You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 228
In this tutorial we will build upon the app created at Simple Password Authentication so make sure you understand it.
API was changed in v0.3.1 and configuration file changed in v0.4.0, please see changelog
Known issues: there are some bugs with this module in v0.2.0 that were fixed in v0.2.1, so be sure to use the latest gem! This tutorial is updated for v0.4.0
First Add some db fields:
rails g sorcery:install external --migrations
Which will create:
class SorceryExternal < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :authentications do |t|
t.integer :user_id, :null => false
t.string :provider, :uid, :null => false
def self.down
drop_table :authentications
rake db:migrate
And generate the model Authentication without migration:
rails g model Authentication --migration=false
Let's add the submodule and configuration:
# config/initializers/sorcery.rb
Rails.application.config.sorcery.submodules = [:external, blabla, blablu, ...]
Rails.application.config.sorcery.configure do |config|
config.external_providers = [:twitter, :facebook]
#add this file to .gitignore BEFORE putting any secret keys in here, or use a system like Figaro to abstract it!!!
config.twitter.key = "<your key here>"
config.twitter.secret = "<your key here>"
config.twitter.callback_url = ""
config.twitter.user_info_mapping = {:username => "screen_name"}
config.facebook.key = "<your key here>"
config.facebook.secret = "<your key here>"
config.facebook.callback_url = ""
config.facebook.user_info_mapping = {:email => "email", :name => "name", :username => "username", :hometown => "hometown/name"} #etc
config.facebook.scope = "email,offline_access,user_hometown,user_interests,user_likes" #etc
config.facebook.display = "popup"
# --- user config ---
config.user_config do |user|
# -- external --
user.authentications_class = Authentication
You will need to register your app with Twitter/Facebook to get your keys of course.
The 'user_info_mapping' takes care of converting the user info from the provider (Twitter/Facebook) into the attributes that your user has, in this case we only used it to have a username.
Now we need to associate User with Authentication:
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :authentications_attributes
authenticates_with_sorcery! do |config|
config.authentications_class = Authentication
has_many :authentications, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :authentications
# app/models/authentication.rb
class Authentication < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :user_id, :provider, :uid
belongs_to :user
Let's add links to connect to Twitter and Facebook (you would probably use images in a real app):
# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<%= link_to 'Login with Twitter', auth_at_provider_path(:provider => :twitter) %> |
<%= link_to 'Login with Facebook', auth_at_provider_path(:provider => :facebook) %>
We'll need a controller to handle the authentications:
rails g controller Oauths oauth callback
# app/controllers/oauths_controller.rb
class OauthsController < ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :require_login
# sends the user on a trip to the provider,
# and after authorizing there back to the callback url.
def oauth
def callback
provider = params[:provider]
if @user = login_from(provider)
redirect_to root_path, :notice => "Logged in from #{provider.titleize}!"
@user = create_from(provider)
# NOTE: this is the place to add '@user.activate!' if you are using user_activation submodule
reset_session # protect from session fixation attack
redirect_to root_path, :notice => "Logged in from #{provider.titleize}!"
redirect_to root_path, :alert => "Failed to login from #{provider.titleize}!"
#example for Rails 4: add private method below and use "auth_params[:provider]" in place of
#"params[:provider] above.
# private
# def auth_params
# params.permit(:code, :provider)
# end
Let's add routes for this controller:
# config/routes.rb
post "oauth/callback" => "oauths#callback"
get "oauth/:provider" => "oauths#oauth", :as => :auth_at_provider
Basically how this works is like this: The user asks to login using a provider. We send the user to authorize at the provider's site, and he is then redirected back. If he doesn't exist in our db, he is auto-created and logged in. If he already exists in our db, he just gets logged in.
Using Sorcery
- Activity Logging
- Brute Force Protection
- DataMapper Support
- DelayedJob Integration
- Distinguish login failure reasons
- External
- External---Microsoft-Graph-authentication
- Fetching Currently Active Users
- HTTP Basic Auth
- Integration Testing
- OAuth Landing Page
- Password-less Activation
- Remember Me
- Reset Password
- Routes Constraints
- Session Timeout
- Simple Password Authentication
- Single Table Inheritance Support
- Testing Rails
- User Activation
Contributing to Sorcery