 layouts["modern-image"] = function ()
@@ -2128,30 +2139,23 @@ local function osc_init()
     ne.eventresponder["mbtn_right_up"] = command_callback(user_opts.title_mbtn_right_command)
     ne.eventresponder["shift+mbtn_left_down"] = command_callback(user_opts.title_mbtn_mid_command)
-    -- cache info
-    ne = new_element("cache_info", "button")
-    ne.content = function ()
-        local cache_state = state.cache_state
-        if not (cache_state and cache_state["seekable-ranges"] and
-            #cache_state["seekable-ranges"] > 0) then
-            -- probably not a network stream
-            return ""
-        end
-        local dmx_cache = cache_state and cache_state["cache-duration"]
-        local thresh = math.min(state.dmx_cache * 0.05, 5)  -- 5% or 5s
-        if dmx_cache and math.abs(dmx_cache - state.dmx_cache) >= thresh then
-            state.dmx_cache = dmx_cache
-        else
-            dmx_cache = state.dmx_cache
+    -- Chapter title (above seekbar)
+    local chapter_index = mp.get_property_number("chapter", -1)
+    ne = new_element("chapter_title", "button")
+    ne.visible = chapter_index >= 0
+    ne.content = function()
+        if user_opts.chapter_fmt ~= "no" and chapter_index >= 0 then
+            request_init()
+            local chapters = mp.get_property_native("chapter-list", {})
+            local chapter_title = (chapters[chapter_index + 1] and chapters[chapter_index + 1].title ~= "") and 
+                chapters[chapter_index + 1].title or locale.chapter .. ": " .. chapter_index + 1 .. "/" .. #chapters
+            chapter_title = mp.command_native({"escape-ass", chapter_title})
+            return string.format(user_opts.chapter_fmt, chapter_title)
-        local min = math.floor(dmx_cache / 60)
-        local sec = math.floor(dmx_cache % 60) -- don't round e.g. 59.9 to 60
-        local cache_time = (min > 0 and string.format("%sm%02.0fs", min, sec) or string.format("%3.0fs", sec))
-        local dmx_speed = cache_state and cache_state["raw-input-rate"] or ""
-        local cache_speed = (user_opts.cache_info_speed and dmx_speed and dmx_speed ~= "") and " • " .. utils.format_bytes_humanized(dmx_speed) .. "/s" or ""
-        return locale.cache .. ": " .. cache_time .. cache_speed
+        return "" -- fallback
+    ne.eventresponder["mbtn_left_up"] = command_callback(user_opts.chapter_title_mbtn_left_command)
+    ne.eventresponder["mbtn_right_up"] = command_callback(user_opts.chapter_title_mbtn_right_command)
     -- playlist buttons
     -- prev
@@ -2312,21 +2316,17 @@ local function osc_init()
+    ne.tooltip_style = osc_styles.tooltip
+    ne.tooltipF = function () return mp.get_property_number("volume", 0) or 0 end
     ne.eventresponder["mbtn_left_up"] = command_callback(user_opts.vol_ctrl_mbtn_left_command)
     ne.eventresponder["mbtn_right_up"] = command_callback(user_opts.vol_ctrl_mbtn_right_command)
-    ne.eventresponder["wheel_up_press"] = function () 
-        if state.mute then mp.commandv("cycle", "mute") end
-        command_callback(user_opts.vol_ctrl_wheel_up_command)
-    end
-    ne.eventresponder["wheel_down_press"] = function ()
-        if state.mute then mp.commandv("cycle", "mute") end
-        command_callback(user_opts.vol_ctrl_wheel_down_command)
-    end
+    ne.eventresponder["wheel_up_press"] = command_callback(user_opts.vol_ctrl_wheel_up_command)
+    ne.eventresponder["wheel_down_press"] = command_callback(user_opts.vol_ctrl_wheel_down_command)
     local volume_max = mp.get_property_number("volume-max") > 0 and mp.get_property_number("volume-max") or 100
     ne = new_element("volumebar", "slider")
-    ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 1000 - outeroffset) and user_opts.volume_control
+    ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 950 - outeroffset) and user_opts.volume_control
     ne.enabled = audio_track_count > 0
     ne.slider = {min = {value = 0}, max = {value = volume_max}}
     ne.slider.markerF = function () return {} end
@@ -2511,6 +2511,46 @@ local function osc_init()
+    -- cache info
+    local cache_state_ranges = state.cache_state and state.cache_state["seekable-ranges"] and #state.cache_state["seekable-ranges"] > 0
+    ne = new_element("cache_info", "button")
+    ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 1250 - outeroffset - (user_opts.speed_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.loop_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.screenshot_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.ontop_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.info_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.fullscreen_button and 0 or 100))
+    ne.content = function ()
+        request_init()
+        local cache_state = state.cache_state
+        -- probably not a network stream
+        if not cache_state_ranges then return "" end
+        local dmx_cache = cache_state and cache_state["cache-duration"]
+        local thresh = math.min(state.dmx_cache * 0.05, 5)  -- 5% or 5s
+        if dmx_cache and math.abs(dmx_cache - state.dmx_cache) >= thresh then
+            state.dmx_cache = dmx_cache
+        else
+            dmx_cache = state.dmx_cache
+        end
+        local min = math.floor(dmx_cache / 60)
+        local sec = math.floor(dmx_cache % 60) -- don't round e.g. 59.9 to 60
+        local cache_time = (min > 0 and string.format("%sm%02.0fs", min, sec) or string.format("%3.0fs", sec))
+        return cache_time
+    end
+    ne.tooltip_style = osc_styles.tooltip
+    ne.tooltipF = (user_opts.tooltip_hints and cache_state_ranges) and locale.cache or ""
+    -- cache info speed
+    ne = new_element("cache_info_speed", "button")
+    ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 1250 - outeroffset - (user_opts.speed_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.loop_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.screenshot_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.ontop_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.info_button and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.fullscreen_button and 0 or 100))
+    ne.content = function ()
+        request_init()
+        local cache_state = state.cache_state
+        -- probably not a network stream
+        if not cache_state_ranges then return "" end
+        local dmx_speed = cache_state and cache_state["raw-input-rate"] or 0
+        local cache_speed = utils.format_bytes_humanized(dmx_speed)
+        local number, unit = cache_speed:match("([%d%.]+)%s*(%S+)")
+        return string.format("%8s %4s/s", number, unit)
+    end
     ne = new_element("seekbar", "slider")
     ne.enabled = mp.get_property("percent-pos") ~= nil
@@ -2701,56 +2741,30 @@ local function osc_init()
-    -- Current position time display
-    ne = new_element("tc_left", "button")
+    -- Time codes display
+    ne = new_element("time_codes", "button")
+    ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 1150 - outeroffset) and user_opts.volume_control and (mp.get_property_number("duration", 0) > 0)
     ne.content = function()
         local playback_time = mp.get_property_number("playback-time", 0)
-        return format_time(playback_time)
-    end
-    ne.eventresponder["mbtn_left_up"] = function()
-        state.tc_ms = not state.tc_ms
-        request_init()
-    end
-    -- Chapter title (below seekbar)
-    local chapter_index = mp.get_property_number("chapter", -1)
-    ne = new_element("separator", "button")
-    ne.visible = chapter_index >= 0
-    ne.content = " • "
-    ne = new_element("chapter_title", "button")
-    ne.visible = chapter_index >= 0
-    ne.content = function()
-        if user_opts.chapter_fmt ~= "no" and chapter_index >= 0 then
-            request_init()
-            local chapters = mp.get_property_native("chapter-list", {})
-            local chapter_title = (chapters[chapter_index + 1] and chapters[chapter_index + 1].title ~= "") and chapters[chapter_index + 1].title or locale.na
-            chapter_title = mp.command_native({"escape-ass", chapter_title})
-            return string.format(user_opts.chapter_fmt, chapter_title)
-        end
-        return "" -- fallback
-    end
-    ne.eventresponder["mbtn_left_up"] = command_callback(user_opts.chapter_title_mbtn_left_command)
-    ne.eventresponder["mbtn_right_up"] = command_callback(user_opts.chapter_title_mbtn_right_command)
-    -- Total/remaining time display
-    ne = new_element("tc_right", "button")
-    ne.visible = (mp.get_property_number("duration", 0) > 0)
-    ne.content = function()
         local duration = mp.get_property_number("duration", 0)
         if duration <= 0 then return "--:--" end
-        local time_to_display = state.tc_right_rem and 
+        local playtime_remaining = state.tc_right_rem and 
             mp.get_property_number("playtime-remaining", 0) or duration
         local prefix = state.tc_right_rem and 
             (user_opts.unicodeminus and UNICODE_MINUS or "-") or ""
-        return prefix .. format_time(time_to_display)
+        return format_time(playback_time) .. " / " .. prefix .. format_time(playtime_remaining)
     ne.eventresponder["mbtn_left_up"] = function()
         state.tc_right_rem = not state.tc_right_rem
+    ne.eventresponder["mbtn_right_up"] = function()
+        state.tc_ms = not state.tc_ms
+        request_init()
+    end
     -- load layout
     if state.is_image then