Releases: Secreto31126/whatsapp-api-js
Releases · Secreto31126/whatsapp-api-js
markAsRead() Support
Now you can mark a message as read. Yeah, that's all.
Interactive messages support
Works 95% of it, for some reason media objects in the interactive header doesn't work at all in the API (I'm gonna ask why to support), and text object constructor isn't actually compatible, but you can still use it setting the header param as { type: "text", text: "YOUR_STRING_HERE" }
Read #1 for more information
Break-changing update
Now there's only one function to send messages, which recieves an object of differents type, and the message type is based on the object type.
Added link to this repo in the npm module website
v0.0.3 Added repository link to npm module
Still on alpha
v0.0.2 v0.0.2
Alpha Release
0.0.1 Keep missing some mentions...