I have a bunch of pictures on my NAS, but only a few of them are starred with Rating with 4 or more. To show only these pictures from my TV, I thought to create some *.wpl files with a playlist of them.
I use the exiftool to retrieve the ratings (or tags or anything from EXIF header data).
brew install exiftool
I have written the following bash script to find files with Ratings >= 4 and put them into a WPL file.
First I switch to the directory from where I want to create the WPL file.
cd /Volumes/Public/Shared\ Pictures/
Then start the script with the directory tree to search in, the name of the target WPL file in the current dir and a title text.
find-starred-photos.sh 2012 2012-rated-pictures.wpl "Bilder 2012"
Such a WPL file looks like this:
<?wpl version="1.0"?>
<meta name="Generator" content="Twonky"/>
<meta name="IsNetworkFeed" content="0"/>
<meta name="IsUserGenerated" content="1"/>
<meta name="Type" content="P"/>
<title>Urlaub 2012 in der Toskana</title>
<media src="2012/2012-05-26/DSCF0372.JPG"/>
<media src="2012/2012-06-09/DSCF0915.JPG"/>
Here is the bash script code:
function usage {
echo "Usage: $0 dirname wplfile \"your title\""
exit 0
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
tee $2 <<EOF
<?wpl version="1.0"?>
<meta name="Gener$ator" content="Twonky"/>
<meta name="IsNetworkFeed" content="0"/>
<meta name="IsUserGenerated" content="1"/>
<meta name="Type" content="P"/>
echo "<title>$3</title>" >>$2
tee -a $2 <<EOF
# write files in file to avoid problem with blanks in file names
find "$1" -type f -print | sort >/tmp/files$$
while read f; do
rating=`exiftool "$f" |grep Rating | grep -v Percent | sed -e 's/.*: //'`
if [ "$rating" != "" ]; then
if [ "$rating" -ge "4" ]; then
echo "Picture $f has rating $rating"
echo "<media src=\"$f\"/>" >>$2
done < /tmp/files$$
rm /tmp/files$$
tee -a $2 <<EOF
echo "Done!"