[ opencv ] - Opencv templates and stuff
- QuickFXApp - gui templates to quickly build an JavaFX app and focus on opencv
[ intellij ] - Bunch of stuff for InteliJ IDEA ( colors, configs and stuff )
[ colorSchemeConfigs ] - jars with color scheme settings ( use import settings )
💟 Sebucula 💟 - Seb's (Plasmoxy) color scheme for IntelliJ IDEA
- v1 - first color theme with pretty bad colors for Java
- v2 - fields and methods look now more pleasing, reconfigured to work with setting inheritance, configured Kotlin
- v3 - completely reworked to have more blue in it, grabbed some inspiration from visual studio, works for Java and Kotlin
✳️ SebuTodoSections ✳️ - jars with todo settings ( highlights stuff in comments )
- v1 - added SECTION (green), FIELDS(white) and METHODS(blue) comment highlighting (works same as //TODO) which are used to mark and divide the code so its easier to read