ScoreSaber is Beat Saber's largest leaderboard system for custom songs, hosting 60 million scores across 170,000+ leaderboards, with more than 1 million users worldwide
Installing ScoreSaber on Beat Saber is relatively quick and easy. You need to install the mod onto your game, but before you go and install any mod, make sure to run the game at least once. This applies to reinstalling your game too.
',4),U=o("Next, it is strongly recommended to use the ModAssistant installer, available "),I={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},E=o("here"),R=o(" to get the ScoreSaber mod up and running."),x=e("div",{class:"custom-container warning"},[e("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"\u{1F4A1} For safety, only install mods from this application since they are approved and verified mods.")],-1),D=e("p",null,[e("img",{src:h,alt:"Mod Assistant"})],-1),V=e("p",null,"When this is done installing, you can go ahead and launch Beat Saber.",-1),X={class:"custom-container tip"},P=e("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"Need help with Plugins/Mods?",-1),C=o("Please head over to the "),K={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},N=o("BSMG Wiki"),Q=o(" for a detailed guide on Modding."),J=e("hr",null,null,-1),M=e("p",null,[o("After the game is loaded, head over to Solo. If everything went well, you should see a new banner on the top of the leaderboards with the ScoreSaber logo, like so: "),e("img",{src:u,alt:"Logged In"})],-1),T=e("p",null,"Congratulations! You are now fully ready to use the ScoreSaber mod and submit scores onto custom maps!",-1),q=o("Head over to "),W=o("Using ScoreSaber"),O=o(" to learn more about ScoreSaber's website, mod, and all their functions."),G=s('
Make sure you're on the exact version ScoreSaber was made for otherwise it will not work! \u26A0\uFE0F Do not put your Steam/Oculus login information into anything that isn't Steam/Oculus!
',4),Y=o("If you are on a supported game version for using ScoreSaber on Quest and your game has BMBF ready, please head over to the "),Z={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},z=o("ScoreSaber for Quest Page"),L=o(" on how to install ScoreSaber for Quest."),F=o("Your Quest Beat Saber is not modded or first time using Modded Beat Saber for native Quest?"),H=e("br",null,null,-1),j=o(" Please head over to the "),$={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},ee=o("BSMG Wiki"),oe=o(' for a detailed guide on "Quest Modding"'),te=e("h2",{id:"using-scoresaber",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#using-scoresaber","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),o(" Using ScoreSaber")],-1),ae=e("strong",null,"The ScoreSaber website is available at",-1),se=o(),re={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},ne=o(""),ie=s('
With the ScoreSaber mod, you have access to various leaderboards within maps. This is to help players identify with ease how they compete with others around the world. You can use the icons on the left of each leaderboard to filter the scores that are shown:
- Global leaderboard of selected map
- The scores around yours
- The scores from your friends
- The scores from your local country
On each leaderboard, you can use the Up and Down arrow on top and bottom of the icon list to scroll through the different shown score pages.
You can also click on an individual Score, via the button at the right side to see more information about the score, such as:
On the Top right of the newly opened Window, you can also open the Users Profile, indicated by the card icon:
To be able to see and edit your ScoreSaber profile, you must first submit a score on a custom map. Doing so will automatically create your profile based on your Steam or Oculus information, and add you onto the leaderboards.
On your profile, you should be able to see the following: Your username, profile picture, total amount of pp earned, global & local ranking and various other statistics about the scores you submitted to ScoreSaber.
',22),le=o("If you would like more stats or features added to ScoreSaber and to profiles, make sure to first check if this wasn't already suggested "),de={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},ce=o("here"),he=o(", and create a request about said feature."),ue=e("h3",{id:"badges-and-biography",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#badges-and-biography","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),o(" Badges and Biography")],-1),pe=e("p",null,[o("While browsing on various ScoreSaber profiles, you may come across profiles which look like this: "),e("img",{src:k,alt:"Profile badges"})],-1),ge=e("p",null,"All the icons that are seen on this profile header are badges. You can earn a badge by either achieving a rewarding rank during a community event such as a tournament, or by simply becoming a ScoreSaber supporter on patreon. Doing so will also add the possibility to have and edit a biography in order to personalize your ScoreSaber profile even more.",-1),be={class:"custom-container tip"},Ae=e("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"\u{1F4A1} TIP",-1),_e=o("For more information on the perks given to supporters, please check our "),me={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},fe=o("patreon page"),Se=o("."),we=e("h2",{id:"whats-next",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#whats-next","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),o(" Whats next?")],-1),ye=o("Now that you're all set-up and ready to go, you can start using ScoreSaber and compete with everyone else!"),ke=e("br",null,null,-1),ve=o(" If you wish to learn more about the ranking process and how are things calculated, there is a more in depth guide from our wiki available "),Be=o("here"),Ue=o(".");function Ie(Ee,Re){const a=i("ExternalLinkIcon"),r=i("RouterLink");return d(),c("div",null,[B,e("p",null,[U,e("a",I,[E,t(a)]),R]),x,D,V,e("div",X,[P,e("p",null,[C,e("a",K,[N,t(a)]),Q])]),J,M,T,e("p",null,[q,t(r,{to:"/beginners-guide.html#using-scoresaber"},{default:n(()=>[W]),_:1}),O]),G,e("p",null,[Y,e("a",Z,[z,t(a)]),L]),e("p",null,[F,H,j,e("a",$,[ee,t(a)]),oe]),te,e("p",null,[ae,se,e("a",re,[ne,t(a)])]),ie,e("p",null,[le,e("a",de,[ce,t(a)]),he]),ue,pe,ge,e("div",be,[Ae,e("p",null,[_e,e("a",me,[fe,t(a)]),Se])]),we,e("p",null,[ye,ke,ve,t(r,{to:"/ranking-system.html"},{default:n(()=>[Be]),_:1}),Ue])])}const De=l(v,[["render",Ie],["__file","beginners-guide.html.vue"]]);export{De as default};
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+const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-58e1e27c","path":"/beginners-guide.html","title":"Beginners Guide","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"Installing ScoreSaber","slug":"installing-scoresaber","children":[{"level":3,"title":"PC","slug":"pc","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"ScoreSaber for Quest","slug":"scoresaber-for-quest","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Using ScoreSaber","slug":"using-scoresaber","children":[{"level":3,"title":"In-Game Song Leaderboards","slug":"in-game-song-leaderboards","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"In-Game ScoreSaber Overview","slug":"in-game-scoresaber-overview","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"ScoreSaber Profile","slug":"scoresaber-profile","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Badges and Biography","slug":"badges-and-biography","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Whats next?","slug":"whats-next","children":[]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":""}');export{e as data};
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+import{_ as o,o as l,c as a,a as e,b as t,w as h,d as i,e as d,r as n}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const f={},c=e("h1",{id:"difficulty-spread-requirements",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#difficulty-spread-requirements","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),i(" Difficulty Spread Requirements")],-1),u=i("Looking for the Mapping Criteria? The ScoreSaber Mapping Criteria "),m=i("can be found here"),p=e("h2",{id:"explanation",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#explanation","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),i(" Explanation")],-1),g=e("p",null,"A mapset must contain a reasonable difficulty progression starting from the highest difficulty level submitted for rank and ending at or below the lowest difficulty level required for the song's length, following the rules outlined in Progression Requirements.",-1),y=i("Difficulty is measured in Swings per Second (SPS) with the "),b={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},_=i("Swings per Second Calculator"),v=i(". Place the calculator inside the map folder or a folder containing the zipped map files and run, or run the calculator on the command line with \u201C--help\u201D to see more options. The overall combined SPS is considered the SPS for the map. "),S=e("li",null,"If it does not print, it is likely because there are special characters in the info.dat. Workaround: Run the calculator on the zipped files instead.",-1),w={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},k=i("Source Code"),x=i(" if you would like to build it yourself or run on a non-Windows platform."),q=e("li",null,"Song length is defined as the length listed in the official metadata of the song, or the time difference between the start of the first significant musical element and the end of the last significant musical element if the official metadata is not available.",-1),P=d('
Starting from the highest SPS difficulty submitted for rank, there must be a difficulty or difficulties following the progression requirements until either the SPS Requirements or the Total Downmap Requirements are met.
If the song length is less than 2:00.0, the lowest difficulty submitted for rank must have less than 3.20 SPS.
If the song length is 2:00.0 to 3:59.99, the lowest difficulty submitted for rank must have less than 4.20 SPS.
If the song length is 4:00.0 to 5:59.99:
If the top difficulty submitted for rank has 5.20 SPS or more, there must be at least one lower difficulty that follows the progression requirements.
If the top difficulty submitted for rank has less than 5.20 SPS, the mapset is exempt from difficulty and progression requirements. However, mapping multiple difficulties is still encouraged.
If the song length is 6:00.0 or more, the mapset is exempt from difficulty and progression requirements. However, mapping multiple difficulties is still encouraged.
If the song length is less than 4:00.0, the lowest difficulty submitted for rank must have a minimum SPS reduction of 60% from the highest SPS difficulty submitted for rank.
If the song length is 4:00.0 to 5:59.99, the SPS Requirements should be applied instead.
If the song length is 6:00.0 or greater, the mapset is exempt from difficulty and progression requirements. However, mapping multiple difficulties is still encouraged.
As one progresses down from the highest difficulty in the mapset, these rules should be followed:
The overall swings per second in the interactive portion of the map must be decreased by 10.00-40.00% from the previous difficulty.
An exception can be made if the SPS decreases by less than 10% but the effective BPM of the highest effective BPM sections decreases by more than 40%. This primarily concerns cases where high effective BPM one-handed sections are converted into lower effective BPM sections that utilize both hands.
The mapping in periods of peak difficulty must be made easier.
The average effective BPM in the hardest section(s) must decrease OR the hardest sections should be made significantly shorter.
The average effective BPM must decrease.
Complexity, the difficulty involved in reading and executing the movements required to hit the notes, must not increase, unless justified by a large decrease in other components of difficulty.
The duration of the period(s) of peak difficulty must not significantly increase, unless justified by a large decrease in other components of difficulty.
The overall interactive object density should decrease.
Spacing, the distance between successive notes of the same color on the 4x3 grid, should not increase within a section if the average effective BPM remains the same in that section.
If the spread causes the mapset to exceed the 5 difficulty limit, the easiest or hardest additional levels should be placed in a separate mapset.
All difficulty labels must be appropriately named in relation to the difficulty of the map they represent.
Difficulty labels must not contain obscene content including derogatory terms, sexual content, or other explicit terminology.
Having multiple guest difficulties of the same relative difficulty is okay, as long as all difficulties are appropriately named to reflect their difficulty.
All difficulties in the mapset going for rank must go through the ranking process at the same time, and all decisions are final once any difficulties in the mapset are ranked.
Any difficulties which are not going for rank must not be inserted between difficulties going for rank. This includes lightshows, challenge difficulties, difficulties that require external mods, etc.
',12);function R(T,B){const r=n("RouterLink"),s=n("ExternalLinkIcon");return l(),a("div",null,[c,e("blockquote",null,[e("p",null,[u,t(r,{to:"/ranking/criteria/mapping-criteria.html"},{default:h(()=>[m]),_:1})])]),p,g,e("ul",null,[e("li",null,[y,e("a",b,[_,t(s)]),v,e("ul",null,[S,e("li",null,[e("a",w,[k,t(s)]),x])])]),q]),P])}const M=o(f,[["render",R],["__file","difficulty-spread-requirements.html.vue"]]);export{M as default};
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+const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-6b9aed7a","path":"/ranking/criteria/difficulty-spread-requirements.html","title":"Difficulty Spread Requirements","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"Explanation","slug":"explanation","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Lowest Required Difficulty Level","slug":"lowest-required-difficulty-level","children":[{"level":3,"title":"SPS Requirements","slug":"sps-requirements","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"OR","slug":"or","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Total Downmap Requirements","slug":"total-downmap-requirements","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Progression Requirements","slug":"progression-requirements","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Miscellaneous","slug":"miscellaneous","children":[]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":"ranking/criteria/"}');export{e as data};
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+import{_ as i,o as h,c as d,a as e,b as t,w as n,e as l,d as a,r as s}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const c={},p=l('
PPv3 is essentially the new algorithm which is aimed to be used to assign star rating to ranked maps. It is currently being developed by Umbranox and his PPv3 team. Considering the complexity of various elements slowing down the process of making PPv3 available, there is currently no ETA as to when it will come into place.
Scores which are submitted to the Beat Saber original soundtracks are not submitted to ScoreSaber for various reasons. This makes them ineligible for ranking as no ScoreSaber leaderboard is available for them to be a part of ranked maps.
Replays over time take up a very considerable amount of storage space and ScoreSaber only has so much of it in its current state. There are too many maps available and storing all of them would be unhealthy for the well-being of ScoreSaber servers.
Positive modifiers (Ghost Notes, Disappearing Arrows, Faster Song) are only enabled on both ranked Overkills. You can still set scores on other songs with modifiers, but only your base score is considered for scoring and PP calculations. Negative modifiers (No Fail, Slower Song, etc.), always apply.
There are many reasons as to this is a bad idea. It was attempted in the past and failed. It took almost a year to clean up all the unplayable and mistimed maps that got auto-ranked. In addition, ScoreSaber\u2019s servers would not be able to handle the processing load of auto-ranking all maps, this goes along the replays being only available to ranked maps.
',12),m=a("That means the map is most likely not ranked. If you would like to see those maps ranked in order to gain PP from them, please reach out to the mapper and ask if it could be a possibility for them to push their map for rank via the "),u=a("ranking process"),b=a("."),f=e("h2",{id:"why-can-a-map-not-be-unranked",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#why-can-a-map-not-be-unranked","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(" Why can a map not be unranked?")],-1),g=e("p",null,"There are three main reasons why a map cannot be unranked, one benefiting each of the player, mapper, and team. The first reason is because players have to put time into a map to get a good score, and would be discouraged from doing that if there is a threat of the map being unranked. The second is because mappers would likely be less inclined to spend the time pushing a map for rank if their map could be unranked. The last reason is because the ranking team would have to check over every map for every new issue outlined in criteria. This would be a large use of resources which would be better spent ranking new maps, which eventually will make the map pool large enough for players to be able to pick which maps to play.",-1),y=e("h2",{id:"how-can-i-get-unbanned-from-ranking-maps",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#how-can-i-get-unbanned-from-ranking-maps","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(" How can I get unbanned from ranking maps?")],-1),k=a("To get unbanned read the terms and conditions stated "),w=a("here"),_=a(" and submit an unban request in the following form "),v={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},x=a("here"),S=e("h2",{id:"i-have-feedback-that-i-d-like-to-give-on-a-map-what-do-i-do",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#i-have-feedback-that-i-d-like-to-give-on-a-map-what-do-i-do","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(" I have feedback that I'd like to give on a map what do I do?")],-1),T=a("Most mappers are open to feedback, so don't hesitate to DM them through their available socials. Please keep criticism constructive. Try to "),P=a("follow the QAT Guidelines here"),q=a(" in order to write constructive and actionable feedback."),I=e("h2",{id:"why-is-there-so-much-japanese-music-on-scoresaber",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#why-is-there-so-much-japanese-music-on-scoresaber","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(" Why is there so much Japanese music on ScoreSaber?")],-1),W=e("p",null,"Japan has a long history of rhythm games, thus has many music producers that make music influenced by rhythm games and/or specifically for rhythm games a lot of the times. These songs tend to be high-tempo and include a variety of rhythms to map, which makes them generally more appealing to mappers since they are better and easier to work with. If you're dissatisfied about the current state of the available map pool, be the change you want to see and map the songs of the genres you feel are lacking for ranked.",-1),N=e("h2",{id:"where-can-i-request-a-new-feature-or-report-a-bug",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#where-can-i-request-a-new-feature-or-report-a-bug","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(" Where can I request a new feature or report a bug?")],-1),R=a("Please open "),B={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},E=a("our canny page"),L=a(" for submitting Feature Requests, Website Bug Reports or in-game Bug Reports.");function F(V,A){const o=s("RouterLink"),r=s("ExternalLinkIcon");return h(),d("div",null,[p,e("p",null,[m,t(o,{to:"/"},{default:n(()=>[u]),_:1}),b]),f,g,y,e("p",null,[k,t(o,{to:"/ranking/ranking-unban-system-and-terms.html"},{default:n(()=>[w]),_:1}),_,e("a",v,[x,t(r)])]),S,e("p",null,[T,t(o,{to:"/ranking/qat-guidelines.html"},{default:n(()=>[P]),_:1}),q]),I,W,N,e("p",null,[R,e("a",B,[E,t(r)]),L])])}const J=i(c,[["render",F],["__file","faq.html.vue"]]);export{J as default};
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+const e=JSON.parse(`{"key":"v-092a1d7c","path":"/faq.html","title":"Frequently asked questions","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"What is PPv3, and when is it coming?","slug":"what-is-ppv3-and-when-is-it-coming","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Why are the OST maps not ranked?","slug":"why-are-the-ost-maps-not-ranked","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Why are replays only available on ranked maps?","slug":"why-are-replays-only-available-on-ranked-maps","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"How do modifiers work with ScoreSaber?","slug":"how-do-modifiers-work-with-scoresaber","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Why not autorank every map?","slug":"why-not-autorank-every-map","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"I played all these maps but they give 0pp?","slug":"i-played-all-these-maps-but-they-give-0pp","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Why can a map not be unranked?","slug":"why-can-a-map-not-be-unranked","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"How can I get unbanned from ranking maps?","slug":"how-can-i-get-unbanned-from-ranking-maps","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"I have feedback that I'd like to give on a map what do I do?","slug":"i-have-feedback-that-i-d-like-to-give-on-a-map-what-do-i-do","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Why is there so much Japanese music on ScoreSaber?","slug":"why-is-there-so-much-japanese-music-on-scoresaber","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Where can I request a new feature or report a bug?","slug":"where-can-i-request-a-new-feature-or-report-a-bug","children":[]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":""}`);export{e as data};
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+import{_ as r,o,c as i,a as e,b as n,w as s,d as a,e as d,r as h}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const l={},c=e("h1",{id:"formatting-and-metadata-criteria",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#formatting-and-metadata-criteria","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(" Formatting and Metadata Criteria")],-1),m=a("Looking for the Mapping Criteria? The ScoreSaber Mapping Criteria "),u=a("can be found here"),p=d(`
The data on external sources do not have to abide by these rules, but should be kept relevant to the song and artist. You may add additional tags and other information. The metadata rules in this document are for in-game purposes.
Official metadata should be used in all fields, then follow the formatting as explained below. In the case of a contradiction, follow the official metadata. In the case that the official metadata uses unsearchable characters (anything besides A-Z, 0-9) then please refer to Unsearchable characters, translations, and romanization below.
In the vast majority of cases, song metadata should follow this format:
levelAuthorName: Mapper
+songAuthorName: Artist of the song
+songName: Song name
+songSubName: All following tags: (Short Ver.), (ft. Hatsune Miku), etc.
If there are multiple tags, then put them alongside each other in the songSubName in any order. Do not add any tags that are not specified in this document or the official metadata. The type(s) of brackets and other typographical marks used in tags, if used, should follow the official metadata if available.
If the track is modified in such a way that it is similar enough to an official version of the track, the source metadata of that version of the track should be used.
If the track is a shortened version of the full version of the track for the purpose of animation openings or endings, then (TV Size) must be added to the songSubName.
+songName: HETENA
+songSubName: (TV Size)
If the track is simply shortened, then (Short Edit) or (Short Ver.) must be added to the songSubName. If the original track metadata already has a length designation, (Short Edit) or (Short Ver.) must replace the original length designation.
songAuthorName: VINXIS
+songName: Sidetracked Day
+songSubName: (Short Edit)
If the track is extended in some way, (Extended Edit) or (Extended Ver.) must be added to the songSubName. If the original track metadata already has a length designation, (Extended Edit) or (Extended Ver.) must replace the original length designation.
Vocaloids are rarely the sole artist for a song. The producer or artist must be placed in the songAuthorName, and the Vocaloid featured must be added to the songSubName.
And (or &) is commonly used to indicate a collaboration between the two artists. The source metadata should be followed as is. Do not replace an ampersand with \u201Cand\u201D or vice versa.
Featuring (aka. feat. / ft.) is commonly used to indicate a collaboration between the two artists. This can appear in both the artist name and the title name. Always put the feat/ft. Sections inside songSubName.
Character Voice (CV) is typically used when the vocalist is singing under the alias of a character from a show. This is rarely consistent so is enforced as such, in spite of official metadata.
The correct way to format CV designations is to use the romanised name of the character within brackets, followed by the romanised name of the vocalist with CV: as a prefix, in brackets.
When there are two or more contributors, each contributor can be named individually as long as the in-game character limit is not exceeded; in doing so, all contributor names must be present and separated with the correct punctuation.
Should the character limit be exceeded, the levelAuthorName must be replaced with "Various Mappers" or an alternative group name, and all contributors must be credited on the relevant beatmap source pages or listed inside custom DAT file fields.
Alternative group names are allowed for a collaboration of 2 contributors or more. A group name must not exceed the character limit unless the group name is 15 characters or less.
# Unsearchable characters, translations, and romanization
Official metadata should be used in all fields, even if it contains unsearchable characters, as long as there is a significant string of searchable characters in each field. In all cases, official translations of metadata, as well as romanization, can both be used at the mapper's discretion. "Significant string" will be defined on a case-by-case basis where searchability of the string is prioritized.
If the official metadata for any field does not contain any searchable characters, then official translations or romanization should be used. We will use "\u30D2\u30A2\u30BD\u30D3" by \u304B\u3081\u308A\u3042 as an example here.
All cases where a map would break any metadata criteria, but cannot be changed in a way that would adhere to the metadata criteria for any reason, will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
`,90);function g(x,f){const t=h("RouterLink");return o(),i("div",null,[c,e("blockquote",null,[e("p",null,[m,n(t,{to:"/ranking/criteria/mapping-criteria.html"},{default:s(()=>[u]),_:1})])]),p])}const v=r(l,[["render",g],["__file","formatting-and-metadata.html.vue"]]);export{v as default};
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+const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-7510c06a","path":"/ranking/criteria/formatting-and-metadata.html","title":"Formatting and Metadata Criteria","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"Rules","slug":"rules","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Regular Use Case","slug":"regular-use-case","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Track is a remix or other musical modification of the original","slug":"track-is-a-remix-or-other-musical-modification-of-the-original","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-1","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Track is a cover","slug":"track-is-a-cover","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-2","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Track has an official length modification","slug":"track-has-an-official-length-modification","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-3","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Track has an unofficial length modification","slug":"track-has-an-unofficial-length-modification","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-4","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-5","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-6","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Track is a mashup","slug":"track-is-a-mashup","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Examples:","slug":"examples","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Track has vocals from a Vocaloid","slug":"track-has-vocals-from-a-vocaloid","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-7","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Track has multiple artists","slug":"track-has-multiple-artists","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Comma separation","slug":"comma-separation","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"vs. (Versus)","slug":"vs-versus","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"With","slug":"with","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"And (or &)","slug":"and-or","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Feat (or ft.)","slug":"feat-or-ft","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"CV (Character Voice)","slug":"cv-character-voice","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Track has 3 or more artists","slug":"track-has-3-or-more-artists","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-13","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Map has multiple contributors","slug":"map-has-multiple-contributors","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-14","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Unsearchable characters, translations, and romanization","slug":"unsearchable-characters-translations-and-romanization","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Example of acceptable, searchable metadata:","slug":"example-of-acceptable-searchable-metadata","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Other examples of searchable metadata:","slug":"other-examples-of-searchable-metadata","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Example of official translation:","slug":"example-of-official-translation","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Example of romanization:","slug":"example-of-romanization","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Example:","slug":"example-15","children":[]}]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":"ranking/criteria/"}');export{e as data};
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+import{_ as s,o as d,c as h,a as e,b as t,w as n,d as a,e as m,r as i}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const p="/assets/discord-modding.4be99099.png",u="/assets/mod-example.698338a4.png",l="",c="/assets/leaderboard-id-format.b736f50c.png",g={},f=e("h1",{id:"how-do-i-get-my-map-ranked",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#how-do-i-get-my-map-ranked","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(" How do I get my map ranked?")],-1),y=e("p",null,"Before you consider pushing your first map for ranked, make sure to first fulfill these basic pre-requisitions:",-1),k=e("li",null,"The map is made and fully finished",-1),w=a("The map seems to meet every point from the "),b=a("ranking criteria"),v=e("li",null,"The map was play-tested by players and appear to not have any issues",-1),A=e("div",{class:"custom-container tip"},[e("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"TIP"),e("p",null,"Once all the above-mentioned points are met, you can go ahead and read the rest of this page on on how to get your map modded and eventually ranked.")],-1),x=e("h2",{id:"what-is-modding",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#what-is-modding","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(' What is "modding"?')],-1),T=a("Modding is a term borrowed from osu!. It is the process of reviewing and providing feedback for a map via editor and/or in-game analysis. Maps have to go through this process to eventually end up ranked in ScoreSaber. See "),q={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},J=a("this"),S=a(" guide to get started with modding maps."),I=e("h2",{id:"get-a-mod-from-a-ranking-team-member",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#get-a-mod-from-a-ranking-team-member","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(" Get a mod from a Ranking Team member")],-1),_=a("Before you contact a ranking team member in order to have your map ranked, please pay attention to their queue rules. A mod is a list of changes to make in a map that are issues within said map. It can range anywhere from playability issues to rank-ability issues with the "),N=a("ranking criteria"),O=a(". This step can generally take anywhere from an hour to a month depending on ranking team activity and song of choice. You work with the RT member to fix all the ranked issues with the maps and work through any listed playability issues. Generally requests are handled by looking for open ranking queues in ScoreSaber's Discord server. The green circles indicate queues that are open for maps."),Z=m('
Once you read the rules of the modder and made sure that your map matches said rules, send them a direct message asking for a spot in queue. Generally, having information like the song title, song artist, BPM, length of the song, number of difficulties going for rank, are helpful to include in your message since they can make team members more interested in choosing your maps. If a person from the team accepts your map, they will explicitly tell you they have. You shouldn't have multiple people modding your map at the same time to avoid having overlapping mods and wasting someone's time.
Student modding queues are from people who are working towards becoming a member of the ranking team. They have their mods checked by a member of the ranking team which acts as their mentor.
Student mods are a great way of getting ranking team eyes on a map, however this process takes extra time compared to a direct mod from a ranking team member. This doesn't guarantee the map will enter queue, it will depend on the student's mentor to decide if they want to help you ranking your map.
Once you have received the mod, acknowledge it and work to fix the map in a timely manner. Don't rush for fixes, but remember that fixing it when the map is still fresh in both you and the modder's mind can be beneficial in working towards a better map.
A mod will generally be a line by line list of issues with the map. Sorted by beat number, issue severity, and the issue itself. Example of a mod:
While everyone's system for making a mod is different, anything labeled as "Unrankable" or "Questionable" requires justification on the mapper's part as to why it is not fixed or why is it that way.
The mapper will make changes to their map and justify what they didn't change. While it is not required to make changes based on suggestions, doing so will generally make your map better, and the modder will appreciate his efforts being rewarded.
If a modder doesn't respond in a week or so feel free to remind them unless they have explicitly stated a timeframe they will be unavailable. Modder's have other obligations that require their time but things are occasionally forgotten.
Once all of the above is done, it is now time for the ranking team member to add your map into the ranking-queue. This doesn't mean your map will be ranked as is, but it will eventually end up ranked. The ranking team member should in the end be asking you for the leaderboard IDs.
Example of a leaderboard ID:
If your map consists of more than one difficulties, you will need to provide the ID of each difficulty, preferably in the following format:
# Wait for the map to go through the ranking-queue
At this point the mapper (you) may receive feedback in the form of a QAT downvote indicating that said map should be fixed. QAT votes affect queue position so having a positive rating is beneficial. If a map is re-uploaded, the initial modder who put the map in queue should be notified. Every new upload requires a new set of leaderboards so it is advised to take feedback in batches and upload when only needed. You should always reupload after fixing a map with ranking team or QAT.
Once the map reaches the top of queue, other ranking team members will mod through the map and find any issues within it. If you are sent a DM by someone on the ranking team, you should fix any issues with the map and reupload it. The new leaderboards should be sent to the last person who sent you a mod.
At 3 RT upvotes and 0 downvotes your map gets qualified. The map gets increased attention due to its qualified status and issues are generally presented to the mapper. The mapper can then reupload the map as necessary before the map is officially ranked. This period is of 7 days. If the map is reuploaded then the 7 day period is reset.
Congratulations! The 7 days of qualified period has passed, and your map is now considered ranked.
You must never make your ranked maps unavailable to players. If you violate this rule, you will be banned from ranking any maps on ScoreSaber in the future.
',25);function B(D,V){const o=i("RouterLink"),r=i("ExternalLinkIcon");return d(),h("div",null,[f,y,e("ol",null,[k,e("li",null,[w,t(o,{to:"/ranking/criteria/"},{default:n(()=>[b]),_:1})]),v]),A,x,e("p",null,[T,e("a",q,[J,t(r)]),S]),I,e("p",null,[_,t(o,{to:"/ranking/criteria/"},{default:n(()=>[N]),_:1}),O]),Z])}const R=s(g,[["render",B],["__file","how-to-rank-map.html.vue"]]);export{R as default};
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+const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-1b35bd3b","path":"/ranking/how-to-rank-map.html","title":"How do I get my map ranked?","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"What is \\"modding\\"?","slug":"what-is-modding","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Get a mod from a Ranking Team member","slug":"get-a-mod-from-a-ranking-team-member","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"(Optional) Get a mod from a Student","slug":"optional-get-a-mod-from-a-student","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Work on the map when you get the mod","slug":"work-on-the-map-when-you-get-the-mod","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Put the map in the ranking-queue","slug":"put-the-map-in-the-ranking-queue","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Wait for the map to go through the ranking-queue","slug":"wait-for-the-map-to-go-through-the-ranking-queue","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Your map is now ranked","slug":"your-map-is-now-ranked","children":[]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":"ranking/"}');export{e as data};
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The mapping criteria involves two sections: one for rules, and one for guidelines.
Rules are criteria that must be followed for a map to be considered rankable.
Guidelines are criteria that should be followed for a map to be considered rankable but can be broken under proper setup or justification.
Further included in this document are a glossary, addendum, and appendix.
The glossary includes definitions for important terms in the criteria.
The addendum includes suggestions that are not explicitly about rankability but can aid a map in getting through quality checks.
Note that while sections in the addendum do not have to be followed explicitly, excessive abuse of the suggestions can be reason for a map to be denied.
Lastly, the appendix includes examples and clarification of issues referenced in the mapping criteria.
Formatting for referencing criteria is as follows: (Main Section).(Subsection).(Criteria). The main section designations are R for rules, G for guidelines, and A for addendum. The subsections are designated by a number underneath each main section. Each individual criteria is ordered alphabetically under the subsection to which it applies.
For any comments, questions, or concerns about material included or not included within the criteria, feel free to message a member of the Criteria Assurance Team at ScoreSaber.
Mapset: A set of difficulty .dat files with one info.dat file that references them. Difficulty Spread: The set of difficulty levels present in the map. An example of a mapset with a 3 difficulty spread would be a mapset consisting of a Normal, Hard, and Expert difficulty. Gameplay Modifiers: Disappearing Arrows, Ghost Notes, Faster Song, etc. Game Mode: 360 Degrees, 90 Degrees, Standard, One Saber, etc. 4x3 Grid: The allowed 12 spaces for note placement in Standard mode.
BPM: Beats Per Minute. Defines the tempo of the song. Variable BPM: Describes songs which change BPM irregularly. Offset: The time difference between the start of the sound file and the beat of the song, used in the editor to align the beat lines with the beat of the song. Beat: 1 fraction of a minute as defined by the BPM of the song. (Timing) Precision: Precision, measured in fractions of a beat. For example, \xBC precision refers to \xBC of a beat. Effective BPM: The speed in which one hand is making a \xBD precision movement relative to the BPM. For example, the effective BPM of a \xBC precision 1 hand motion in a 100 BPM song would be 200 BPM.
Sliders: The effective bpm for a slider to the next note is defined as the distance from the last note of the slider to the next note of the same color as the slider.
Musical Element: Includes but not limited to: lyrics, sounds produced by instruments, and sounds that are part of a melody, harmony, or beat. Overmapping: Placing notes at timings other than those of the instrument(s) that are being followed. Undermapping: Mapping to a subset of timings of the instrument(s) that are being followed.
Objects: Bombs, notes, or walls. Interactive Objects: Bombs and notes, as well as walls that force you to dodge or duck. Hitbox: An invisible box around an object that is used to detect collisions and cuts. Swing path: The path of a swing used to hit a note. Can be divided into the Pre-cut swing and the follow-through swing.
Pre-cut swing: The portion of a swing before making contact with a note.
Follow-through swing: The portion of a swing after cutting through the note.
',19),x=e("strong",null,"On the same snap",-1),v=t(": Refers to motions that are intended to be made at the same point in time."),P=e("br",null,null,-1),T=e("strong",null,"Dot Note",-1),k=t(": The note type that can be scored on by a cut from any direction."),B=e("br",null,null,-1),M=e("strong",null,"Slider",-1),A=t(": A set of notes that follow each other at a set timing precision such that they appear at distinct timings but can still be hit with a single swing. "),S=t("EXAMPLE"),E=o(" Double directional: Two consecutive notes of the same color in the same direction. Reset: A motion where hand/arm position or rotation are adjusted without a corresponding note for that hand. Bomb reset: Using bombs to force a reset. Wrist reset: A motion where hand rotation is adjusted before or during a swing to enable a note to be hit. Pronation: The inward rotation of the arm which extends to about 90\xB0-100\xB0 from a palm down position. Supination: The outward rotation of the arm which extends to about 180\xB0-210\xB0 from a palm down position.",18),C=o('
Maps must not require the use of any external mods or programs to play. Maps must be designed to be played without any gameplay modifiers. Maps must be \u2018Standard\u2019 game mode maps.
',7),D=t("Multiple notes of the same color on the same swing must not be parallel to one another. "),R=t("EXAMPLE"),N=e("br",null,null,-1),j=t(" If there are multiple notes of the same color on the same swing, each note must lead into the expected cut direction of the next note."),L=e("br",null,null,-1),F=t(" Multiple notes of the same color on the same snap must not differ in cut direction from each other by more than 45 degrees."),I=e("br",null,null,-1),W=t(" Notes must not be placed in the pre-cut swing path of a note of the opposite color. "),G=t("EXAMPLE"),V=e("br",null,null,-1),q=t(" Notes should not be placed in the follow-through path of a note of the opposite color ("),X=t("EXAMPLE"),O=t(") unless the notes are on the same snap or there is sufficient time for the other color saber to swing clear of the note."),U=e("br",null,null,-1),H=t(" No patterns should have a swing path into the bad cut hitbox for a note of the same color in the same swing. Notes must not be placed inside walls or be completely blocked from the player\u2019s view by walls. A pattern must not induce a variation in swing speed within a single swing."),Q=e("br",null,null,-1),Y=t(" A pattern must not be at a significantly higher effective BPM than what is justified within the rest of the map."),J=e("h4",{id:"c-walls",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#c-walls","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),t(" C. Walls")],-1),K=t("There must not be a wall or combination of walls that force the player to take damage. "),z=t("EXAMPLE"),Z=e("br",null,null,-1),$=t(" There must not be a wall or combination of walls that force the player into the outside lanes of the playfield."),ee=e("br",null,null,-1),te=t(" Walls must have positive width."),ae=e("br",null,null,-1),ie=t(" Interactive walls must have a duration of at least 15ms. That allows for 1/16 precision up to 250BPM and \u215B precision up to 500BPM."),ne=e("br",null,null,-1),oe=t(" No part of a wall can lie outside the 4x3 grid."),se=e("h4",{id:"d-bombs",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#d-bombs","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),t(" D. Bombs")],-1),re=t("Bombs must not be placed such that they interfere with the pre-cut or follow-through swing for a note."),he=e("br",null,null,-1),le=t(" Bombs must not be placed in a way that forces a saber to stay outside the 4x3 grid in order to avoid contacting the bombs. "),de=t("EXAMPLE"),ce=e("br",null,null,-1),ue=t(" Bombs must be accompanied with an acceptable level of lighting."),pe=e("br",null,null,-1),me=t(" Bombs must not be placed inside of walls or be completely blocked from the player\u2019s view by walls."),fe=e("br",null,null,-1),ge=t(" Bombs may not overlap with other objects in game and must be placed at least 20 ms apart from other bombs in the same space. If the NJS is not too low, that allows for 1/16 precision up to 180 BPM and \u215B precision up to 360 BPM."),be=o('
The map\u2019s BPM must perfectly match one of the BPMs of the song or a multiple of one of the BPMs of the song. A map may use the effective BPM of a section during the map as the base BPM as long as the difficulty of the section represents the overall difficulty of the map. Maps with variable BPM timing must be timed as accurately as possible. The map\u2019s offset must be as close to perfect as possible.
All notes must be perfectly on time to a distinct sound in the music. The first note of a slider must be on time to the sound the slider is mapping. The precision of the following notes may be adjusted for playability.
Rhythmic overmapping is not allowed. A single sound cannot be represented by multiple notes unless those notes fall into a single swing. Simplifying timing inconsistencies to match an understandable rhythm is allowed if the inconsistencies do not arise from a BPM or rhythm change.
',10),_e=t("All rules on formatting are here"),we=e("h3",{id:"_5-difficulty-spread-requirements",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#_5-difficulty-spread-requirements","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),t(" 5. Difficulty Spread Requirements")],-1),ye=t("All rules on difficulty spread requirements are here"),xe=o('
A map must have an intro period of at least 1.5 seconds with no interactive objects. A map must have an outro period of more than 2 seconds, counting from the end of the last interactive object of the map. A map must have an outro period of less than 15 seconds, counting from the point the last object disappears or the last lighting element change.
A map\u2019s audio must not be modified to add excessive amounts of silence anywhere in the song. A map\u2019s audio must consist of musical elements set to an identifiable structure. The length of the map\u2019s audio, ignoring any added silence, must be longer than 20 seconds.
There must not be nudity, near-nudity, sexual references, extreme violence, gore, substance abuse, or any other form of explicit content anywhere in the files contained in the map. There must not be content that harasses or denigrates any individual or group anywhere in the files contained in the map.
For any game mode in a mapset with a difficulty going for rank:
Difficulty names must be clearly progressive and accurately indicative of their respective difficulties, excluding the highest difficulty.
Difficulty naming must follow a common theme relating to the song or map, unless the difficulty names are abbreviations of the default Beat Saber difficulty names.
If there are multiple difficulties with similar relative difficulty, the difficulty names must share a commonality that indicates that they are of the same relative difficulty.
Difficulty names must not be so long that they overlap with other UI elements.
Difficulty names must not exceed 30 characters in length.
Difficulty names must not solely consist of one or more usernames. Words that happen to be usernames are acceptable within difficulty names as long as they relate to the song.
All difficulties in a mapset that are going for rank must not contain any form of unfair modification via editing of the .dat file manually or through external mappers. This includes any form of custom walls, map reversal, and note jumping.
Each note in a slider should follow the previous note in the slider with the same timing precision. Sliders should have a speed similar to the general swing speed of the map or have a speed appropriate to the sound being mapped. Sliders should not have direction changes of more than 45 degrees. Sliders should not have more than one direction change.
',22),ve=t("There should be no patterns where the arc of the pre-cut swing on one hand overlaps with the pre-cut swing of the other hand. "),Pe=t("EXAMPLE"),Te=e("br",null,null,-1),ke=t(" There should be no patterns where the arc of the follow-through swing on one hand overlaps with the follow-through swing of the other hand. "),Be=t("EXAMPLE"),Me=o('
Notes and bombs should not impede vision of other interactive objects without an indication and/or implication of where and what the blocked objects will be.
Patterns and sections of a map should not excessively overrepresent the music. Patterns and sections of a map should not excessively exceed the difficulty of the rest of the map unless supported by the music.
Bombs should be mapped to a musical element unless used to clarify a reset or set up for a subsequent pattern. In those cases, the bombs should be mapped to a musical element wherever possible.
Repeated sections of music should feel similar, and similar sections should not play excessively differently unless there is some change in the music. Within a section, representation of a repeated sound with the same volume and pitch in the absence of other sounds should not excessively change. Mapping decisions around consistent representation should be understandable.
Varying the mapping as the music changes is important to musical representation. Big changes in the music should correspond to a change in the mapping. This does not require that patterns must change with every change in the music, nor does it disallow variation in sections where the music stays the same.
The patterns & lighting used should reflect the intensity level of the music being mapped. The intensity of the mapping in each section relative to other sections should be somewhat in line with the intensity of the music. Deviation is allowed as long as a section\u2019s intensity is not excessively raised or lowered relative to the intensity of the rest of the song.
Thin walls, which have close to 0 duration, are not allowed because they do not consistently damage the player. Fake walls, which have negative width, are not allowed because they are not an intended part of the base game. Fast walls, which have negative duration, are not allowed because they are not an intended part of the base game.
Sufficient lighting means that some form of lighting that follows the music should be present in sections of the map that contain interactive objects. Any form of automatic light generation that creates lighting that fits this criteria is allowed.
When a note is vision blocked, the location should always be deducible from previous note placements. When a note is vision blocked, the cut direction should always be deducible from previous note placements, unless the note is a dot note.
The Modding Queue Category on our Discord Server is a category designed to promote individual Modding queues and to advertise open mods from people willing to take them.
If you wish to request a slot from a modder, please DM them, and they'll (hopefully) get back to you on whether they decide to take your offer.
Please always make changes to your map, and if you aren't, please provide ample justification! Please respect the modders!
Modding is a term borrowed from osu!. It is the process of reviewing and providing feedback for a map (for rankability or just general improvement) via editor and in-game analysis.
',7),c={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},h=o("See this guide"),m=o(" to get started with modding."),p=e("h2",{id:"requirements-rules",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#requirements-rules","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),o(" Requirements & Rules")],-1),f=e("p",null,[o("Please send "),e("code",null,'"Dog" (AFriendlyPug#7901)'),o(" via Discord the following items when requesting a Modding queue:")],-1),g=o("A link to your "),_={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},y=o("ScoreSaber"),b=o(" account, if it exists."),w=e("li",null,"Two map links or two map files. Maps must be serious and have reasonable effort put in.",-1),v=e("div",{class:"custom-container tip"},[e("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"We expect at least basic understanding and use of timing, consistency, and correct use of rhythm choices.")],-1),q=e("ul",null,[e("li",null,[e("p",null,"Response times can range from 1-5 days.")]),e("li",null,[e("p",null,"If you do not send at least the second item you will not be eligible for a community modding queue.")]),e("li",null,[e("p",null,"If you are a RT or QAT member or have a queue made for you before 04/01/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY), you are exempt from these requirements.")]),e("li",null,[e("p",null,"If you post anything inappropriate your channel will be removed, and you will be banned from requesting a new Modding queue.")])],-1);function k(x,M){const t=d("ExternalLinkIcon");return i(),r("div",null,[u,e("p",null,[e("a",c,[h,n(t)]),m]),p,f,e("ol",null,[e("li",null,[g,e("a",_,[y,n(t)]),b]),w]),v,q])}const S=a(l,[["render",k],["__file","modding-queue-information.html.vue"]]);export{S as default};
diff --git a/assets/modding-queue-information.html.85c17d16.js b/assets/modding-queue-information.html.85c17d16.js
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+const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-7d4771f0","path":"/ranking/modding-queue-information.html","title":"Modding Queue Information","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"What is this about?","slug":"what-is-this-about","children":[{"level":3,"title":"What is Modding?","slug":"what-is-modding","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Requirements & Rules","slug":"requirements-rules","children":[]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":"ranking/"}');export{e as data};
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+import{_ as o,o as s,c as n,a as e,b as a,e as r,d as t,r as h}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const l={},p=r('
The goal of the QAT is to provide effective, fair feedback to mappers with the aim of curating the highest quality standard of maps in the ranked pool. While the goal is to provide objective feedback, there is no avoiding the fact that this job is subjective. Every person will hear something different in a song, and every person will feel differently about how well patterns play. To operate as a team, these guidelines list out what QAT members should consider for a map to be \u201Cquality\u201D.
Refer to this document when providing feedback on maps, and reach out to the team when you are unsure about a difficult decision.
As a member of the QAT, your actions represent the QAT and ScoreSaber as a whole. You are expected to carry yourself with respect and empathy when publicly interacting with the ranked system. Not only does kind, responsible behavior reflect well on yourself and the team- it also is far more effective at creating healthy change in a map.
It must be clear to mappers that it is \u201CUs vs. the map\u2019s problems\u201D, and not \u201CMe vs. You\u201D.
Our goal is to help mappers see the best version of their map.
This can only be done with active, direct communication with the mappers themselves. Leaving a comment and waiting for the mapper to see it and respond through #comment-response is not effective.
On the other hand, it is not the responsibility of the QAT to do the mapping for them.
QAT members can provide feedback and discuss with mappers all they want, but ultimately the mapper is the author of their work. Their solution may not be what you would choose, though it should at least improve their work. If a mapper consistently and intentionally ignores feedback, QAT downvotes serve as the consequence.
Phrasing is important for communication. The way a message is phrased can play a big role in how defensive or receptive a mapper is to your feedback. Identifying things you enjoy helps remind the mapper you are on their side. There are times for gentle suggestions, and times that call for stern feedback. For any case, remember to only criticise the work and not the mapper. Here are examples of well-phrased feedback:
\u201CBeat 120-121.5 plays poorly at this speed because of the sharp angle changes. You should slow down how aggressive angles change here when dealing with this speed.\u201D
\u201C0:30 - 0:40 in the song is less energetic than 0:40 on, but it has bigger swings due to it being on the ground. I suggest using middle-row up notes to keep the energy low.\u201D
\u201CThe hit at 367.25 is an extreme playability issue. At best it\u2019s hitbox abuse, at worst it\u2019s a handclap. This needs a less extreme swing.\u201D
\u201CThe pattern at 80 is awesome, and the section after it at 84 could use some more energy. Maybe think about repeating the pattern there to give 84 more life\u201D
Nothing about mapping is truly \u201Cobjective\u201D other than things explicitly detailed in the ranking criteria- i.e. being on-time. However, there are things that are almost always better to fix than to keep.
Mappers must be able to justify the intensity of patterns relative to each other within the map. A map\u2019s intensity should represent the music.
Rhythm choices must be logical and consistent. Changes in mapped rhythm must have intent and musical justification.
Patterns must be reasonably connected to the song and context of the map. Cases where individual patterns are very different from the rest of the map must make sense.
Lower difficulties must reasonably reduce the challenge of the map while maintaining a creative identity. Lower difficulties should not be a passing thought to make the top difficulty rankable.
Patterns must be readable. Vision blocking should always be balanced with context and intent.
Objective issues should be strongly defended. Objective issues should be mostly independent of the creative identity of a map- there should be ways for mappers to maintain their vision of their work while improving the objective quality of the map. Ranked maps should be reasonable to grind and replay while shooting for a high score; compromises must be made for challenging maps to be ranked. Objective issues should be raised without including \u201CI\u201D, or similar personal language.
Mapping is an art form- an expression of what the mapper sees in the music in the form of a Beat Saber level. Things that make a map unique are what mappers will fight to keep most. When treading into subjective territories, be sure to understand the identity of the map: What makes this map unique?
Patterns should be fair and playable. Extreme reaches and angles should be reasonable to play for the map\u2019s speed, and match the intensity of the music.
A map should flow as well as the music justifies. Erratic music can fit an erratic map with unpredictable flow, but playability cannot be sacrificed.
A map should have a reasonable difficulty curve that makes for a fair level. Spikes in difficulty should be clearly connected to musical intensity.
A map should clearly show effort. Visibly lazy/low effort content should not be tolerated. On the other hand, not every song fits complexity- some songs can reasonably connect to a simple map.
Subjective issues should be discussed with an open mind. Individuals may have different opinions about what \u201Cplays well\u201D. Understand that subjective issues may be entirely dismissed by mappers if it conflicts with their own understanding of mapping. Use your judgement on the severity of these issues when it comes to discussions. Subjective issues may be mentioned including \u201CI\u201D and similar personal language.
Every person hears something different in music, and therefore, every person will see a different map as \u201Cfitting\u201D of a song. There may be patterns that look uncomfortable or poorly flowing, but it is possible this is a deliberate choice made by the mapper. Concepts like this should be repeated, identifiable, and thematic. Before suggesting changes to unusual patterns, first think if there is a concept the mapper is trying to convey with those patterns. If they are repeated, identifiable, and thematic- there\u2019s a good chance that it is a deliberate choice made by the mapper and that removing them would be to remove the core idea of the map.
Feedback can take the form of generalized advice about the map\u2019s direction, or focus on specifics of individual patterns. Both forms are legitimate and valuable feedback to provide, but keep in mind that:
Generalized feedback provides the mapper freedom to change things while remaining in their own creative vision.
Generalized feedback should still describe a direction for the mapper to take. \u201C0-end remap\u201D leaves the mapper with no direction to follow, and provides no constructive feedback. *
Generalized feedback is less likely to lead to the exact changes you would choose yourself.
Generalized feedback can be frustrating for mappers to deal with if the feedback is very negative.
Generalized feedback can be difficult for mappers who struggle with english.
Specific feedback provides the mapper small, exact changes that improve the map\u2019s quality.
Specific feedback should give the mapper options, rather than providing one \u201Ccorrect choice\u201D. **
Specific feedback is most effective when the mapper handles the list of feedback as a checklist. If you run into problems of mappers skipping comments, suggest they tell why points are skipped.
Specific feedback should explain why there is a problem, not just state that there is a problem.
Specific feedback can make mappers feel less ownership of their work.
Specific feedback often repeats itself. Depending on the severity of the issue it is reasonable to mention every case that needs fixing, or just the first few and mention that the problem repeats.
An example of direction for generalized feedback would be: \u201CThe map struggles to control width throughout the song. Identify which parts of the song you want to be more intense, and save wide patterns for these sections.\u201D
An example of providing options rather than absolute choices would be: \u201CThe hit at 221 will play poorly at this speed due to the sharp angle the swings make. Consider making the angle red swings at more gentle. This could be from making 221\u2019s red diagonal, or making 220.5\u2019s red horizontal.\u201D (This level of detail is not necessary for experienced mappers)
No matter what the feedback is, it must be clearly communicated why you have downvoted and what fixes are needed to have the downvote removed.
No one is expected to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to skill. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to performance, and the same is true for mapping. There is no harm in skipping a map because you are not comfortable commenting on a map of that category (i.e. downmaps, high bpm, etc.).
There can be harm in upvoting a difficulty when you do not feel confident in your ability to judge its quality- both for maps too difficult or too easy for your skill level. Feel welcome to ask fellow team members for their opinions/insights on content that you do not feel experienced with; it is possible to learn what plays well for any skill level, even outside your own.
Here are some links to interesting videos on the topic of mapping (in osu!, but still relates):
',32),d={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},c=t(""),u=t(" - Good vs Fun (Very relevant)"),m={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},f=t(""),b=t(" - Variety"),g={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},w=t(""),y=t(" - Expectations & Context"),v={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},k=t(""),_=t(" - Emphasis & Managing Energy");function x(j,T){const i=h("ExternalLinkIcon");return s(),n("div",null,[p,e("p",null,[e("a",d,[c,a(i)]),u]),e("p",null,[e("a",m,[f,a(i)]),b]),e("p",null,[e("a",g,[w,a(i)]),y]),e("p",null,[e("a",v,[k,a(i)]),_])])}const A=o(l,[["render",x],["__file","qat-guidelines.html.vue"]]);export{A as default};
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+const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-737b7fdb","path":"/ranking/qat-guidelines.html","title":"ScoreSaber QAT Guidelines","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"Foreword","slug":"foreword","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"QAT Behavior","slug":"qat-behavior","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Objective qualities","slug":"objective-qualities","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Subjective qualities","slug":"subjective-qualities","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Mapper\u2019s vision","slug":"mapper-s-vision","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Big Picture vs Detail-focused","slug":"big-picture-vs-detail-focused","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Identifying your strengths","slug":"identifying-your-strengths","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Other Resources","slug":"other-resources","children":[]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":"ranking/"}');export{e as data};
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+import{_ as l,o as h,c as d,a as e,b as o,w as i,d as t,e as s,r}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const u={},c=e("h1",{id:"ranking-queue-rules",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#ranking-queue-rules","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),t(" Ranking Queue Rules")],-1),m=e("h2",{id:"general-information",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#general-information","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),t(" General Information")],-1),p=t("The current ScoreSaber ranking queue "),f={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},g=t("can be found here"),_=t("."),k=s('
The top 6 maps in the ranking queue can be qualified with sufficient votes from the ranking team.
If your map is in the top 6 of the ranking queue and you receive a mod from a Ranking Team member you will have 3 days to respond to the mod, and another 4 days after that to make the necessary changes to the map.
If you do not respond or are unable to make the changes in the set time span then your map will be taken out of queue.
This process is done to both encourage mappers to respond in a timely manner to comments, as well as streamline maps through the queue without a fear of reuploading.
Modding is a term borrowed from osu!. It is the process of reviewing and providing feedback for a map (for rankability or just general improvement) via editor and in-game analysis.
',4),w={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},y=t("See this guide"),b=t(" to get started with modding. \u2800"),v=e("h2",{id:"queuing-process-at-a-glance",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#queuing-process-at-a-glance","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),t(" Queuing Process at a Glance")],-1),q=e("p",null,[e("em",null,"From the point of creating the map through ranking it, here is the process you need to follow:")],-1),T=t("Read and follow to the best of your ability the "),x=t("ranking criteria rules and guidelines"),R=t("."),I=t("Use "),Q={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},A=t("Kival Evan's map checker"),S=t(" to check for common errors in your map."),M=e("li",null,"Once you are satisfied with the map, get it modded to find mistakes. Even if you cannot get a mod by a member of the Ranking Team, any mod can help your map towards rank.",-1),N=e("li",null,"Have a Ranking Team member mod your map, and make any changes deemed unrankable by the modder. Once they deem the map rankable, they will submit it to the request-feed.",-1),D=t("Stay alert to updates on your map by checking for comments in the rank request. This can be done by going to the "),E={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},L=t("Rank Requests Page"),B=t(" and finding your map."),C=e("li",null,[t("Mention any response you have to comments on your map in "),e("code",null,"via Direct Message"),t(" and look to make changes quickly as if you respond to the comment within 3 days, and make the changes within 4 days, you will maintain your spot in queue.")],-1),G=t("For a more in-depth guide on how to rank your first map please read: "),H=t("How do I get my map ranked?"),V=s('
If a Ranking Team member downvotes your map, the map will not be eligible for rank until the issues are resolved. Issues will be stated in the comments of the rank request, and any response to those comments should be made via Direct Message.
The team member who downvoted the map should also contact you, if they do not feel free to request it.
Once the changes are made, the map will become eligible for rank again with 3 votes qualifying the map. \u2800
QAT Upvotes will increase your position in queue, and QAT Downvotes will decrease your position in queue. QAT Downvotes will be accompanied with a comment explaining the reasons for the downvote.
In order for your map to be eligible for qualification, you must respond to, but not necessarily accept or implement, any comments associated with downvotes by QAT members.
If you wish to update your map in response to QAT comments or to make other map changes, you will retain queue position if you make changes within a 4 day period.
difficulties with multiple mappers count towards the limit for each mapper.
Downmaps, difficulties not going for rank, and lighting do not count towards this limit.
If you currently have more than 4 maps in queue you will have to wait till you have less than 4 to get anymore maps queued
Additional difficulties at or above the highest difficulty in the initial ranking request cannot be added to the request beyond two weeks from the initial request date without resetting to the bottom of the queue
',9),O=t("The current Technical Limitation Criteria "),F=t("can be found here");function P(U,W){const a=r("ExternalLinkIcon"),n=r("RouterLink");return h(),d("div",null,[c,m,e("p",null,[p,e("a",f,[g,o(a)]),_]),k,e("p",null,[e("a",w,[y,o(a)]),b]),v,q,e("ol",null,[e("li",null,[T,o(n,{to:"/ranking/criteria/"},{default:i(()=>[x]),_:1}),R]),e("li",null,[I,e("a",Q,[A,o(a)]),S]),M,N,e("li",null,[D,e("a",E,[L,o(a)]),B]),C]),e("p",null,[G,o(n,{to:"/ranking/how-to-rank-map.html"},{default:i(()=>[H]),_:1})]),V,e("p",null,[O,o(n,{to:"/ranking/criteria/technical-limitations-criteria.html"},{default:i(()=>[F]),_:1})])])}const K=l(u,[["render",P],["__file","ranking-queue-rules.html.vue"]]);export{K as default};
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7384ccf
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+++ b/assets/ranking-system.html.31aa24fd.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import{_ as r,o as s,c as i,a,b as t,w as n,e as h,d as e,r as l}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const d="/assets/pp-curve.7f289ebe.png",c={},p=h('
PP is awarded to players for submitting a score on ranked maps. To prevent skilled players from grinding hundreds of easier maps worth less PP to rank up, a curve is applied to your plays. This curve is available below, it shows the percentage of points you get relative to the assigned PP value of a map based on your performance on said map.
ScoreSaber calculates your total PP, which you can see next to your ScoreSaber profile, based on a weighted total of all your ranked map completions. Your highest PP play will give 100% of the PP earned from the play, but every play after that is weighted at a percentage 5% lower than the play above it. The weighting is 0.965(n-1), where n is the ranking of a specific play amongst all your PP plays. A new play will give PP at the weight based on its position in your ranked plays, but it also pushes down the weighting of plays below it. That is why your PP gains for completing ranked maps don\u2019t necessarily sum up with the numbers shown in your profile.
A global rank will be assigned to your profile. This rank is based on comparing the total amount of pp earned to every other player from all the active players around the globe.
A country rank is assigned to your profile based on your location at the moment of setting your first score. This rank, just like your global rank, is based on comparing the total amount of pp earned to every other active player from your country.
',10),u=e("The "),m=e("Ranking Team"),f=e(" ranks maps through a communal evaluation process. A map is first chosen by a team member to be checked; if the map seems to meet everything from the "),y=e("ranking criteria"),g=e(", it is then added to the "),_=e("ranking-queue"),b=e(" and will eventually reach the top of said queue until it is qualified with 3 upvotes. Once the map is qualified by the Nomination Assessment Team, a timer of 7 days is started for players to give feedback to the mapper. Finally, when the 7 day timer comes to an end, the map will be approved, and ranked."),k=a("p",null,[e("When a map is ranked, it is then assigned a Performance Points (commonly referred to as "),a("em",null,"PP"),e(") value based on an algorithm which determines the difficulty of said map, this is based on a variety of different factors.")],-1),w=a("h3",{id:"unranking-process",tabindex:"-1"},[a("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#unranking-process","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),e(" Unranking process")],-1),v=e("There isn't and will not be any unranking process on ScoreSaber. If you're curious as to why, please refer to this question in our "),P=e("FAQ"),S=e(". Currently, the only way maps could ever become unranked is if the mapper is banned from ScoreSaber. You can be banned for various reasons such has repeatedly breaking our "),x=e("rules"),T=e(", or making one of your ranked map unavailable to everyone. Since ScoreSaber does not support sharing custom maps between each-other, we rely on the availability of said map from the creator only."),q={class:"custom-container tip"},A=a("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"For any question that was not answered on this page please refer to our",-1),R=e("FAQ");function C(N,F){const o=l("RouterLink");return s(),i("div",null,[p,a("p",null,[u,t(o,{to:"/ranking/scoresaber-team-information.html#ranking-team-rt"},{default:n(()=>[m]),_:1}),f,t(o,{to:"/ranking/criteria/"},{default:n(()=>[y]),_:1}),g,t(o,{to:"/ranking/ranking-queue-rules.html"},{default:n(()=>[_]),_:1}),b]),k,w,a("p",null,[v,t(o,{to:"/faq.html#why-can-a-map-not-be-unranked"},{default:n(()=>[P]),_:1}),S,t(o,{to:"/rules.html"},{default:n(()=>[x]),_:1}),T]),a("div",q,[A,a("p",null,[t(o,{to:"/faq.html"},{default:n(()=>[R]),_:1})])])])}const B=r(c,[["render",C],["__file","ranking-system.html.vue"]]);export{B as default};
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-0e753d4c","path":"/ranking-system.html","title":"How does ScoreSaber and the PP system work?","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"Earning PP","slug":"earning-pp","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Global Ranking","slug":"global-ranking","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Country Ranking","slug":"country-ranking","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Ranking process","slug":"ranking-process","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Unranking process","slug":"unranking-process","children":[]}]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":""}');export{e as data};
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..782bf7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/ranking-unban-system-and-terms.html.603acf8c.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import{_ as t,o as r,c as s,a as e,b as o,e as i,d as a,r as h}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const l={},p=i('
When a mapper is accepted on appeal, they will have a limit of 1 mapset in the queue at a time. This restriction will last until the mapper has successfully gotten 3 mapsets ranked, in which case the restriction will be lifted. The mapper is allowed to rank any song they choose, including ones that might have been previously deleted by the same mapper, as long as the maps are rankable by current criteria. Maps previously deleted will not automatically be ranked again.
If a mapper does not wish to be fully unbanned, but will allow other mappers to use their assets such as lighting events and timing, they may apply for a partnership unban. Rules for a partnership unban are as follows: No person unbanned through partnerships may submit their own maps for rank under their name or another. Any map submitted for rank which includes someone unbanned through partnership must not be uploaded onto an account owned by the unbanned person. Persons unbanned through partnership must not make up greater than 50% of the mappers for a map submitted for rank.
If a mapper commits another bannable offense during or after the appeal process, that mapper will be permanently banned from both ranking and the appeal process.
Submitting an appeal does not mean that you will be moved to the appeal process, the ScoreSaber staff holds the right to deny an appeal from any mapper for any reason.
RT/QAT feedback should be responded to within 4 days of receiving the feedback via DM barring external circumstances
',6),d={class:"custom-container tip"},m=e("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"Info",-1),c=a("To submit a unban request, "),u={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},b=a("open the following form");function f(y,_){const n=h("ExternalLinkIcon");return r(),s("div",null,[p,e("div",d,[m,e("p",null,[c,e("a",u,[b,o(n)])])])])}const k=t(l,[["render",f],["__file","ranking-unban-system-and-terms.html.vue"]]);export{k as default};
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index 0000000..874c7b9
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+++ b/assets/ranking-unban-system-and-terms.html.8b520ea5.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-355e83f4","path":"/ranking/ranking-unban-system-and-terms.html","title":"Unban System and Terms","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"System","slug":"system","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Terms","slug":"terms","children":[]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":"ranking/"}');export{e as data};
diff --git a/assets/rules.html.081b5421.js b/assets/rules.html.081b5421.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7e4e4f
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+++ b/assets/rules.html.081b5421.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-56476c0a","path":"/rules.html","title":"Rules","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{},"excerpt":"","headers":[{"level":2,"title":"General Rules","slug":"general-rules","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Mappers with Ranked Maps","slug":"mappers-with-ranked-maps","children":[]}]},{"level":2,"title":"What Happens if I Break the Rules?","slug":"what-happens-if-i-break-the-rules","children":[]}],"git":{"updatedTime":1709736109000},"filePathRelative":""}');export{e as data};
diff --git a/assets/rules.html.47234536.js b/assets/rules.html.47234536.js
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import{_ as n,o as t,c as o,a as e,b as r,w as s,e as i,r as l,d as c}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const h={},d=i('
No multiaccounting. The first account you make during login is your one and only ScoreSaber account, from the moment of its creation and forevermore. This account is YOU. It is not anyone else. Don't share your account with anyone else.
Play fair. Using third-party utilities of any kind (any type of scripts, mods/plugins, applications, bots) to get any sort of advantage is not okay.
Be good to each other. Harassment or other antagonism has no place within the ScoreSaber community.
No 18+/NSFW Content This means 18+/NSFW content such as drug use or topics of a sexual nature are not allowed.
Where the rules do not prevail, common sense shall. The administration has explicit discretion to apply their judgment on this as they see fit.
You must never make your ranked maps unavailable to players. If you violate this rule, you will be banned from ranking any maps on ScoreSaber in the future.
You will be banned (either temporary or permanently).
',7),u={class:"custom-container warning"},p=e("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"If you are currently banned from ScoreSaber Ranking and want to get unbanned, please read the following:",-1),m=c("Ranking Unban System and Terms");function g(f,y){const a=l("RouterLink");return t(),o("div",null,[d,e("div",u,[p,e("p",null,[r(a,{to:"/ranking/ranking-unban-system-and-terms.html"},{default:s(()=>[m]),_:1})])])])}const b=n(h,[["render",g],["__file","rules.html.vue"]]);export{b as default};
diff --git a/assets/scoresaber-team-information.html.43d159d8.js b/assets/scoresaber-team-information.html.43d159d8.js
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import{_ as s,o as h,c as d,a as e,b as t,w as o,e as c,d as a,r}from"../app.e68a1260.mjs";const l={},m=c('
They are a group of mappers which take time to mod maps in order to make sure said maps follow every point from the ranking criteria. RT members also go through the ranking-queue and vote on maps that are meeting or not the ranking criteria. If errors are to be find, they will work with the mapper in order to resolve them.
They are a group of specialized players who play through the ranking-queue and vote on maps that are of high quality. Maps which have more QAT upvotes are more likely to be prioritized in the queue and get ranked faster. On the other hand, if QAT deems the map to be of "low quality", it will have a lower priority. The maps will eventually rise based on how long it has spent in the queue.
Until further notice the new map format will be unrankable. This will stay in place until we have adjusted the criteria and made/updated tools for the new format.
Maps must not break 350 BPM sustained
Maps must not break 13.5\u2B50difficulty
Maps must not break 11.5\u2B50difficulty without a QAT upvote on all ranked difficulties and receive 2/3 approval by RT and QAT
Installing ScoreSaber on Beat Saber is relatively quick and easy. You need to install the mod onto your game, but before you go and install any mod, make sure to run the game at least once. This applies to reinstalling your game too.
Next, it is strongly recommended to use the ModAssistant installer, available hereopen in new window to get the ScoreSaber mod up and running.
💡 For safety, only install mods from this application since they are approved and verified mods.
When this is done installing, you can go ahead and launch Beat Saber.
After the game is loaded, head over to Solo. If everything went well, you should see a new banner on the top of the leaderboards with the ScoreSaber logo, like so:
Congratulations! You are now fully ready to use the ScoreSaber mod and submit scores onto custom maps!
Head over to Using ScoreSaber to learn more about ScoreSaber's website, mod, and all their functions.
Make sure you're on the exact version ScoreSaber was made for otherwise it will not work! ⚠️ Do not put your Steam/Oculus login information into anything that isn't Steam/Oculus!
If you are on a supported game version for using ScoreSaber on Quest and your game has BMBF ready, please head over to the ScoreSaber for Quest Pageopen in new window on how to install ScoreSaber for Quest.
Your Quest Beat Saber is not modded or first time using Modded Beat Saber for native Quest? Please head over to the BSMG Wikiopen in new window for a detailed guide on "Quest Modding"
With the ScoreSaber mod, you have access to various leaderboards within maps. This is to help players identify with ease how they compete with others around the world. You can use the icons on the left of each leaderboard to filter the scores that are shown:
- Global leaderboard of selected map
- The scores around yours
- The scores from your friends
- The scores from your local country
On each leaderboard, you can use the Up and Down arrow on top and bottom of the icon list to scroll through the different shown score pages.
You can also click on an individual Score, via the button at the right side to see more information about the score, such as:
On the Top right of the newly opened Window, you can also open the Users Profile, indicated by the card icon:
To be able to see and edit your ScoreSaber profile, you must first submit a score on a custom map. Doing so will automatically create your profile based on your Steam or Oculus information, and add you onto the leaderboards.
On your profile, you should be able to see the following: Your username, profile picture, total amount of pp earned, global & local ranking and various other statistics about the scores you submitted to ScoreSaber.
If you would like more stats or features added to ScoreSaber and to profiles, make sure to first check if this wasn't already suggested hereopen in new window, and create a request about said feature.
While browsing on various ScoreSaber profiles, you may come across profiles which look like this:
All the icons that are seen on this profile header are badges. You can earn a badge by either achieving a rewarding rank during a community event such as a tournament, or by simply becoming a ScoreSaber supporter on patreon. Doing so will also add the possibility to have and edit a biography in order to personalize your ScoreSaber profile even more.
Now that you're all set-up and ready to go, you can start using ScoreSaber and compete with everyone else! If you wish to learn more about the ranking process and how are things calculated, there is a more in depth guide from our wiki available here.
PPv3 is essentially the new algorithm which is aimed to be used to assign star rating to ranked maps. It is currently being developed by Umbranox and his PPv3 team. Considering the complexity of various elements slowing down the process of making PPv3 available, there is currently no ETA as to when it will come into place.
Scores which are submitted to the Beat Saber original soundtracks are not submitted to ScoreSaber for various reasons. This makes them ineligible for ranking as no ScoreSaber leaderboard is available for them to be a part of ranked maps.
Replays over time take up a very considerable amount of storage space and ScoreSaber only has so much of it in its current state. There are too many maps available and storing all of them would be unhealthy for the well-being of ScoreSaber servers.
Positive modifiers (Ghost Notes, Disappearing Arrows, Faster Song) are only enabled on both ranked Overkills. You can still set scores on other songs with modifiers, but only your base score is considered for scoring and PP calculations. Negative modifiers (No Fail, Slower Song, etc.), always apply.
There are many reasons as to this is a bad idea. It was attempted in the past and failed. It took almost a year to clean up all the unplayable and mistimed maps that got auto-ranked. In addition, ScoreSaber’s servers would not be able to handle the processing load of auto-ranking all maps, this goes along the replays being only available to ranked maps.
That means the map is most likely not ranked. If you would like to see those maps ranked in order to gain PP from them, please reach out to the mapper and ask if it could be a possibility for them to push their map for rank via the ranking process.
There are three main reasons why a map cannot be unranked, one benefiting each of the player, mapper, and team. The first reason is because players have to put time into a map to get a good score, and would be discouraged from doing that if there is a threat of the map being unranked. The second is because mappers would likely be less inclined to spend the time pushing a map for rank if their map could be unranked. The last reason is because the ranking team would have to check over every map for every new issue outlined in criteria. This would be a large use of resources which would be better spent ranking new maps, which eventually will make the map pool large enough for players to be able to pick which maps to play.
To get unbanned read the terms and conditions stated here and submit an unban request in the following form hereopen in new window
# I have feedback that I'd like to give on a map what do I do?
Most mappers are open to feedback, so don't hesitate to DM them through their available socials. Please keep criticism constructive. Try to follow the QAT Guidelines here in order to write constructive and actionable feedback.
# Why is there so much Japanese music on ScoreSaber?
Japan has a long history of rhythm games, thus has many music producers that make music influenced by rhythm games and/or specifically for rhythm games a lot of the times. These songs tend to be high-tempo and include a variety of rhythms to map, which makes them generally more appealing to mappers since they are better and easier to work with. If you're dissatisfied about the current state of the available map pool, be the change you want to see and map the songs of the genres you feel are lacking for ranked.
# Where can I request a new feature or report a bug?
PP is awarded to players for submitting a score on ranked maps. To prevent skilled players from grinding hundreds of easier maps worth less PP to rank up, a curve is applied to your plays. This curve is available below, it shows the percentage of points you get relative to the assigned PP value of a map based on your performance on said map.
ScoreSaber calculates your total PP, which you can see next to your ScoreSaber profile, based on a weighted total of all your ranked map completions. Your highest PP play will give 100% of the PP earned from the play, but every play after that is weighted at a percentage 5% lower than the play above it. The weighting is 0.965(n-1), where n is the ranking of a specific play amongst all your PP plays. A new play will give PP at the weight based on its position in your ranked plays, but it also pushes down the weighting of plays below it. That is why your PP gains for completing ranked maps don’t necessarily sum up with the numbers shown in your profile.
A global rank will be assigned to your profile. This rank is based on comparing the total amount of pp earned to every other player from all the active players around the globe.
A country rank is assigned to your profile based on your location at the moment of setting your first score. This rank, just like your global rank, is based on comparing the total amount of pp earned to every other active player from your country.
The Ranking Team ranks maps through a communal evaluation process. A map is first chosen by a team member to be checked; if the map seems to meet everything from the ranking criteria, it is then added to the ranking-queue and will eventually reach the top of said queue until it is qualified with 3 upvotes. Once the map is qualified by the Nomination Assessment Team, a timer of 7 days is started for players to give feedback to the mapper. Finally, when the 7 day timer comes to an end, the map will be approved, and ranked.
When a map is ranked, it is then assigned a Performance Points (commonly referred to as PP) value based on an algorithm which determines the difficulty of said map, this is based on a variety of different factors.
There isn't and will not be any unranking process on ScoreSaber. If you're curious as to why, please refer to this question in our FAQ. Currently, the only way maps could ever become unranked is if the mapper is banned from ScoreSaber. You can be banned for various reasons such has repeatedly breaking our rules, or making one of your ranked map unavailable to everyone. Since ScoreSaber does not support sharing custom maps between each-other, we rely on the availability of said map from the creator only.
For any question that was not answered on this page please refer to our
A mapset must contain a reasonable difficulty progression starting from the highest difficulty level submitted for rank and ending at or below the lowest difficulty level required for the song's length, following the rules outlined in Progression Requirements.
Difficulty is measured in Swings per Second (SPS) with the Swings per Second Calculatoropen in new window. Place the calculator inside the map folder or a folder containing the zipped map files and run, or run the calculator on the command line with “--help” to see more options. The overall combined SPS is considered the SPS for the map.
If it does not print, it is likely because there are special characters in the info.dat. Workaround: Run the calculator on the zipped files instead.
Song length is defined as the length listed in the official metadata of the song, or the time difference between the start of the first significant musical element and the end of the last significant musical element if the official metadata is not available.
Starting from the highest SPS difficulty submitted for rank, there must be a difficulty or difficulties following the progression requirements until either the SPS Requirements or the Total Downmap Requirements are met.
If the song length is less than 2:00.0, the lowest difficulty submitted for rank must have less than 3.20 SPS.
If the song length is 2:00.0 to 3:59.99, the lowest difficulty submitted for rank must have less than 4.20 SPS.
If the song length is 4:00.0 to 5:59.99:
If the top difficulty submitted for rank has 5.20 SPS or more, there must be at least one lower difficulty that follows the progression requirements.
If the top difficulty submitted for rank has less than 5.20 SPS, the mapset is exempt from difficulty and progression requirements. However, mapping multiple difficulties is still encouraged.
If the song length is 6:00.0 or more, the mapset is exempt from difficulty and progression requirements. However, mapping multiple difficulties is still encouraged.
If the song length is less than 4:00.0, the lowest difficulty submitted for rank must have a minimum SPS reduction of 60% from the highest SPS difficulty submitted for rank.
If the song length is 4:00.0 to 5:59.99, the SPS Requirements should be applied instead.
If the song length is 6:00.0 or greater, the mapset is exempt from difficulty and progression requirements. However, mapping multiple difficulties is still encouraged.
As one progresses down from the highest difficulty in the mapset, these rules should be followed:
The overall swings per second in the interactive portion of the map must be decreased by 10.00-40.00% from the previous difficulty.
An exception can be made if the SPS decreases by less than 10% but the effective BPM of the highest effective BPM sections decreases by more than 40%. This primarily concerns cases where high effective BPM one-handed sections are converted into lower effective BPM sections that utilize both hands.
The mapping in periods of peak difficulty must be made easier.
The average effective BPM in the hardest section(s) must decrease OR the hardest sections should be made significantly shorter.
The average effective BPM must decrease.
Complexity, the difficulty involved in reading and executing the movements required to hit the notes, must not increase, unless justified by a large decrease in other components of difficulty.
The duration of the period(s) of peak difficulty must not significantly increase, unless justified by a large decrease in other components of difficulty.
The overall interactive object density should decrease.
Spacing, the distance between successive notes of the same color on the 4x3 grid, should not increase within a section if the average effective BPM remains the same in that section.
If the spread causes the mapset to exceed the 5 difficulty limit, the easiest or hardest additional levels should be placed in a separate mapset.
All difficulty labels must be appropriately named in relation to the difficulty of the map they represent.
Difficulty labels must not contain obscene content including derogatory terms, sexual content, or other explicit terminology.
Having multiple guest difficulties of the same relative difficulty is okay, as long as all difficulties are appropriately named to reflect their difficulty.
All difficulties in the mapset going for rank must go through the ranking process at the same time, and all decisions are final once any difficulties in the mapset are ranked.
Any difficulties which are not going for rank must not be inserted between difficulties going for rank. This includes lightshows, challenge difficulties, difficulties that require external mods, etc.
The data on external sources do not have to abide by these rules, but should be kept relevant to the song and artist. You may add additional tags and other information. The metadata rules in this document are for in-game purposes.
Official metadata should be used in all fields, then follow the formatting as explained below. In the case of a contradiction, follow the official metadata. In the case that the official metadata uses unsearchable characters (anything besides A-Z, 0-9) then please refer to Unsearchable characters, translations, and romanization below.
In the vast majority of cases, song metadata should follow this format:
levelAuthorName: Mapper
+songAuthorName: Artist of the song
+songName: Song name
+songSubName: All following tags: (Short Ver.), (ft. Hatsune Miku), etc.
If there are multiple tags, then put them alongside each other in the songSubName in any order. Do not add any tags that are not specified in this document or the official metadata. The type(s) of brackets and other typographical marks used in tags, if used, should follow the official metadata if available.
If the track is modified in such a way that it is similar enough to an official version of the track, the source metadata of that version of the track should be used.
If the track is a shortened version of the full version of the track for the purpose of animation openings or endings, then (TV Size) must be added to the songSubName.
+songName: HETENA
+songSubName: (TV Size)
If the track is simply shortened, then (Short Edit) or (Short Ver.) must be added to the songSubName. If the original track metadata already has a length designation, (Short Edit) or (Short Ver.) must replace the original length designation.
songAuthorName: VINXIS
+songName: Sidetracked Day
+songSubName: (Short Edit)
If the track is extended in some way, (Extended Edit) or (Extended Ver.) must be added to the songSubName. If the original track metadata already has a length designation, (Extended Edit) or (Extended Ver.) must replace the original length designation.
Vocaloids are rarely the sole artist for a song. The producer or artist must be placed in the songAuthorName, and the Vocaloid featured must be added to the songSubName.
And (or &) is commonly used to indicate a collaboration between the two artists. The source metadata should be followed as is. Do not replace an ampersand with “and” or vice versa.
Featuring (aka. feat. / ft.) is commonly used to indicate a collaboration between the two artists. This can appear in both the artist name and the title name. Always put the feat/ft. Sections inside songSubName.
Character Voice (CV) is typically used when the vocalist is singing under the alias of a character from a show. This is rarely consistent so is enforced as such, in spite of official metadata.
The correct way to format CV designations is to use the romanised name of the character within brackets, followed by the romanised name of the vocalist with CV: as a prefix, in brackets.
When there are two or more contributors, each contributor can be named individually as long as the in-game character limit is not exceeded; in doing so, all contributor names must be present and separated with the correct punctuation.
Should the character limit be exceeded, the levelAuthorName must be replaced with "Various Mappers" or an alternative group name, and all contributors must be credited on the relevant beatmap source pages or listed inside custom DAT file fields.
Alternative group names are allowed for a collaboration of 2 contributors or more. A group name must not exceed the character limit unless the group name is 15 characters or less.
# Unsearchable characters, translations, and romanization
Official metadata should be used in all fields, even if it contains unsearchable characters, as long as there is a significant string of searchable characters in each field. In all cases, official translations of metadata, as well as romanization, can both be used at the mapper's discretion. "Significant string" will be defined on a case-by-case basis where searchability of the string is prioritized.
If the official metadata for any field does not contain any searchable characters, then official translations or romanization should be used. We will use "ヒアソビ" by かめりあ as an example here.
All cases where a map would break any metadata criteria, but cannot be changed in a way that would adhere to the metadata criteria for any reason, will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
To achieve the ranked status on a map, you will have to make sure said map meets all of the requirements listed in the Ranking Criteria below. The purpose of the ranking criteria is to set an objective standard to follow which ensures the maps put into the rank pool are fair for players. The criteria is enforced in a way that does not take into account bias from any perspective, mapper, player, or team member.
The mapping criteria involves two sections: one for rules, and one for guidelines.
Rules are criteria that must be followed for a map to be considered rankable.
Guidelines are criteria that should be followed for a map to be considered rankable but can be broken under proper setup or justification.
Further included in this document are a glossary, addendum, and appendix.
The glossary includes definitions for important terms in the criteria.
The addendum includes suggestions that are not explicitly about rankability but can aid a map in getting through quality checks.
Note that while sections in the addendum do not have to be followed explicitly, excessive abuse of the suggestions can be reason for a map to be denied.
Lastly, the appendix includes examples and clarification of issues referenced in the mapping criteria.
Formatting for referencing criteria is as follows: (Main Section).(Subsection).(Criteria). The main section designations are R for rules, G for guidelines, and A for addendum. The subsections are designated by a number underneath each main section. Each individual criteria is ordered alphabetically under the subsection to which it applies.
For any comments, questions, or concerns about material included or not included within the criteria, feel free to message a member of the Criteria Assurance Team at ScoreSaber.
Mapset: A set of difficulty .dat files with one info.dat file that references them. Difficulty Spread: The set of difficulty levels present in the map. An example of a mapset with a 3 difficulty spread would be a mapset consisting of a Normal, Hard, and Expert difficulty. Gameplay Modifiers: Disappearing Arrows, Ghost Notes, Faster Song, etc. Game Mode: 360 Degrees, 90 Degrees, Standard, One Saber, etc. 4x3 Grid: The allowed 12 spaces for note placement in Standard mode.
BPM: Beats Per Minute. Defines the tempo of the song. Variable BPM: Describes songs which change BPM irregularly. Offset: The time difference between the start of the sound file and the beat of the song, used in the editor to align the beat lines with the beat of the song. Beat: 1 fraction of a minute as defined by the BPM of the song. (Timing) Precision: Precision, measured in fractions of a beat. For example, ¼ precision refers to ¼ of a beat. Effective BPM: The speed in which one hand is making a ½ precision movement relative to the BPM. For example, the effective BPM of a ¼ precision 1 hand motion in a 100 BPM song would be 200 BPM.
Sliders: The effective bpm for a slider to the next note is defined as the distance from the last note of the slider to the next note of the same color as the slider.
Musical Element: Includes but not limited to: lyrics, sounds produced by instruments, and sounds that are part of a melody, harmony, or beat. Overmapping: Placing notes at timings other than those of the instrument(s) that are being followed. Undermapping: Mapping to a subset of timings of the instrument(s) that are being followed.
Objects: Bombs, notes, or walls. Interactive Objects: Bombs and notes, as well as walls that force you to dodge or duck. Hitbox: An invisible box around an object that is used to detect collisions and cuts. Swing path: The path of a swing used to hit a note. Can be divided into the Pre-cut swing and the follow-through swing.
Pre-cut swing: The portion of a swing before making contact with a note.
Follow-through swing: The portion of a swing after cutting through the note.
On the same snap: Refers to motions that are intended to be made at the same point in time. Dot Note: The note type that can be scored on by a cut from any direction. Slider: A set of notes that follow each other at a set timing precision such that they appear at distinct timings but can still be hit with a single swing. EXAMPLE Double directional: Two consecutive notes of the same color in the same direction. Reset: A motion where hand/arm position or rotation are adjusted without a corresponding note for that hand. Bomb reset: Using bombs to force a reset. Wrist reset: A motion where hand rotation is adjusted before or during a swing to enable a note to be hit. Pronation: The inward rotation of the arm which extends to about 90°-100° from a palm down position. Supination: The outward rotation of the arm which extends to about 180°-210° from a palm down position.
Maps must not require the use of any external mods or programs to play. Maps must be designed to be played without any gameplay modifiers. Maps must be ‘Standard’ game mode maps.
Multiple notes of the same color on the same swing must not be parallel to one another. EXAMPLE If there are multiple notes of the same color on the same swing, each note must lead into the expected cut direction of the next note. Multiple notes of the same color on the same snap must not differ in cut direction from each other by more than 45 degrees. Notes must not be placed in the pre-cut swing path of a note of the opposite color. EXAMPLE Notes should not be placed in the follow-through path of a note of the opposite color (EXAMPLE) unless the notes are on the same snap or there is sufficient time for the other color saber to swing clear of the note. No patterns should have a swing path into the bad cut hitbox for a note of the same color in the same swing. Notes must not be placed inside walls or be completely blocked from the player’s view by walls. A pattern must not induce a variation in swing speed within a single swing. A pattern must not be at a significantly higher effective BPM than what is justified within the rest of the map.
There must not be a wall or combination of walls that force the player to take damage. EXAMPLE There must not be a wall or combination of walls that force the player into the outside lanes of the playfield. Walls must have positive width. Interactive walls must have a duration of at least 15ms. That allows for 1/16 precision up to 250BPM and ⅛ precision up to 500BPM. No part of a wall can lie outside the 4x3 grid.
Bombs must not be placed such that they interfere with the pre-cut or follow-through swing for a note. Bombs must not be placed in a way that forces a saber to stay outside the 4x3 grid in order to avoid contacting the bombs. EXAMPLE Bombs must be accompanied with an acceptable level of lighting. Bombs must not be placed inside of walls or be completely blocked from the player’s view by walls. Bombs may not overlap with other objects in game and must be placed at least 20 ms apart from other bombs in the same space. If the NJS is not too low, that allows for 1/16 precision up to 180 BPM and ⅛ precision up to 360 BPM.
The map’s BPM must perfectly match one of the BPMs of the song or a multiple of one of the BPMs of the song. A map may use the effective BPM of a section during the map as the base BPM as long as the difficulty of the section represents the overall difficulty of the map. Maps with variable BPM timing must be timed as accurately as possible. The map’s offset must be as close to perfect as possible.
All notes must be perfectly on time to a distinct sound in the music. The first note of a slider must be on time to the sound the slider is mapping. The precision of the following notes may be adjusted for playability.
Rhythmic overmapping is not allowed. A single sound cannot be represented by multiple notes unless those notes fall into a single swing. Simplifying timing inconsistencies to match an understandable rhythm is allowed if the inconsistencies do not arise from a BPM or rhythm change.
A map must have an intro period of at least 1.5 seconds with no interactive objects. A map must have an outro period of more than 2 seconds, counting from the end of the last interactive object of the map. A map must have an outro period of less than 15 seconds, counting from the point the last object disappears or the last lighting element change.
A map’s audio must not be modified to add excessive amounts of silence anywhere in the song. A map’s audio must consist of musical elements set to an identifiable structure. The length of the map’s audio, ignoring any added silence, must be longer than 20 seconds.
There must not be nudity, near-nudity, sexual references, extreme violence, gore, substance abuse, or any other form of explicit content anywhere in the files contained in the map. There must not be content that harasses or denigrates any individual or group anywhere in the files contained in the map.
For any game mode in a mapset with a difficulty going for rank:
Difficulty names must be clearly progressive and accurately indicative of their respective difficulties, excluding the highest difficulty.
Difficulty naming must follow a common theme relating to the song or map, unless the difficulty names are abbreviations of the default Beat Saber difficulty names.
If there are multiple difficulties with similar relative difficulty, the difficulty names must share a commonality that indicates that they are of the same relative difficulty.
Difficulty names must not be so long that they overlap with other UI elements.
Difficulty names must not exceed 30 characters in length.
Difficulty names must not solely consist of one or more usernames. Words that happen to be usernames are acceptable within difficulty names as long as they relate to the song.
All difficulties in a mapset that are going for rank must not contain any form of unfair modification via editing of the .dat file manually or through external mappers. This includes any form of custom walls, map reversal, and note jumping.
Each note in a slider should follow the previous note in the slider with the same timing precision. Sliders should have a speed similar to the general swing speed of the map or have a speed appropriate to the sound being mapped. Sliders should not have direction changes of more than 45 degrees. Sliders should not have more than one direction change.
There should be no patterns where the arc of the pre-cut swing on one hand overlaps with the pre-cut swing of the other hand. EXAMPLE There should be no patterns where the arc of the follow-through swing on one hand overlaps with the follow-through swing of the other hand. EXAMPLE
Notes and bombs should not impede vision of other interactive objects without an indication and/or implication of where and what the blocked objects will be.
Patterns and sections of a map should not excessively overrepresent the music. Patterns and sections of a map should not excessively exceed the difficulty of the rest of the map unless supported by the music.
Bombs should be mapped to a musical element unless used to clarify a reset or set up for a subsequent pattern. In those cases, the bombs should be mapped to a musical element wherever possible.
Repeated sections of music should feel similar, and similar sections should not play excessively differently unless there is some change in the music. Within a section, representation of a repeated sound with the same volume and pitch in the absence of other sounds should not excessively change. Mapping decisions around consistent representation should be understandable.
Varying the mapping as the music changes is important to musical representation. Big changes in the music should correspond to a change in the mapping. This does not require that patterns must change with every change in the music, nor does it disallow variation in sections where the music stays the same.
The patterns & lighting used should reflect the intensity level of the music being mapped. The intensity of the mapping in each section relative to other sections should be somewhat in line with the intensity of the music. Deviation is allowed as long as a section’s intensity is not excessively raised or lowered relative to the intensity of the rest of the song.
Thin walls, which have close to 0 duration, are not allowed because they do not consistently damage the player. Fake walls, which have negative width, are not allowed because they are not an intended part of the base game. Fast walls, which have negative duration, are not allowed because they are not an intended part of the base game.
Sufficient lighting means that some form of lighting that follows the music should be present in sections of the map that contain interactive objects. Any form of automatic light generation that creates lighting that fits this criteria is allowed.
When a note is vision blocked, the location should always be deducible from previous note placements. When a note is vision blocked, the cut direction should always be deducible from previous note placements, unless the note is a dot note.
Until further notice the new map format will be unrankable. This will stay in place until we have adjusted the criteria and made/updated tools for the new format.
Maps must not break 350 BPM sustained
Maps must not break 13.5⭐difficulty
Maps must not break 11.5⭐difficulty without a QAT upvote on all ranked difficulties and receive 2/3 approval by RT and QAT
Modding is a term borrowed from osu!. It is the process of reviewing and providing feedback for a map via editor and/or in-game analysis. Maps have to go through this process to eventually end up ranked in ScoreSaber. See thisopen in new window guide to get started with modding maps.
Before you contact a ranking team member in order to have your map ranked, please pay attention to their queue rules. A mod is a list of changes to make in a map that are issues within said map. It can range anywhere from playability issues to rank-ability issues with the ranking criteria. This step can generally take anywhere from an hour to a month depending on ranking team activity and song of choice. You work with the RT member to fix all the ranked issues with the maps and work through any listed playability issues. Generally requests are handled by looking for open ranking queues in ScoreSaber's Discord server. The green circles indicate queues that are open for maps.
Once you read the rules of the modder and made sure that your map matches said rules, send them a direct message asking for a spot in queue. Generally, having information like the song title, song artist, BPM, length of the song, number of difficulties going for rank, are helpful to include in your message since they can make team members more interested in choosing your maps. If a person from the team accepts your map, they will explicitly tell you they have. You shouldn't have multiple people modding your map at the same time to avoid having overlapping mods and wasting someone's time.
Student modding queues are from people who are working towards becoming a member of the ranking team. They have their mods checked by a member of the ranking team which acts as their mentor.
Student mods are a great way of getting ranking team eyes on a map, however this process takes extra time compared to a direct mod from a ranking team member. This doesn't guarantee the map will enter queue, it will depend on the student's mentor to decide if they want to help you ranking your map.
Once you have received the mod, acknowledge it and work to fix the map in a timely manner. Don't rush for fixes, but remember that fixing it when the map is still fresh in both you and the modder's mind can be beneficial in working towards a better map.
A mod will generally be a line by line list of issues with the map. Sorted by beat number, issue severity, and the issue itself. Example of a mod:
While everyone's system for making a mod is different, anything labeled as "Unrankable" or "Questionable" requires justification on the mapper's part as to why it is not fixed or why is it that way.
The mapper will make changes to their map and justify what they didn't change. While it is not required to make changes based on suggestions, doing so will generally make your map better, and the modder will appreciate his efforts being rewarded.
If a modder doesn't respond in a week or so feel free to remind them unless they have explicitly stated a timeframe they will be unavailable. Modder's have other obligations that require their time but things are occasionally forgotten.
Once all of the above is done, it is now time for the ranking team member to add your map into the ranking-queue. This doesn't mean your map will be ranked as is, but it will eventually end up ranked. The ranking team member should in the end be asking you for the leaderboard IDs.
Example of a leaderboard ID:
If your map consists of more than one difficulties, you will need to provide the ID of each difficulty, preferably in the following format:
# Wait for the map to go through the ranking-queue
At this point the mapper (you) may receive feedback in the form of a QAT downvote indicating that said map should be fixed. QAT votes affect queue position so having a positive rating is beneficial. If a map is re-uploaded, the initial modder who put the map in queue should be notified. Every new upload requires a new set of leaderboards so it is advised to take feedback in batches and upload when only needed. You should always reupload after fixing a map with ranking team or QAT.
Once the map reaches the top of queue, other ranking team members will mod through the map and find any issues within it. If you are sent a DM by someone on the ranking team, you should fix any issues with the map and reupload it. The new leaderboards should be sent to the last person who sent you a mod.
At 3 RT upvotes and 0 downvotes your map gets qualified. The map gets increased attention due to its qualified status and issues are generally presented to the mapper. The mapper can then reupload the map as necessary before the map is officially ranked. This period is of 7 days. If the map is reuploaded then the 7 day period is reset.
Congratulations! The 7 days of qualified period has passed, and your map is now considered ranked.
You must never make your ranked maps unavailable to players. If you violate this rule, you will be banned from ranking any maps on ScoreSaber in the future.
The Modding Queue Category on our Discord Server is a category designed to promote individual Modding queues and to advertise open mods from people willing to take them.
If you wish to request a slot from a modder, please DM them, and they'll (hopefully) get back to you on whether they decide to take your offer.
Please always make changes to your map, and if you aren't, please provide ample justification! Please respect the modders!
Modding is a term borrowed from osu!. It is the process of reviewing and providing feedback for a map (for rankability or just general improvement) via editor and in-game analysis.
The goal of the QAT is to provide effective, fair feedback to mappers with the aim of curating the highest quality standard of maps in the ranked pool. While the goal is to provide objective feedback, there is no avoiding the fact that this job is subjective. Every person will hear something different in a song, and every person will feel differently about how well patterns play. To operate as a team, these guidelines list out what QAT members should consider for a map to be “quality”.
Refer to this document when providing feedback on maps, and reach out to the team when you are unsure about a difficult decision.
As a member of the QAT, your actions represent the QAT and ScoreSaber as a whole. You are expected to carry yourself with respect and empathy when publicly interacting with the ranked system. Not only does kind, responsible behavior reflect well on yourself and the team- it also is far more effective at creating healthy change in a map.
It must be clear to mappers that it is “Us vs. the map’s problems”, and not “Me vs. You”.
Our goal is to help mappers see the best version of their map.
This can only be done with active, direct communication with the mappers themselves. Leaving a comment and waiting for the mapper to see it and respond through #comment-response is not effective.
On the other hand, it is not the responsibility of the QAT to do the mapping for them.
QAT members can provide feedback and discuss with mappers all they want, but ultimately the mapper is the author of their work. Their solution may not be what you would choose, though it should at least improve their work. If a mapper consistently and intentionally ignores feedback, QAT downvotes serve as the consequence.
Phrasing is important for communication. The way a message is phrased can play a big role in how defensive or receptive a mapper is to your feedback. Identifying things you enjoy helps remind the mapper you are on their side. There are times for gentle suggestions, and times that call for stern feedback. For any case, remember to only criticise the work and not the mapper. Here are examples of well-phrased feedback:
“Beat 120-121.5 plays poorly at this speed because of the sharp angle changes. You should slow down how aggressive angles change here when dealing with this speed.”
“0:30 - 0:40 in the song is less energetic than 0:40 on, but it has bigger swings due to it being on the ground. I suggest using middle-row up notes to keep the energy low.”
“The hit at 367.25 is an extreme playability issue. At best it’s hitbox abuse, at worst it’s a handclap. This needs a less extreme swing.”
“The pattern at 80 is awesome, and the section after it at 84 could use some more energy. Maybe think about repeating the pattern there to give 84 more life”
Nothing about mapping is truly “objective” other than things explicitly detailed in the ranking criteria- i.e. being on-time. However, there are things that are almost always better to fix than to keep.
Mappers must be able to justify the intensity of patterns relative to each other within the map. A map’s intensity should represent the music.
Rhythm choices must be logical and consistent. Changes in mapped rhythm must have intent and musical justification.
Patterns must be reasonably connected to the song and context of the map. Cases where individual patterns are very different from the rest of the map must make sense.
Lower difficulties must reasonably reduce the challenge of the map while maintaining a creative identity. Lower difficulties should not be a passing thought to make the top difficulty rankable.
Patterns must be readable. Vision blocking should always be balanced with context and intent.
Objective issues should be strongly defended. Objective issues should be mostly independent of the creative identity of a map- there should be ways for mappers to maintain their vision of their work while improving the objective quality of the map. Ranked maps should be reasonable to grind and replay while shooting for a high score; compromises must be made for challenging maps to be ranked. Objective issues should be raised without including “I”, or similar personal language.
Mapping is an art form- an expression of what the mapper sees in the music in the form of a Beat Saber level. Things that make a map unique are what mappers will fight to keep most. When treading into subjective territories, be sure to understand the identity of the map: What makes this map unique?
Patterns should be fair and playable. Extreme reaches and angles should be reasonable to play for the map’s speed, and match the intensity of the music.
A map should flow as well as the music justifies. Erratic music can fit an erratic map with unpredictable flow, but playability cannot be sacrificed.
A map should have a reasonable difficulty curve that makes for a fair level. Spikes in difficulty should be clearly connected to musical intensity.
A map should clearly show effort. Visibly lazy/low effort content should not be tolerated. On the other hand, not every song fits complexity- some songs can reasonably connect to a simple map.
Subjective issues should be discussed with an open mind. Individuals may have different opinions about what “plays well”. Understand that subjective issues may be entirely dismissed by mappers if it conflicts with their own understanding of mapping. Use your judgement on the severity of these issues when it comes to discussions. Subjective issues may be mentioned including “I” and similar personal language.
Every person hears something different in music, and therefore, every person will see a different map as “fitting” of a song. There may be patterns that look uncomfortable or poorly flowing, but it is possible this is a deliberate choice made by the mapper. Concepts like this should be repeated, identifiable, and thematic. Before suggesting changes to unusual patterns, first think if there is a concept the mapper is trying to convey with those patterns. If they are repeated, identifiable, and thematic- there’s a good chance that it is a deliberate choice made by the mapper and that removing them would be to remove the core idea of the map.
Feedback can take the form of generalized advice about the map’s direction, or focus on specifics of individual patterns. Both forms are legitimate and valuable feedback to provide, but keep in mind that:
Generalized feedback provides the mapper freedom to change things while remaining in their own creative vision.
Generalized feedback should still describe a direction for the mapper to take. “0-end remap” leaves the mapper with no direction to follow, and provides no constructive feedback. *
Generalized feedback is less likely to lead to the exact changes you would choose yourself.
Generalized feedback can be frustrating for mappers to deal with if the feedback is very negative.
Generalized feedback can be difficult for mappers who struggle with english.
Specific feedback provides the mapper small, exact changes that improve the map’s quality.
Specific feedback should give the mapper options, rather than providing one “correct choice”. **
Specific feedback is most effective when the mapper handles the list of feedback as a checklist. If you run into problems of mappers skipping comments, suggest they tell why points are skipped.
Specific feedback should explain why there is a problem, not just state that there is a problem.
Specific feedback can make mappers feel less ownership of their work.
Specific feedback often repeats itself. Depending on the severity of the issue it is reasonable to mention every case that needs fixing, or just the first few and mention that the problem repeats.
An example of direction for generalized feedback would be: “The map struggles to control width throughout the song. Identify which parts of the song you want to be more intense, and save wide patterns for these sections.”
An example of providing options rather than absolute choices would be: “The hit at 221 will play poorly at this speed due to the sharp angle the swings make. Consider making the angle red swings at more gentle. This could be from making 221’s red diagonal, or making 220.5’s red horizontal.” (This level of detail is not necessary for experienced mappers)
No matter what the feedback is, it must be clearly communicated why you have downvoted and what fixes are needed to have the downvote removed.
No one is expected to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to skill. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to performance, and the same is true for mapping. There is no harm in skipping a map because you are not comfortable commenting on a map of that category (i.e. downmaps, high bpm, etc.).
There can be harm in upvoting a difficulty when you do not feel confident in your ability to judge its quality- both for maps too difficult or too easy for your skill level. Feel welcome to ask fellow team members for their opinions/insights on content that you do not feel experienced with; it is possible to learn what plays well for any skill level, even outside your own.
The top 6 maps in the ranking queue can be qualified with sufficient votes from the ranking team.
If your map is in the top 6 of the ranking queue and you receive a mod from a Ranking Team member you will have 3 days to respond to the mod, and another 4 days after that to make the necessary changes to the map.
If you do not respond or are unable to make the changes in the set time span then your map will be taken out of queue.
This process is done to both encourage mappers to respond in a timely manner to comments, as well as streamline maps through the queue without a fear of reuploading.
Modding is a term borrowed from osu!. It is the process of reviewing and providing feedback for a map (for rankability or just general improvement) via editor and in-game analysis.
Once you are satisfied with the map, get it modded to find mistakes. Even if you cannot get a mod by a member of the Ranking Team, any mod can help your map towards rank.
Have a Ranking Team member mod your map, and make any changes deemed unrankable by the modder. Once they deem the map rankable, they will submit it to the request-feed.
Stay alert to updates on your map by checking for comments in the rank request. This can be done by going to the Rank Requests Pageopen in new window and finding your map.
Mention any response you have to comments on your map in via Direct Message and look to make changes quickly as if you respond to the comment within 3 days, and make the changes within 4 days, you will maintain your spot in queue.
If a Ranking Team member downvotes your map, the map will not be eligible for rank until the issues are resolved. Issues will be stated in the comments of the rank request, and any response to those comments should be made via Direct Message.
The team member who downvoted the map should also contact you, if they do not feel free to request it.
Once the changes are made, the map will become eligible for rank again with 3 votes qualifying the map. ⠀
QAT Upvotes will increase your position in queue, and QAT Downvotes will decrease your position in queue. QAT Downvotes will be accompanied with a comment explaining the reasons for the downvote.
In order for your map to be eligible for qualification, you must respond to, but not necessarily accept or implement, any comments associated with downvotes by QAT members.
If you wish to update your map in response to QAT comments or to make other map changes, you will retain queue position if you make changes within a 4 day period.
difficulties with multiple mappers count towards the limit for each mapper.
Downmaps, difficulties not going for rank, and lighting do not count towards this limit.
If you currently have more than 4 maps in queue you will have to wait till you have less than 4 to get anymore maps queued
Additional difficulties at or above the highest difficulty in the initial ranking request cannot be added to the request beyond two weeks from the initial request date without resetting to the bottom of the queue
When a mapper is accepted on appeal, they will have a limit of 1 mapset in the queue at a time. This restriction will last until the mapper has successfully gotten 3 mapsets ranked, in which case the restriction will be lifted. The mapper is allowed to rank any song they choose, including ones that might have been previously deleted by the same mapper, as long as the maps are rankable by current criteria. Maps previously deleted will not automatically be ranked again.
If a mapper does not wish to be fully unbanned, but will allow other mappers to use their assets such as lighting events and timing, they may apply for a partnership unban. Rules for a partnership unban are as follows: No person unbanned through partnerships may submit their own maps for rank under their name or another. Any map submitted for rank which includes someone unbanned through partnership must not be uploaded onto an account owned by the unbanned person. Persons unbanned through partnership must not make up greater than 50% of the mappers for a map submitted for rank.
If a mapper commits another bannable offense during or after the appeal process, that mapper will be permanently banned from both ranking and the appeal process.
Submitting an appeal does not mean that you will be moved to the appeal process, the ScoreSaber staff holds the right to deny an appeal from any mapper for any reason.
RT/QAT feedback should be responded to within 4 days of receiving the feedback via DM barring external circumstances
They are a group of mappers which take time to mod maps in order to make sure said maps follow every point from the ranking criteria. RT members also go through the ranking-queue and vote on maps that are meeting or not the ranking criteria. If errors are to be find, they will work with the mapper in order to resolve them.
They are a group of specialized players who play through the ranking-queue and vote on maps that are of high quality. Maps which have more QAT upvotes are more likely to be prioritized in the queue and get ranked faster. On the other hand, if QAT deems the map to be of "low quality", it will have a lower priority. The maps will eventually rise based on how long it has spent in the queue.
As the name suggests, the people in the Criteria Assurance Team are in charge of maintaining the ranking criteria. They also essentially are the writers of the ranking criteria. Any changes which is decided by the CAT has to be approved by NAT and ScoreSaber Admins.
Generally apart of the Ranking Team, they are the ones in charge of processing some internal interactions with the leaderboards such as denying, replacing and qualifying them, they constantly work towards keeping everything in check. NAT is also the team that moderates RT & QAT by ensuring there is no bias or system abuse.
The only way to begin the process of joining the ranking team or a higher role is to first participate in the student program. The student program involves making map mods, and having them reviewed by your mentor. Once you have proven your abilities, your mentor will recommend you for promotion and the entire ranking team will evaluate your progress and vote on your induction as a recruit. If you are interested in become a ranking team student please fill out thisopen in new window form
The only way to begin the process of joining the quality assurance team is to wait for applications to open. Occasionally, the QAT team members will find themselves in need of new individuals to help them assuring quality of maps in the ranking-queue, and a post will then be made with an application form for users to fill and participate in the process. You will then be contacted by one of the Head of Quality Assurance Team to being your journey into becoming a QAT member.
No multiaccounting. The first account you make during login is your one and only ScoreSaber account, from the moment of its creation and forevermore. This account is YOU. It is not anyone else. Don't share your account with anyone else.
Play fair. Using third-party utilities of any kind (any type of scripts, mods/plugins, applications, bots) to get any sort of advantage is not okay.
Be good to each other. Harassment or other antagonism has no place within the ScoreSaber community.
No 18+/NSFW Content This means 18+/NSFW content such as drug use or topics of a sexual nature are not allowed.
Where the rules do not prevail, common sense shall. The administration has explicit discretion to apply their judgment on this as they see fit.
You must never make your ranked maps unavailable to players. If you violate this rule, you will be banned from ranking any maps on ScoreSaber in the future.