Contributions are welcome. If you would like add features or fix bugs, please review the information below.
One source of history or ideas are the bug reports. There you can find ideas for requested features, or the remains of rejected ideas.
If you have a 'big idea' - please file an issue first so it can be discussed prior to you spending a lot of time developing. New features need to be generally useful - if your feature has limited applicability, consider making a small change that ENABLES your feature, rather than trying to get the entire feature into Flask-Identity.
- All new code and bug fixes need unit tests
- If you change/add to the external API be sure to update docs/openapi.yaml
- Additions to configuration variables and/or messages must be documented
- Make sure any new public API methods have good docstrings, are picked up by the api.rst document, and are exposed in if appropriate.
- Add appropriate info to CHANGES.rst
The code is hosted on a GitHub repo at To get a working environment, follow these steps:
(Optional, but recommended) Create a Python 3.6 (or greater) virtualenv to work in, and activate it.
Fork the repo Flask-Identity (look for the "Fork" button).
Clone your fork locally:
$ git clone<your-username>/flask-identity
Create a branch for local development:
$ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
Change directory to flask_identity:
$ cd flask_identity
Install the requirements:
$ poetry install
Develop the Feature/Bug Fix and edit
Write Tests for your code in:
When done, verify unit tests, syntax etc. all pass:
$ python test $ python build_sphinx compile_catalogWhen the tests are successful, commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:
$ git add . $ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes." $ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-featureSubmit a pull request through the GitHub website.
Be sure that the CI tests and coverage checks pass.
When making changes to the external API, you need to update the openapi.yaml formal specification. To do this - install the swagger editor locally:
$ npm -g install swagger-editor-dist http-server
Then in a browser navigate to:
Edit - it is a WYSIWYG editor and will show you errors. Once you save (as yaml) you need to look at what it will render as:
$ python build_sphinx
$ http-server
Then in your browser navigate to:
Unit tests are critical since Flask-Identity is a piece of middleware. They also help other contributors understand any subtleties in the code and edge conditions that need to be handled.
By default the unit tests use an in-memory sqlite DB to test datastores (except for MongoDatastore which uses mongomock). While this is sufficient for most changes, changes to the datastore layer require testing against a real DB (the CI tests test against postgres). It is easy to run the unit tests against a real DB instance. First of course install the DB locally then:
# For postgres
python test --realdburl postgres://<user>@localhost/
# For mysql
python test --realdburl "mysql+pymysql://root:<password>@localhost/"
Much of Flask-Identity is concerned with form-based views. These can be difficult to test
especially translations etc. In the tests directory is a stand-alone Flask application
that can be run and you can point your browser to it and walk
through the various views.