All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update Android SDK to version 1.9.8
- Update iOS SDK to version 1.11.0
- Custom dark mode background color is not applied
- Dark mode support
- Fix crash on RN 0.66
- Depend on React-Core in iOS podspec
- Support Android 11 (API level 30)
- Update Android SDK v1.7.0
- Update iOS SDK v1.6.8
- iOS flag to open login screen on root VC issue with reply to comment
- Android flag to open login screen on root Activity issue with logged in user
- Update Android SDK version to 1.6.3
- Update iOS SDK version to 1.6.7
- Update iOS SDK v1.6.6
- SpotIM component UIViewControllerHierarchyIncosistencyException issue
- Sample app improvements - navigation and simulate login
- [Android] Login Screen "hiding" below "Create Comment" instead of on top - flag for open the login screen on the root Activity.
- [iOS] Login Screen "hiding" below "Create Comment" instead of on top - flag for open the login screen on the root VC.
- Analytics event duplications
- Memory leak when re-render SpotIm View
- SpotIm component should be update when changing postId prop
- SDK initialization with SpotIMAPI module in root component constructor
- Remove spotId from SpotIm component props
- Android - no need to add android SDK dependency and to initialize the SDK from the native code
- Update iOS SDK v1.6.2
- Update Android SDK v1.6.1
- Analytics Event callback
- Update the react native iOS podspec file with iOS SDK v1.5.13
- Remove Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK dependency from podspec
- Update the react native iOS podspec file with iOS SDK v1.5.4 (move to Xcframework solution)
- Support for Xcode 14.5
- Update the react native iOS podspec file with iOS SDK v1.1.1
s.dependency "Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK", '~> 7.69.0'
- Fixed crash when commiting the pre-conversation fragment after onSaveInstanceState called
- Android height issues
- Android crash when switching fast between screens that contain the SpotIm view
- iOS Crash when API returns an error