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A tag-based image management software
- tagging images with multiple tags
- search by tags
- automatic tagging using Deepdanbooru
- associate an external image viewer
- support multiple galleries
- doesn't affect the files in the gallery
- support sorting
- custom tag grabber
- predefined add Tag list
- built-in image viewer
- in the settings window, select the folder containing the images, click on manual scan
- go to https://github.com/SchneeHertz/deepdanbooru-flask/releases/latest download DeepDanbooru-flask server, run it, and keep the cmd window open(close it when you don't want to get tags)
- Wait for the server to finish testing in the settings dialog, and click Get Tags.
- the top search bar supports search tags and file paths, the left side can switch between galleries
- Left click on the picture to open the details, right click to open the built-in viewer (can be switched in the settings)
- The navigation function of the built-in browser is currently limited to keyboard operation, with the left and right arrow keys switching and Ctrl+right key randomly switching to the next
- archive search results