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File metadata and controls

356 lines (279 loc) · 9.5 KB

What Is It?

cpp_util is a header-only C++11 library. It is a collection of some small tools which were created to simplify application developement. Some of them are rather old and even ancient, created even before C++98 was standartized. Some are relative new and require C++ compilers with good support of C++11 standard.

How To Use

Just clone Hg repository somewhere and add path to dev folder to your INCLUDE path. For example:

cd ~/projects
git clone
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$(CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH):~/projects/cpp_util-3.0/dev


cd c:\projects
git clone
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;c:\projects\cpp_util-3.0\dev

Recipe For MxxRu::externals

Inclusion of cpp_util via MxxRu::externals can be done with recipes like these:

MxxRu::arch_externals :cpp_util_3 do |e|
  e.url ''

  e.map_dir 'dev/cpp_util_3' => 'dev'


MxxRu::hg_externals :cpp_util_3 do |e|
  e.url ''
  e.tag 'v.3.0.0-rc9'

  e.map_dir 'dev/cpp_util_3' => 'dev'

Building Samples And Test

Mxx_ru build tool is necessary for building samples and tests. To install Mxx_ru you need Ruby and RubyGems installed in your system (in most cases RubyGems is installed with Ruby automatically). Then:

gem install Mxx_ru

To build all tests and samples it is necessary to run ruby build.rb from dev folder:

cd ~/projects
hg clone
cd cpp-util/dev
ruby build.rb

To build some specific sample or test it is necessary to run corresponding project file from dev folder:

cd ~/projects
hg clone
cd cpp-util/dev
ruby sample/lexcast/util/prj.rb

Note. Mxx_ru tries to detect type of your compiler automatically. In most cases it just works. But sometimes it is necessary to specify your compiler manually via MXX_RU_CPP_TOOLSET environment variable. For example if you have GCC and clang in your Linux and want to use clang, then MXX_RU_CPP_TOOLSET must be set as:

export MXX_RU_CPP_TOOLSET=clang_linux


cpp_util is distributed under 3-clauses BSD license.

What's Inside?


Helper function at_scope_exit. Something like scope_exit from D language or defer from Go:

#include <cpp_util_3/at_scope_exit.hpp>
void dump_content_to_file( const char * file_name, const content & cnt )
	std::FILE * file = std::fopen( file_name, "w" );
	if( file )
		auto file_closer = cpp_util_3::at_scope_exit( [file]{ std::fclose( file ); } );


Definition for macros like CPP_UTIL_3_EXPORT, CPP_UTIL_3_IMPORT, CPP_UTIL_3_UNIX, CPP_UTIL_3_WINDOWS, CPP_UTIL_3_WIN64 and so on.

Macros CPP_UTIL_3_EXPORT and CPP_UTIL_3_IMPORT hide compiler-specific keywords for exporting/importing functions from dynamic-link libraries:

// Somewhere in DLL-related header file...
#pragma once
#include <cpp_util_3/detect_compiler.hpp>

#if defined(MY_DLL)
	// Header included during compilation of the DLL.
	// Symbols must be exported.
	// Header included during compilation of a DLL client.
	// Symbols must be imported.
class MY_DLL_DECLSPEC some_exported_class { ... };

MY_DLL_DECLSPEC void some_exported_function();


Helper function ensure for simplification of checking for some condition and throwing an exception if that condition is not fulfilled:

#include <cpp_util_3/ensure.hpp>
// Do some 3rd-party library call.
auto r = mosquitto_subscribe( m_mosq.get(),
		&mid, topic_name.c_str(), qos_to_use );
// Expect only a subset of error codes.
// If another error code is returned then exception must be thrown.
cpp_util_3::ensure< std::runtime_error >(
			return tfm::format( "mosquitto_subscribe(%s, %d) failed, rc=%d",
				topic_name, qos_to_use, r );
		} );


Helper function terminate_if_throws is intended to be used in cases where some block of code must be run without any exceptions. If an exception is thrown from that block then the whole application must be terminated.

#include <cpp_util_3/terminate_if_throws.hpp>
// We want to provide strong exception guarantee for that method.
void some_complex_class::do_some_modification(const params & p) {
  // Checks all necessary conditions first.
  // Some exceptions can be thrown here.
  // Preallocate some resources.
  // Exceptions are expected here. But this is not a problem
  // because there is no any actual state changes yet.
  auto r1 = preallocate_resource_one(p);
  auto r2 = preallocate_resource_two(p);
  // All preparations are done. We don't expect exceptions
  // in the following block of code. But if some exception is thrown
  // then we don't know how to repair from it.
  cpp_util_3::terminate_if_throws( [&] {
  } );


Helper class and related stuff for lifetime indication via type:

class config { ... };

class data_processor {
	// Indicator that reference to config must outlive data_processor object.
	cpp_util_3::outliving_reference_t<const config> cfg_;
public :
		// Indicator that reference to config must outlive data_processor object.
		cpp_util_3::outliving_reference_t<const config> cfg)
	: cfg_(cfg)

void f() {
	config cfg = load_config();
	data_processor processor( cpp_util_3::outliving_const(cfg) );


Family of functions lexcast and slexcast. They are very old and now it is better to use more modern and efficient alternatives (Boost.LexicalCast, cppformat or tinyformat). Functions lexcast/slexcast are still in cpp_util library mostly by reasons of compatibility.

But there are some lexcast helpers which can be useful even now.


Several tools like hex, hex_0x and all. For example, it is possible to show content of a vector by help from cppformat and cpp_util:

#include <cppformat/format.h>

#include <cpp_util_3/lexcasts/util.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
using namespace cpp_util_3;

int main()
		vector< int > v{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

		fmt::print( "vector is: {}\n", lexcasts::all( v, ", " ) );
		fmt::print( "vector is: {}\n", lexcasts::all( v, ", ", lexcasts::hex_0x() ) );
		fmt::print( "items greater than 3: {}\n",
					upper_bound( begin(v), end(v), 3),
					", ", lexcasts::hex() ) );

This example will print:

vector is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
vector is: 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6
items greater than 3: 4, 5, 6


Helper function(s) for writing loops in declarative style. For example:

#include <cpp_util_3/loops.hpp>

using namespace cpp_util_3;
n_times( 3, []{ std::cout << "===" << std::endl; } );


Helper functions for creation of hex dumps of strings or byte buffers (could be useful for logging):

#include <cpp_util_3/hex_dumps/string_dumper.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
namespace dumps = cpp_util_3::hex_dumps;

int main()
		// Will print '68 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 77 6f 72 6c 64':
		cout << "'" << dumps::string_dumper("hello, world") << "'\n";
		// Will print '68656c6c6f2c20776f726c64'
		cout << "'" << dumps::string_dumper_without_spaces("hello, world") << "'\n";


Helper function do_with_rollback_on_exception which simplifies writting of exception safe code:

#include <cpp_util_3/rollback_on_exception.hpp>
void some_complex_container::insert_item( const some_data & item )
	// Three internal containers must be updated.
	// Any update can lead to exception.
	// Container update must be rolled back on exception.
	first_container_.push_back( item );
			second_container_.push_back( item );
				[&]{ thrid_container_.push_back( itsm ); },
				// Rollback action.
				[&]{ second_container_.pop_back(); } );
		// Rollback action.
		[&]{ first_container_.pop_back(); } );


Helper class string_piece_t is old and simple analog of string_span from C++ Core Guidelines or string_view from proposals for C++17.

It can be used for functions and methods which except string-like params:

#include <cpp_util_3/string_piece.hpp>
bool is_valid_name( cpp_util_3::string_piece_t name ) {
  ... // Some manipulation of name's contents.
char name1[ 16 ] = {...};
if( is_valid_name( name1 ) ) { ... }

if( is_valid_name( "some name" ) ) { ... }

std::string name2 = ...;
if( is_valid_name( name2 ) ) { ... }