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Learning Obstacle Representations for Neural Motion Planning

Robin Strudel, Ricardo Garcia, Justin Carpentier, Jean-Paul Laumond, Ivan Laptev, Cordelia Schmid
CoRL 2020

Table of Content


Please cite our work if you use our code or compare to our approach

title={Learning Obstacle Representations for Neural Motion Planning},
author={R. {Strudel} and R. {Garcia} and J. {Carpentier} and J.P. {Laumond} and I. {Laptev} and C. {Schmid}},
journal={Proceedings of Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)},


Download the code

git clone
cd nmprepr

To create a new conda environment containing dependencies

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate nmprepr

To update a conda environment with dependencies

conda env update -f environment.yml


Narrow passages

To train a planning policy on 2D environments with narrow passages

python -m nmp.train Narrow-64Pts-LocalSurfaceNormals-v0 narrow --horizon 50 --seed 0

3D environments

To train a planning policy for the Sphere

python -m nmp.train Sphere-Boxes-64Pts-Rays-v0 sphere_boxes --horizon 80 --seed 0

To train planning policies for the S-Shape

python -m nmp.train SShape-Boxes-64Pts-Rays-v0 sshape_boxes --horizon 80 --seed 0


You can monitor experiments with

tensorboard --logdir=/path/to/experiment


Launch gepetto-gui in a separate terminal


Run a planning policy for the S-Shape and visualize it with gepetto-gui

python -m SShape-Boxes-64Pts-Rays-v0 --exp-name log_dir/params.pkl --seed 100 --horizon 80

Evaluate the success rate of a policy on 100 episodes

python -m SShape-Boxes-64Pts-Rays-v0 --exp-name log_dir/params.pkl --seed 100 --horizon 80 --episodes 100


By default the checkpointing will be in your home directory. You can change it by defining a CHECKPOINT environment variable. Add the following to your .bashrc file to change the logging directory.

export CHECKPOINT=/path/to/checkpoints


  • Class gym.Env: basically the whole environment defined by the user, including operating robots and obstacles
  • Class ConfigurationWrapper: configuration, which corresponds to q in the paper
  • Class ModelWrapper: model of objects for collision checking and so on
  • Colission Checker: m.collision(q) - m is ModelWrapper instance and q is ConfigurationWrapper intance

Code execution structure:

  1. call in nmp, with arguments
  2. initialize environment and policy
  3. use multitask_rollout function to rollout and collection results
  • in render mode, will rollout run infinitely many times
  • in evaluate mode, will run finite time according to specified number of episodes

System dynamics forward:

  • in env, the function step takes in action

    • function step calls move and use model_wrapper to apply action

      next_state = model_wrapper.integrate(
            state, velocity, self.cartesian_integration

      the model is pure kinematics

    • need to check what action is actually applied, also the action needs to be formatted before calling move function

Bidirection RRT is implemented in planning, env has solve_rrt to call planning, will return planning results.

To change sampling startegy, can change solve.solve state sampling distribution

To integrate poliy as local planner, needs to modify the extend function, but not sure whether to use rollout function from rlkit.

Environment structure

env = gym.make(env_name) returns environment mpenv.observers.robot_links.RobotLinksObserver

env.step() is equal to env.env.step(), which is equal to env.env.env.step() (refer to gym/

env.env type mpenv.observers.ray_tracing.RayTracingObserver

env.env.env type mpenv.envs.boxes.Boxes



python -m nmp.test_run --cpu SShape-Boxes-64Pts-Rays-v0 --exp-name log_dir/params.pkl --seed 100 --horizon 80 --episodes 0 > test_run_output


Display robot:


Draw edge:

# see under envs
previous_oMg = ConfigurationWrapper.q_oM[2]
current_oMg = ConfigurationWrapper.q_oM[2]
previous_ee = env.env.env.robot.get_ee(previous_oMg).translation
current_ee = env.env.env.robot.get_ee(current_oMg).translation
env.env.env.viz.add_edge_to_roadmap("path", previous_ee, current_ee) # path is the node name, which can be modified

Evaluation metric

Time, success rate, path quality

Environment parameters

mpenv/envs/ line 26-28:

obstacles_type="boxes" or "shapes" "ycb"

YCB models are stored in mpenv/assets/ycb_data

mpenv/envs/ line 49:

bound_range = 1.0

mpenv/envs/ line 98:

min_num_obs, max_num_obs = 15, 20

Use handcraft narrow environment:

Function generate_geom_objs, set parameter handcraft=True

Example seed: 10

Choose one set of parameters from 2, in function

add_handcraft_obs, set parameters set 1 or parameter set 2
decide variable translation_matrix and obst_size_matrix 

Change sampling function


def solve(env, delta_growth, iterations, simplify, nmp_input=None, sampler="Full"):

Change parameter sampler:

if sampler == "Full":
    sample_fn = sample_full_fn
elif sampler == "Free":
    sample_fn = sample_free_fn
elif sampler == "Bridge":
    sample_fn = sample_bridge_fn
elif sampler == "NearSurface":
    sample_fn = sample_near_surface_fn

Set render as an option

Use --render or not in the command:

    python -m nmp.test_run --cpu SShape-Boxes-64Pts-Rays-v0 --exp-name log_dir/params.pkl --seed 100 --horizon 5 --render --solver_type Normal_RRT

Debug straight line connection case

python -m nmp.test_run --cpu $ENV_NAME --exp-name $LOG_DIR/params.pkl --seed 200 --render --horizon 5 --episodes 0 --solver_type RL_RRT^C