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JabJS - Super-Simple Data-Binding

JabJS allows you to bind any JavaScript model to any DOM element:

jab.bind(model, 'property', domElement[s]);


user = {name: 'John Lennon'}; //any JavaScript object
jab.bind(user, 'name', document.getElementByid('input')); //user is now binded (two-way) with #input

Jab supports binding single properties, arrays, or complex objects. For example:

<div id="friendsElem">    
          <div name="cast"> 
              <p name="character"></p>

      <p name="city"></p>
      <div name="rating"></div> 
      <input name="rating">
friends = { 
    cast: [ {character: 'Rachel'}, {character: 'Monica'} ], 
    city: "NY",
    rating: 8

jab.bindObj(friends, '#friendsElem');

friends.cast = [{character: "Chandler"}, { character: "Joey"}]; //replace or modify members arbitrarily = "New York";
friends.rating = 9.9;

Installation and usage

  1. Download and include on your page:
<script src="jab.js"></script>

That's it, you can now bind your objects to your DOM.using jab.bind, jab.bindVar, jab.bindArr, jab.bindObj.

Demos and specs Page

You are also encourage to download this repo and open demos/specs.html, which includes a working example of every piece of functionality.

You may also download and observe demos/todomvc/app.js, a working example of a Todo app, per the TodoMVC standard demonstration of JS libs.

Concretely, to view JabJS Todo app in action:

1. $ git clone [email protected]:SellaRafaeli/jabjs.git
2. cd demos/todomvc
3. python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 # assuming you have python
4. # browse to localhost:8000

Bind To Element

Suppose you have an HTML element <div id="div"></div> and a POJS (plain old JavaScript object)

user = {name: 'John Lennon'}

After including JabJS, to bind the object to the element you would run:

jab.bind(user, 'name', document.getElementById('div'));

After this, would be binded to the #div element: that is, changing would implicitly change the contents of #div. Try this for yourself in the JS console in the demo page.

Two-Way Binding

For divs, binding is a one-way process: changes in the object update the HTML. However, for some elements we want a two-way binding: changes in the model should update the view (HTML), and changes in the view (HTML) should update the model. That way, for example, if we use an <input id='input'> element, we could access its value in the JS (without having to manually extract it every time we needed it). Form submissions can work immediately on the JS, without parsing the DOM upon submission.

JabJS immediately performs two-way data-bindings on appropriate HTML elements, so suppose you have an HTML element <input id="input"> and a JavaScript object user = {name: 'John Lennon'}. After including JabJS, to bind the object to the input you would run the same idiomatic JabJS binding:

jab.bind(user, 'name', document.getElementById('input'));

Now's value is binded to #input's value. Changes in one update the other. Try this for yourself in the JS console in the demo page.

Three-Way Binding (Multiple Elements)

JabJS supports binding to multiple elements, enabling three-way (actually, n-way) changes between the model and each of the binded models. This is achieved using the idiomatic syntax, supplying an array of elements rather than a singular element.

jab.bind(user, 'name', [document.getElementById('input'), document.getElementById('textarea'), document.getElementById('div')]);

Now #input, #textarea, #div and are all bounded to each other.

Select, Checkbox

Usage is as follows (assuming a select and checkbox elements with those Ids):

user = {selectIndex=0; checked=false};
jab.bind(user, 'selectIndex', document.getElementById('select'));
jab.bind(user, 'checked', document.getElementById('checkbox'));

Special Bindings

By default, JabJS binds by value. In our examples,'s value is input as the element's appropriate value. These are binded by using the following syntax (note the new fourth parameter):

jab.bind(model, 'property', domElem, {opts: bindingName})


jab.bind(model, 'property', domElem, 'bindingName')

JabJS ships by default with a few special bindings:

One special binding is the show binding:

jab.bind(user, 'name', document.getElementById('input'), 'show')

which 'shows' the element (makes it visible) if and only if is a truthy value.

Another default special binding is the disable binding, which add a 'disabled' attribute to the binded elements if and only if the binded value is falsy.

user.inputDisabled = true;
jab.bind(user, 'inputDisabled', document.getElementById('input'), 'disable');

Custom Bindings

Adding your own binding is as easy as pie, using the following pattern:

myFunc = function(elem, value) {
  //do something with element and value
jab.bind(user, 'name', document.getElementById('input'), {func: myFunc});

The above binds to #input, by running myFunc on the binded element (#input) and applying myFunc on the element, using the value in

Let's observe a concrete example:

setBorderWidth = function(elem, value) { = value+'px';
borderData = {width: 20};
jab.bind(borderData, 'width', document.getElementById('input'), {func: setBorderWidth});

Now, whenever borderData.width is set, setBorderWidth will be execute on the binded element (and will set its width).

Binding sub-elements

If your model is

user = {details: {name: 'Abraham', age: 900}};

You can jab.bind it by using the idiomatic syntax on whatever sub-object you wish to bind:

jab.bind(user.details, 'name', document.getElementById('input'));

After-Hooks (reacting to changes in binded elements)

Sometimes binding your elements to the view is not enough - you want to perform some additional actions whenever they change. This is often referred to as reactive programming. For example, consider two input elements binded each to its model, and a third element reflecting some computation on the values of the first two. (Say, an input for speed and an input for time, and a third

element to display distance covered.)

After-hooks are used by JabJS by supplying an afterHook callback function to the opts parameter. This callback function is called whenever the element is updated. The function is given the element's new value, but that's often not needed. For example:

car = {speed: "10", time: "3"};
computeDistance = function(){ car.distance = car.speed * car.time; };
jab.bind(car, 'speed', document.getElementById('input'), {afterHook: computeDistance} ); //#input.value == 10
jab.bind(car, 'time', document.getElementById('textarea'), {afterHook: computeDistance}); //#textarea.value == 3
jab.bind(car, 'distance', document.getElementById('p')); //#p.innerHTML == 30
//now, changing the speed or time via the input elements or JS models will also update #p and distance.
car.speed = 20 //#input.value == 20, textarea.value == 3, #p.value == 60

Binding between JavaScript variables - Pure Reactive JavaScript

JabJS also enables you to performing binding on pure JavaScript objects, with no DOM elements. This can be used to hold computed variables of a user (composed of other variables). Along with DOM bindings, this can be utilized to bind computed, reactive properties to the DOM itself.

Binding pure JS vars is done with the following syntax: jab.bindVar(model, property/ies, callback). For example:

man = {firstName: 'Bill', lastName: 'Clinton', fullName: ''};
jab.bindVar(man, ['firstName', 'lastName'], function() { man.fullName = man.firstName + " " +man.lastName } ); //whenever firstName or lastName change, fullName will also change...
jab.bind(man, 'fullName', div); //...and so will its binded view. 

Bind entire object to DOM element: jab.bindObj

A common use-case is binding an entire variable to a DOM element, like so:

<div id="data">
    <div name="number"></div>
    <span name="word"></span>
        <p name="color"></p>
        <p name="shape"></p>
    <input name="country">
data = {number: 10, word: 'hello', color: 'blue', shape: 'circle', country: 'USA'};
jab.bindObj(data, "#data");                 

As you can see, the object is binded recursively - any subelement with with a name of foo is binded to the property foo in the binded object.

Bind object to DOM, using custom attributes

Instead of using name as the attribute marking the key to bind to, you can supply a custom attribute name as a 3rd parameter to 'bindObj'.

<div id="data">
    <div k="number"></div>
    <span k="word"></span>
        <p k="color"></p>
        <p k="shape"></p>
    <input k="country">
data = {number: 10, word: 'hello', color: 'blue', shape: 'circle', country: 'USA'};
jab.bindObj(data, "#data", "k");                 

A standard convention is to use attributes that start with "data-" (such as "data-key"), for future-proofing, although in practice you can use any key.

Bind array of objects to repeat element (within container): jab.bindArr

Using jab.bindArr You can use JabJS to bind array, 'repeating' an element for every member in your array.

    <li class=".country" name="countryName"></li>                
countries = [ {countryName: "USA"}, {countryName: "Canada"}, {countryName: "France"} ];
jab.bindArr(countries, ".country");

The binded element (in the above example, the li with '.country') will be repeated for every member in the array. (Creating 3 lis in the above example). Each member will be binded by the property value of the attribute name - in the above example, countryName. Here, too, you can use a custom attribute name supplied as a 3rd parameter:

    <li class=".country" k="name"></li>                
countries = [ {countryName: "USA"}, {countryName: "Canada"}, {countryName: "France"} ];
jab.bindArr(countries, ".country", "k");

Take note you select the element you wish to repeat, and that that element must have a container, as the repeated members will form the entire contents of the container.

Note each object is binded like an object, so you can create arbitrarily nested templates with your repeaters:

    <li class=".country">
        <p k="name"></p>
            <span k="population"></span>
            <span k="continent"></span>
countries = [ {name: "USA", population: "316 million", continent: "North America"},
                   {countryName: "Canada", population: "31 million", continent: "North America"}, 
                   {countryName: "France", poplation: "66 million", continent: "North America"} ];
jab.bindArr(countries, ".country", "k");

Binded arrays support natve modification of existing members and all native array functions (pop, push, reverse, shift, unshift, splice, sort, filter). Basically just modify your array however you want and Jab will update the view.

An exception to this is access by random index (). On binded elements this should be done by calling arr.set(index, newItem) rather than using arr[index] = newItem. If you do use the second method, you need to run arr.updateBindings() on the array to refresh the view.

Bind array as a nested field of object, including replacing entire array

    <li id="repeatMe" name="c"></li>                
obj = {};
obj.arr = [ {c: 10}, {c: 20}, {c: 30} ];

jab.bind(pink, "arr", "#repeatMe");
obj.arr = [ {c: "new-array, value 1"}, {c: "new-array, value 2"} ]; //assign new arr, view syncs automatically

####Bind object, including array as nested field

Combining the above, you can bind an object which includes arrays (which include objects) to an arbitrarily nested view, giving you powerful, arbitrary bindings between your native JS model and the DOM:

<div id="friendsElem">    
          <div name="cast"> 
              <p name="character"></p>

      <p name="city"></p>
      <div name="rating"></div> 
      <input name="rating">
friends = { 
    cast: [ {character: 'Rachel'}, {character: 'Monica'} ], 
    city: "NY",
    rating: 8

jab.bindObj(friends, '#friendsElem');

friends.cast = [{character: "Chandler"}, { character: "Joey"}]; //replace or modify members arbitrarily = "New York";
friends.rating = 9.9;

Bind DOM events declaratively

Jab allows you to specify to callbacks for DOM events on elements binded to an object as follows:

<div jab-eventName="myFunc">

In the above example, assuming the <div> has been binded to an object obj, then when the event eventName is triggered on the div, the callback myFunc will be executed on obj (obj.myFunc() will be executed). In other words, the above binding will be the equivalent of:

<div oneventName='obj.myFunc()'>

Let's observe a concrete example:

<div id="friendsElem">
    <div name="cast"> 
        <p name="character" jab-click='sayName'></p>

    <div name="city" jab-mouseover='alertCity'></div>
<script class="script">
      friends = { 
          cast: [ {character: 'Rachel', sayName: function() { alert("Rachel!"); }},
                  {character: 'Monica', sayName: function() { alert("I am Monica") }}
          city: "New York",
          alertCity: function() { alert("City is "; }

      jab.bindObj(friends, '#friendsElem');      

After running the above, clicking on a character will trigger alerting their name, and moving the mouse over the city will trigger 'alertCity'.

Technical Points

  • Stand-alone & dependency-free, simply include and run.
  • Small: ~1.5K compressed and gzipped.
  • Pure JS, creates bindings without changing HTML markup: Keep your logic out of your markup!
  • Supports custom bindings - run any callback on binded element whenever a variable changes.
  • Orthogonal to other JS libraries - use it anywhere, with any other library or templating, without depending or modifying anything else.


A jab is a type of punch used in the martial arts.


  • Source code is on GitHub.
  • Demo page which works with all the examples in this tutorial is here.
  • For any questions, help or pull requests please contact [email protected] directly.
  • License is the standard MIT license.