This repository solves the maximum free path in a labyrinth problem, as specified in the JdeRobot project application for Google Summer of Code 2017.
Lets imagine you have a labyrinth described as walls (#) and holes (.) where you cannot pass through the walls and you can move to adjacent holes. Diagonal adjacencies will not be taken into account, only vertical and horizontal.
Your applications should find the largest pathway moving only between holes, reading the labyrinth schema from a txt file, using only standard libraries of c++11. All the lines in the input file will have the same number of elements. Your application should save the schema of the largest detected pathway, overwriting the holes (.) with the order in which the hole has been visited.
Run from the project directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Labyrinth <input_file>
The program will output the result in a file with name 'output.txt'.
This project was made by Santiago Gil Begué.