The Bot Library is a python program which enables you to 'bot' things, i.e. let a robot do it for you.
- Flood Bots
- Answer Bot
Interactive Console
Firstly, you will need chromedriver which can be found here
Then you will need to add it to path
Using the package manager pip you will need to install the following
The program will not run without these libraries
This is used to control and interact with the browser
pip install selenium
This is used to interact with Kahoot! which is used in the KahootBot() class
pip install KahootPY
This spices up the look of the program a little by adding colours
pip install colorama
Upon running the program you will be greeted with a welcome message, which states "Type 'help' to get started"
The 'help' command will display a help menu, though the command you're probably interested in is 'execute'. This how you access the program and start up the bot of your choice.
execute <process{arguments}>
execute KahootBot(1234567, "BotName", "QuizName")
Using 'help execute' which will then ask you if you want to list the all processes and their PID (Process ID)
execute pid:1
Kahoot! and the K! logo are trademarks of Kahoot! AS and I do not own them