Yet Another Twin Stick Shooter
Revision: 0.0.2
GDD Template Written by: Benjamin “HeadClot” Stanley
Cute 3D low poly art.
Twin stick
- Combat: Player can shoot projectiles and close quarter combat
- Twin stick movement
- Shoot: Player can shoot objects with a powerup
- Exploration and Items: There will be various levels and items to explore
- Windows
- MacOS
- Steamdeck
- Linux
- Paid Game
- Game Time Scale - One day for now
- Influence #1: Binding Of Isaac
- The type of controls is similar to the ones in this game
- Influence #2: Control
- Objects you can grab and than throw at enemies.
It is yet another twin stick shooter, with a legend of zelda dungeon type style.
[A one sentence pitch for your game.]
Pretend that your were pitching your game to a executive going to the elevator. You have less than 60 Seconds.
- Shooting sound - Hit sound - Soundstrack
- The init
- Hack Day
- Twin stick movement
- Get shooting
- Place holder enemies