Releases: SkidderMC/FDPClient
v4.4.5 RELEASE
[+] discord RPC control Module
[+] 2DESP module LB+/hat and some things
[+] AirLadder module
[+] Pojav Branch
[+] Update Fly HyCraft Fly (if lagback use it again)
[+] Buttons in inventories for Chest stealer/killaura/invcleaner
[+] Spoofer UUID
[+] Conect Command
[+] UUID Command
[+] BowJump Module
[+] AntiVanish Module
[+] Removed all instances of unlegitmc from the client
[+] New Bypasses/some bugs fixed
[!!!] This Update was made by a large part of UnlegitMC and some credits to contributors FDP and LB+
[+] Optimization/size -30 MB FDP NOW 10 MB
[+] Scroll mode in all ClickGUI
[+] Fonts Changed/better now
[+] Update HUD new Shadow Modes/New Colors/Others options/
[+] Update KillAura sorting modes -> HurtTime (player's hurt time), HealthAbsorption (total health with absorption effect), RegenAmplifier (regeneration effect's amplifier).
[+] Update Fucker -> ignoreFirstBlock mode/Render Mode/CoolDown
[+] Update Animations -> noBlockParticles Mode
[+] Update Nametags new options
[+] New Updates in others modules/
[+] Added GlowESP Module
[+] Added Nuker Module
[+] Added AntiExploit Module
[+] Added PackSpoofer Module
[+] Added superheroFX Module like ZeroDay / style Made by LB+
[+] Added KeyPearl Module
[+] Effects Element Remake by Zywl
[+] Update Armor Element
[+] Fix Crash and more bugs
[+] other things I don't remember (modules/bypasses)