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Integration with SAP Business ByDesign

In this chapter we integrate the BTP application with SAP Business ByDesign (ByD).

Frontend integration:

  1. Launch the BTP app from the ByD launchpad,
  2. Launch BTP administration applications such as the IAS admin app from the ByD launchpad,
  3. Navigate from the BTP app to related ByD projects (ByD Project Management),
  4. Single sign-on for ByD, the BTP app and all BTP admin apps using the same IAS tenant as IDP.

Back-channel integration:

  1. Create ByD projects from the BTP app using OData APIs with principal propagation,
  2. The BTP subscribes to ByD events notifications to set the status of author readings according the status of related projects in ByD.

Configure Single Sign-on for ByD

We use the SAP Identity and Authentication Service (IAS) as corporate identity provider (IDP) and establish a trust relationship between the service provider (our ByD tenant) and the IAS tenant. In result ByD delegates user authentications to the IAS tenant incl. single sign-on.

We setup the trust relationship between ByD and IAS using SAML 2.0 and we use e-mail to identify the user. Therefore, make sure the same e-mail addresses are entered for users in ByD as well as in the IAS tenant.

IAS Admin UI:

  1. Download the IDP SAML metadata file: Open menu item Tenant Settings >> SAML 2.0 Configuration and click on Download Metadata File (the button in the lower left corner).


  1. Open work center Application and User Management and navigate to Common Tasks >> Configure Single Sign-on.
  2. Go to the Identity Provider sheet, and in the list Trusted Identity Provider, click on the button New Identity Provider.
  3. Upload the IDP SAML metadata file which you downloaded from IAS tenant.
  4. Enter a suitable name for the IDP as Alias. The alias is displayed in the selection screen to choose an IDP in case you configure multiple identity provider in ByD.
  5. In the list under Supported Name ID Formats, add "E-Mail Address" as additional Name Id Format and use the Actions button group to set the e-mail address default name ID format.
  6. Click on the Save button on the header of the UI.
  7. Click on the Activate Single Sign-On button on the header of the UI.
  8. Navigate to sheet My System and click on button SP Metadata to download the ByD Service provider SAML metadata file.

IAS Admin UI:

  1. Open menu item Applications and create a new application of type Bundled application.
    • Enter the required information like application display name, application URL, … The display name appears on user login screen and the login applies to all applications liked to the IAS tenant (following the SSO principle). Choose something meaningful display name from an end-user point of view representing the scope of the IAS, for example "Almika Inc. - User login" or "Almika Inc. - ByD user authentication". As application URL you may use the ByD access URL for single sign-on, for example
    • Open section *SAML 2.0 Configuration" and upload the ByD Service provider SAML metadata file that you downloaded from ByD.
    • Open section Subject Name identifier and select "E-Mail" as basic attribute.
    • Open section Default Name ID Format and select "E-Mail".

Test the ByD user authentication with single sign-on:

  1. Open the SSO access URL of ByD (for example in an incognito browser window and check if ByD redirects to the IAS login screen for user authentication. Use your e-mail and the IAS-password and check if the login to ByD is processed successfully.

Configure ByD OData Services

In our sample BTP application we read and write ByD projects using the Custom OData Service "khproject".

We enable an OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer authentication to access the ByD OData service to read and write ByD projects with user-context initiated by a user on the UI of the BTP application. In result ByD user authorizations apply on the BTP application as well. Users without the permission to manage projects in ByD can still open the BTP application, but ByD project data is not retrieved and projects cannot be created.

Additionally, we configure access to the ByD OData service by a technical user, called Communication User in ByD, to read ByD project data in context of an asynchonous event-based integration between ByD and the BTP application.

Expose ByD Projects as OData Service

Create the Custom OData Service "khproject":

  1. Download the sample Custom OData Service "khproject" from GitHub repository SAP Business ByDesign - API Samples.
  2. Open the ByD work center view Application and User Management - OData Services, select Custom OData Services and upload the Custom OData Service.
  3. Refresh the table of custom OData services and open the OData service "khproject" by clicking on Edit.
  4. Take note of the Service URL which provides the service metadata as ByD khproject metadata for later reference.

Note: The GitHub repository mentioned above offers a Postman collection with examples to explore and test the ByD OData service as well.

Configure Authentication by Business Users

Configure ByD for OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer authentications.

BTP provider subaccount: Get the signing certificate of the BTP UAA service as OAuth Identity provider:

  1. Open the menu item Connectivity >> Destinations, click on Download Trust and save the file with the signing certificate. Change the file name using ".cer" as file extension, for example "btp-signing-certificate.cer".
  2. Open the file with the signing certificate and take note of the "Issued by"-name.

Note: In result you have a file with the BTP subaccount signing certificate (with file extension ".cer") and the BTP subaccount service provider name, referred to as "Issued by" in the BTP subaccount signing certificate. Keep them both for later reference.

ByD: Configure an OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider:

  1. Open the ByD work center Application and User Management and the common task Configure OAuth 2.0 Identity Providers.
  2. Create new OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider:
    • Issuing Entity Name: Enter the BTP subaccount service provider name noted in step 1
    • Primary Signing Certificate: Browse and upload the BTP subaccount signing certificate (".cer"-file)
    • Check indicator Email Address
  3. Enter an Alias for the new OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider, for example "Author Reading Runtime"
  4. Save

ByD: Add an OAuth2.0 Client Registration:

  1. Open the ByD work center view Application and User Management – OAuth2.0 Client Registration and create a new OAuth2.0 Client Registration:
    • Client ID: Note the Client ID generated by the system as ByD OAuth Client ID.
    • Client Secret: Enter a secure password and note the password as ByD OAuth Client Secret.
    • Description: Enter some meaningful description.
    • Issuer Name: Select the OAuth 2.0 Identity provider created just before.
    • Scope: Selecting scope ID “UIWC:CC_HOME” should be sufficient for most use cases. Note the scope as ByD OAuth Scope

ByD: Get ByD service provider name:

  1. Open the ByD work center Application and User Management and common task Configure Single Sign-On. On sheet My System take note of the Local Service Provider as ByD service provider name.

ByD: Download the ByD server certificate:

  1. Open the ByD UI (here using Chrome as browser) and click on the lock icon View site information on the left side of the URL and export the ByD server certificate as Base-64 encoded "X.-509"-file

Note: Keep your notes and the ByD server certificate file; you will need them when configuring the destinations in the BTP provider subaccount after completing the code enhancements of your BTP application.

Configure Authentication by a Technical User

ByD: Create a Communication System that represents the BTP provider subaccount:

  1. Open the ByD work center view Application and User Management – Communication Systems and create a new Communication System:

    • ID: Enter a unique ID for the BTP provider subaccount as remote system, for example using the BTP provider subaccount name such as "authorreadings-XXXXXXXX".
    • Host Name: Enter the host name of the BTP application, for example "" (You find the host name in the BTP provider subaccount by navigating to Cloud Foundry >> Spaces, open the space with the BTP application runtime, navigate to Routes and click in column Mapped Applications on "author-readings-srv". Use the Application Route as host name).
    • System Access Type: "Internet".
  2. Save and activate the Communication System.

    Note: ByD automatically creates a Communication User for the Communication System. By creating a Communication Arrangement in the next step we assign the authorizations to access the ByD OData services to this Communication User.

ByD: Create a Communication Arrangement for OData services:

  1. Open the ByD work center view Application and User Management - Communication Arrangements and create a new Communication Arrangement.
    • Select the Communication Scenario "OData Services for Business Objects" and click on Next.
    • Select the Communication System and click on Next.
    • Select the Authentication Method (here we use "User ID and Password" for simplicity; in a productive scenario you may prefer the authentication method "SSL Client Certificate").
    • Enter a secure password by clicking on button Edit Credentials. Take note of the user and the password as ByD Communication User ID and ByD Communication User Password.
    • Search the OData service "khproject" in table Services Used and select the Assigned-checkbox to assign the authorization to access the OData service to the Communication User. Click on Next.
    • Click on Finish to save and close the process to create the Communication Arrangement.

Enhance the BTP App to Consume ByD OData APIs

In this chapter we import the ByD OData service as "remore service" into our CAP project and use the OData service to create ByD projects to plan and run author reading events.

Import ByD OData Services

We will use the ByD OData service for projects to read and write ByD projects in context of a user interaction and to pull additional data in context of the event-based integration. Therefore we will consume the ByD OData service using two destinations with different authentication methods. Because of the one-to-one binding of remote services and destinations in CAP, we will import the ByD OData service for projects twice: once for a OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer authentication to propagate the logged-in business user to ByD, and once for authentication by the technical user created with the Communication Arrangement in ByD.

ByD: Create EDMX-file from ByD Odata service:

  1. Run the $metadata url of the ByD OData service in a browser window or Postman: https://{{ByDTenantHostname}}/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/khproject/$metadata?sap-label=true&sap-language=en.

  2. Save the service response payload with the metadata in two files with file-extension ".edmx":

    • File "byd_khproject.edmx" for user propagation,
    • File "byd_khproject_tech_user.edmx" for authentication by technical users.

    Note: Ensure a unique file names without special chars except "_".

BAS: Import the ByD odata service into the CAP project:

  1. Create a folder with name "external_resources" in the root folder of the application.

  2. Open the context menu on folder "./external_resources" and upload both edmx-files with the OData services.

  3. Open a terminal, navigate to folder "./application/author-readings", and import both edmx files using the commands cds import ./external_resources/byd_khproject.edmx --as cds and cds import ./external_resources/byd_khproject_tech_user.edmx --as cds.

    Note: Do not use the cds import command parameter --keep-namespace, because this results in a cds service name "cust", which would lead to service name clashes if you import multiple ByD custom odata services.

    After running the above command cds import ... the file package.json is updated with a cds configuration referring to the remote odata services, and a folder "./srv/external" with configuration files for the remote services has been created.

    Note: Typically, remote services do not require any persistency. Make sure the entities in the corresponding ".cds"-files in folder ./srv/external are annotated with @cds.persistence.skip : true. You may encounter errors during deployment with db-deployer service if the persistency-skip-annotation is missing.

Enhance the entity model to store key project information

BAS: Enhance the CAP entity models in file ./application/author-readings/db/entity-models.cds by elements to store project key information to associate author readings to projects in remote ERP systems.

  1. Enhance the entity AuthorReadings by the elements:

    projectID               : String;
    projectObjectID         : String;
    projectURL              : String;
    projectSystem           : String;  
  2. Enhance the annotations of entity AuthorReadings by the elements:

    projectID               @title : '{i18n>projectID}';
    projectObjectID         @title : '{i18n>projectObjectID}';
    projectURL              @title : '{i18n>projectURL}';
    projectSystem           @title : '{i18n>projectSystem}';
  3. Enhance the labels for entity AuthorReadings in file ./application/author-readings/db/i18n/ by the labels:

    projectID               = Project
    projectObjectID         = Project UUID
    projectURL              = Project URL
    projectSystem           = Project System

Enhance the Service Model by the Remote Service

BAS: Extend the CAP service model by the remote entities:

  1. Open file ./application/author-readings/srv/service-models.cds with the service models.

  2. Expose ByD project data throughout the CAP service model for principal propagation:

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Extend service AuthorReadingManager by ByD projects (principal propagation)
    using { byd_khproject as RemoteByDProject } from './external/byd_khproject';
    extend service AuthorReadingManager with {
        entity ByDProjects as projection on RemoteByDProject.ProjectCollection {
            key ObjectID as ID,
            ProjectID as projectID,
            ResponsibleCostCentreID as costCenter,
            ProjectTypeCode as typeCode,
            ProjectTypeCodeText as typeCodeText,
            ProjectLifeCycleStatusCode as statusCode,
            ProjectLifeCycleStatusCodeText as statusCodeText,
            BlockingStatusCode as blockingStatusCode,
            PlannedStartDateTime as startDateTime,
            PlannedEndDateTime as endDateTime,
            ProjectSummaryTask as summaryTask : redirected to ByDProjectSummaryTasks,
            Task as task : redirected to ByDProjectTasks                     
        entity ByDProjectSummaryTasks as projection on RemoteByDProject.ProjectSummaryTaskCollection {
            key ObjectID as ID,
            ParentObjectID as parentID,
            ID as taskID,
            ProjectName as projectName,
            ResponsibleEmployeeID as responsibleEmployee,
            ResponsibleEmployeeFormattedName as responsibleEmployeeName
        entity ByDProjectTasks as projection on RemoteByDProject.TaskCollection {
            key ObjectID as ID,
            ParentObjectID as parentID,
            TaskID as taskID,
            TaskName as taskName,
            PlannedDuration as duration,
            ResponsibleEmployeeID as responsibleEmployee,
            ResponsibleEmployeeFormattedName as responsibleEmployeeName
  3. Enhance the service model of service AuthorReadingManager by an association to the remote project in ByD:

    // Author readings (combined with remote project using mixin)
    entity AuthorReadings as select from armodels.AuthorReadings
        mixin {
            // ByD projects: Mix-in of ByD project data
            toByDProject: Association to RemoteByDProject.ProjectCollection on toByDProject.ProjectID = $projection.projectID
  4. Enhance the service model of service AuthorReadingManager by virtual elements to control the coloring of status information, to pass on the name of the ERP system from the destination to the UI, and the visualization of actions:

    // Author readings (combined with remote project using mixin)
    entity AuthorReadings as select from armodels.AuthorReadings
        mixin {
            // ByD projects: Mix-in of ByD project data
            toByDProject: Association to RemoteByDProject.ProjectCollection on toByDProject.ProjectID = $projection.projectID
        into  {
            virtual null as statusCriticality    : Integer @title : '{i18n>statusCriticality}',
            virtual null as projectSystemName    : String  @title : '{i18n>projectSystemName}' @odata.Type : 'Edm.String',
            // ByD projects: visibility of button "Create project in ByD"
            virtual null as createByDProjectEnabled : Boolean  @title : '{i18n>createByDProjectEnabled}'  @odata.Type : 'Edm.Boolean',
  5. Enhance the service model of service AuthorReadingManager by an action to create remote projects:

    // ByD projects: action to create a project in ByD
        Common.SideEffects              : {TargetEntities: ['_authorreading','_authorreading/toByDProject']}, : '_authorreading'
    action createByDProject() returns AuthorReadings;

    Note: The side effect annotation refreshes the project data right after executing the action.

  6. Expose ByD project data throughout the CAP service model for technical users:

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Extend service AuthorReadingManager by ByD projects (technical users)
    using { byd_khproject_tech_user as RemoteByDProjectTechUser } from './external/byd_khproject_tech_user';
    extend service AuthorReadingManager with {
        entity ByDProjectsTechUser as projection on RemoteByDProjectTechUser.ProjectCollection {
            key ObjectID as ID,
            ProjectID as projectID,
            ResponsibleCostCentreID as costCenter,
            ProjectTypeCode as typeCode,
            ProjectTypeCodeText as typeCodeText,
            ProjectLifeCycleStatusCode as statusCode,
            ProjectLifeCycleStatusCodeText as statusCodeText,
            BlockingStatusCode as blockingStatusCode,
            PlannedStartDateTime as startDateTime,
            PlannedEndDateTime as endDateTime                    

    Note: The remote access to projects via technical user is used for asynchronous processes such as event-based integrations only. Therefore, it is not required to mix-in the remote project entity for technical users into the the main entity AuthorReadings. Furthermore, for our example project header data is sufficient and therefore we do not include project tasks into the project model for technical users.

Enhance the Authentication Model to cover Remote Projects

BAS: Extend the authorization annotation of the CAP service model by restrictions referring to the remote services:

  1. Open file ./application/author-readings/srv/service-auth.cds with the authorization annotations.

  2. Enhance the authorization model for the service entities ByDProjects, ByDProjectSummaryTasks, ByDProjectTasks and ByDProjectsTechUser:

    // ByD projects: Managers and Administrators can read and create remote projects
    annotate AuthorReadingManager.ByDProjects with @(restrict : [
            grant : ['*'],
            to    : 'AuthorReadingManagerRole',
            grant : ['*'],
            to    : 'AuthorReadingAdminRole'
    annotate AuthorReadingManager.ByDProjectSummaryTasks with @(restrict : [
            grant : ['*'],
            to    : 'AuthorReadingManagerRole',
            grant : ['*'],
            to    : 'AuthorReadingAdminRole'
    annotate AuthorReadingManager.ByDProjectTasks with @(restrict : [
            grant : ['*'],
            to    : 'AuthorReadingManagerRole',
            grant : ['*'],
            to    : 'AuthorReadingAdminRole'
    annotate AuthorReadingManager.ByDProjectsTechUser with @(restrict : [
            grant : ['*'],
            to    : 'AuthorReadingManagerRole',
            grant : ['*'],
            to    : 'AuthorReadingAdminRole'

Create a file with Reuse Functions for ByD

Some reuse functions specific for ByD have been defined in a separate file. Copy the ByD reuse functions in file connector-byd.js into your project. The file contains functions to delegate OData requests to ByD, to read ByD project data, and to assemble a OData payload to create ByD projects using a project template.

Enhance the Business Logic to operate on ByD Data

BAS: Enhance the implementation of the CAP services in file ./application/author-readings/srv/service-implementation.js to create and read ByD project data using the remote ByD OData service.

  1. Delegate requests to the remote OData service:

    // Delegate OData requests to remote project entities
    srv.on("READ", "ByDProjects", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("READ", "ByDProjectSummaryTasks", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("READ", "ByDProjectTasks", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("CREATE", "ByDProjects", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("CREATE", "ByDProjectSummaryTasks", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("CREATE", "ByDProjectTasks", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("UPDATE", "ByDProjects", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("UPDATE", "ByDProjectSummaryTasks", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("UPDATE", "ByDProjectTasks", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("DELETE", "ByDProjects", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("DELETE", "ByDProjectSummaryTasks", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("DELETE", "ByDProjectTasks", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject");
    srv.on("READ", "ByDProjectsTechUser", async (req) => {
        return await connectorByD.delegateODataRequests(req,"byd_khproject_tech_user");

    Note: Without delegation, the remote entities return the error code 500 with message "SQLITE_ERROR: no such table" (local testing).

  2. Determine the connected backend systems and get system name in the before-read event of author readings:

    // Check connected backend systems
    srv.before("READ", "AuthorReadings", async (req) => {
        // ByD
        ByDIsConnectedIndicator = await reuse.checkDestination(req,"byd"); 
        ByDSystemName           = await reuse.getDestinationDescription(req,"byd-url");
  3. Set the virtual element createByDProjectEnabled to control the visualization of the action to create projects dynamically in the after-read event of author readings and pass on the project system name:

    // Update project system name and visibility of the "Create Project"-button
    if (authorReading.projectID) {
        authorReading.createByDProjectEnabled = false;
        if(authorReading.projectSystem == 'ByD')  authorReading.projectSystemName = ByDSystemName;
        authorReading.createByDProjectEnabled = ByDIsConnectedIndicator;
  4. Add implementation for action CreateByDProject as outlined in code block:

    // Entity action "createByDProject"
    srv.on("createByDProject", async (req) => {
        // see code in file ./service-implementation.js

    Add two lines to import the reuse functions in the beginning of the file:

     const reuse = require("./reuse");
     const connectorByD = require("./connector-byd");

    Add two global varibales to buffer the status and the name of remote project management systems:

    // Buffer status and name of project management systems
    var ByDIsConnectedIndicator;  
    var ByDSystemName;
  5. Add the functions getDestinationURL, checkDestination and getDestinationDescription in the file reuse.js in folder ./srv (Refer to the file to check the required code).

    Note: The reuse functions getDestinationURL, checkDestination and getDestinationDescription are designed to work for single-tenant as well as for multi-tenant deployments. For single-tenant deployments it reads the destination from the BTP subaccount that hosts the app, for multi-tenant deployments it reads the destination from the subscriber subaccount. We achieve this system behavior by pasing the JWT-token of the logged-in user to the function to get the destination. The JWT-token contains the tenant information.

  6. Since we are using the npm module @sap-cloud-sdk/connectivity in file reuse.js, we need to add the corresponding npm modules to the dependencies in the package.json file:

    "dependencies": {
        "@sap-cloud-sdk/connectivity": "^3.2.0",
        "@sap-cloud-sdk/http-client": "^3.3.0"
  7. Add system message in file ./application/author-readings/srv/i18n/

    ACTION_CREATE_PROJECT_DRAFT=Projects cannot be created for draft author readings
  8. Add implementation to expand author readings to remote projects (OData parameter /AuthorReadings?$expand=toByDProject):

    // Expand author readings to remote projects
    srv.on("READ", "AuthorReadings", async (req, next) => {
        // Read the AuthorReading instances
        let authorReadings = await next();
        // Check and Read ByD project related data 
        if ( ByDIsConnectedIndicator ){
            authorReadings = await connectorByD.readProject(authorReadings);
        // Return remote project data
        return authorReadings;

    Note: OData features like $expand, $filter, $orderby, ... need to be implemented in the service implementation.

Enhance the Web App to display ByD Data and navigate to the ByD Project Overview

BAS: Edit the Fiori Element annotations of the web app in file ./app/authorreadingmanager/annotations.cds:

  1. Add project elements to the Author readings floorplan (already done in previous steps):

    • Selection fields:
      SelectionFields : [
    • Table columns:
          $Type : 'UI.DataFieldWithUrl',
          Value : projectID,
          Url   : projectURL
          $Type : 'UI.DataField',
          Value : projectSystemName
          $Type : 'UI.DataField',
          Value : projectSystem
    • Header facet, field group #Values:
          $Type : 'UI.DataFieldWithUrl',
          Value : projectID,
          Url   : projectURL
          $Type : 'UI.DataField',
          Value : projectSystemName
      } ,
          $Type : 'UI.DataField',
          Value : projectSystem
  2. Add a facet Project Data to display information from the remote service by following the toByDProject-association:

    • Add facet:
          $Type  : 'UI.CollectionFacet',
          Label  : '{i18n>projectData}',
          ID     : 'ProjectData',
          Facets : [{
              $Type  : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
              Target : ![@UI.FieldGroup#ProjectData],
              ID     : 'ProjectData'
    • Add a field group #ProjectData:
      FieldGroup #ProjectData : {Data : [
          // Project system independend fields:
              $Type : 'UI.DataFieldWithUrl',
              Value : projectID,
              Url   : projectURL,
              @UI.Hidden : false
              $Type : 'UI.DataField',
              Value : projectSystemName,
              @UI.Hidden : false
              $Type : 'UI.DataField',
              Value : projectSystem,
              @UI.Hidden : false
          // SAP Business ByDesign specific fields
              $Type : 'UI.DataField',
              Value : toByDProject.projectID,
              @UI.Hidden : true 
              $Type : 'UI.DataField',
              Label : '{i18n>projectTypeCodeText}',
              Value : toByDProject.typeCodeText,
              @UI.Hidden : { $edmJson : { $If : [ { $Eq : [ {$Path : 'projectSystem'}, 'ByD' ] }, false, true ] } }
              $Type : 'UI.DataField',
              Label : '{i18n>projectStatusCodeText}',
              Value : toByDProject.statusCodeText,
              @UI.Hidden : { $edmJson : { $If : [ { $Eq : [ {$Path : 'projectSystem'}, 'ByD' ] }, false, true ] } }
              $Type : 'UI.DataField',
              Label : '{i18n>projectCostCenter}',
              Value : toByDProject.costCenter,
              @UI.Hidden : { $edmJson : { $If : [ { $Eq : [ {$Path : 'projectSystem'}, 'ByD' ] }, false, true ] } }
              $Type : 'UI.DataField',
              Label : '{i18n>projectStartDateTime}',
              Value : toByDProject.startDateTime,
              @UI.Hidden : { $edmJson : { $If : [ { $Eq : [ {$Path : 'projectSystem'}, 'ByD' ] }, false, true ] } }
              $Type : 'UI.DataField',
              Label : '{i18n>projectEndDateTime}',
              Value : toByDProject.endDateTime,
              @UI.Hidden : { $edmJson : { $If : [ { $Eq : [ {$Path : 'projectSystem'}, 'ByD' ] }, false, true ] } }
  3. Add a button to the identification area:

        $Type  : 'UI.DataFieldForAction',
        Label  : '{i18n>createByDProject}',
        Action : 'AuthorReadingManager.createByDProject',            
        @UI.Hidden : { $edmJson : 
            { $If : 
                    { $Eq : [ {$Path : 'createByDProjectEnabled'}, true ] },

    Note: We dynamically control the visibility of the button Create Project in ByD based on the value of the transient field createByDProjectEnabled.

BAS: Edit language dependend labels in file ./db/i18n/

  1. Add labels for project fields and the button to create projects:
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Service Actions
    createByDProject        = Create Project in ByD
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Remote Project Elements
    projectTypeCodeText     = Project Type
    projectStatusCodeText   = Project Status
    projectCostCenter       = Cost Center
    projectStartDateTime    = Start Date
    projectEndDateTime      = End Date
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Web Application Titles
    projectData             = Project Data

Enhance the Configuration of the CAP Project

Enhance the file package.json by sandbox-configurations for local testing and productive configurations:

"byd_khproject": {
    "kind": "odata-v2",
    "model": "srv/external/byd_khproject",
    "[sandbox]": {
        "credentials": {
            "url": "https://{{ByD-hostname}}/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/khproject/",
            "authentication": "BasicAuthentication",
            "username": "{{ByD-business-user}}",
            "password": "{{password}}"
    "[production]": {
        "credentials": {
            "destination": "byd",
            "path": "/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/khproject"
"byd_khproject_tech_user": {
    "kind": "odata-v2",
    "model": "srv/external/byd_khproject_tech_user",
    "[sandbox]": {
        "credentials": {
            "url": "https://{{ByD-hostname}}/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/khproject/",
            "authentication": "BasicAuthentication",
            "username": "{{ByD-business-user}}",
            "password": "{{password}}"
    "[production]": {
        "credentials": {
            "destination": "byd-tech-user",
            "path": "/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/khproject"

Note: The package.json refers to two destinations byd and byd-tech-user that need to be created in the consumer BTP subaccount. The destinations byd should refer to business users with principal propagation, and the destination byd-tech-user should refer to a technical user. Compare next chapter.

Add a new cds-feature fetch_csrf in file package.json to enable the management of cross site request forgery tokens (required for POST-requests at runtime using destinations of type BasicAuthentication):

"cds": {
    "features": {
        "fetch_csrf": true

Note: By default CAP does not handle csrf-tokens for POST requests. Remote services may fail if csrf-tokens are required.

Local Test

BAS: Open a terminal and start the app with the sandbox profile using the run command cds watch --profile sandbox. Use the test users as listed in file .cdsrc.json. Test the critical connection points to ByD.

  1. Test the Service Endpoints for Projects, ProjectSummaryTasks, ProjectTasks and ProjectsTechUser: The system should return the respective data from ByD (without filtering).

  2. Open the Web Application /authorreadingmanager/webapp/index.html and open one of the author readings. Click on Create Project. The system should create a project in ByD and display the details in section Project Details. Click on the project link and the system should open a browser window with the ByD project overview.

  3. Test the Service Endpoints for AuthorReadings and note the ID of the author reading for whwich you created the ByD project in test 2 as author-reading-ID. Append (ID={{author-reading-ID}},IsActiveEntity=true)?$select=toProject&$expand=toProject($select=ID,costCenter,endDateTime,startDateTime,statusCodeText,typeCodeText) to the service endpoint URL, replace the place holder "{{author-reading-ID}}" by the author-reading-ID and run again. The system should return the record with the project ID and the ByD project details as sub-node.

Note: If you would like to switch users, the browser cache needs to be cleared before. This can be for example done in Chrome by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+DEL (or in German: STRG+SHIFT+ENTF), go to Advanced and choose a time range and Passwords and other sign-in data.

Deploy the application

See Deploy to Cloud Foundry.

Setup Destinations to connect to ByD

BTP provider subaccount: Create destination "byd" to connect to ByD with principal propagation:

  1. Open the menu item Instances and Subscriptions >> Instances and open the destination service instance * author-readings-destination-service*.

  2. On the destination instance UI, open menu item Destinations and create a New Destination with the following field values:

    Parameter name: Value:
    Name: byd
    Type: HTTP
    Description: Enter a destination description, for example "ByD 123456 with principal propagation"
    URL: https://{{ByD-hostname}} for example”
    Proxy Type: Internet
    Authentication: OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion
    Audience: Enter the ByD service provider name
    AuthnContextClassRef: urn:none
    Client Key: Enter the ByD OAuth Client ID
    Token Service URL: https://{{ByD-hostname}}/sap/bc/sec/oauth2/token
    Token Service User: Enter the ByD OAuth Client ID
    Token Service Password: Enter the ByD OAuth Client Secret

    Enter the Additional Properties:

    Property name: Value:
    nameIdFormat: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
    scope: Enter the ByD OAuth Scope
    userIdSource: email

    Note: You may need to upload the ByD server certificate into the destination service for SSL authentication using the link Upload and Delete Certificates on the destinations screen. You can download the ByD server certificate from the brower (Open the ByD UI and view the site information; then display and export the certificate details into a ".cer"-file).

BTP provider subaccount: Create a destination "byd-tech-user" to connect to ByD by a technical user:

  1. On the destination instance UI, open menu item Destinations and create a New Destination with the following field values:

    Parameter name: Value:
    Name: byd-tech-user
    Type: HTTP
    Description: Enter a destination description, for example "ByD 123456 technical user"
    URL: https://{{ByD-hostname}} for example “**”
    Proxy Type: Internet
    Authentication: BasicAuthentication
    User: Enter the ByD Communication User ID
    Password: Enter the ByD Communication User Password

    Note: Destinations in the BTP subaccount are deleted and the system raises the error code 409 (Conflict), if the user used for deployment (user logged-in at BTP Cloud Foundry) does not have the authorization to edit destinations. Always make sure your deployment user has the authorization to edit destinations.

BTP provider subaccount: Create destination "byd_url" to launch ByD screens.

The destination "byd-url" is used to store the single sign-on URL of the ByD system. By storing the base-URL in a destination, we make sure that connecting the BTP web application to ByD systems is a pure configuration task and does not require any code changes.

At runtime we dynamically assemble the parameterized URL to launch the ByD project overview ("referred to as external object-based navigation in ByD) by concatenating this base-URL with the ByD-floorplan-specific path and the object-specific parameters (for example the project ID). The authentication method is not relevant in this destination and therefore we choose "NoAuthentication" for simplicity (of course this destination cannot be used to use any ByD service directly).

  1. Open the menu item Connectivity of the BTP provider subaccount, click on Destinations and create a New Destination with the following field values:

    Parameter name: Value:
    Name: byd-url
    Type: HTTP
    Description: Enter a destination description, for example "ByD 123456 URL"
    URL: https://{{ByD-hostname-for-SSO}} for example “**”
    Proxy Type: Internet
    Authentication: NoAuthentication

    Note: Observe, that the desination "byd-url" is created directly in the subaccount, whereas the other destinations for OData connections are created in the destination service instance.

Enhance the BTP App by an Event-based Integration

See chapter Event-based integrations.

Add BTP Applications to the ByD Launchpad

As last step we add the BTP application for author readings and BTP admin apps to the ByD launchpad such that author reading managers as well as system administrators can launch all relevant apps from a single launchpad.

Create mashup for the BTP application "Author Readings":

  1. BTP provider subaccount: Open the Launchpad Site Manager by launching the application SAP Build Work Zone from your section Instance and Subscriptions in your BTP subaccount. On the launchpad, open the context menu of the tile "Author Readings" and take note of the URL as BTP Application URL.

  2. ByD: Open work center view Application and User Management - Mashup Authoring and create a new URL mashup with the following data:

    • Port Binding Type: Select 1 - Without Port Binding
    • Mashup Name: "Author Readings"
    • Description: "Manage author readings and poetry slams"
    • URL: Enter the URL of the web application taken from the launchpad site (BTP Application URL)
    • HTTP Method: Select Get

    Note: The URL of the web application as provided in the BTP provider subaccount under HTML5 Applications does not route requests via the managed application router of SAP Build Work Zone and hence user attributes are not propagated to the application. You may encounter this by observing a login user "Default User" and the fact that the single sign-on does not work. Furthermore, any integration with ByD using principal propagation/SAML bearer authentication does not work and return the error message "Bad gateway".

Create a mashup for the IAS Admin app:

  1. ByD: Open work center view Application and User Management - Mashup Authoring and create a new URL mashup with the following data:
    • Port Binding Type: Select 1 - Without Port Binding
    • Mashup Name: "Identity Authentication Service"
    • Description: "Manage user authorizations and user groups"
    • URL: Enter the URL of the IAS admin UI following the pattern https:///admin/
    • HTTP Method: Select Get

Create a mashup for the Event Mesh app:

  1. BTP provider subaccount: Get the URL of the Event Mesh application: Open menu item Instances and Subscriptions and pick the URL of the Application "Event Mesh".

  2. ByD: Open work center view Application and User Management - Mashup Authoring and create a new URL mashup with the following data:

    • Port Binding Type: Select 1 - Without Port Binding
    • Mashup Name: "Event Mesh"
    • Description: "Manage the event-based communication between applications, services, and systems"
    • URL: Enter the URL of the Event Mesh application.
    • HTTP Method: Select Get

Create a mashup for the Audit Log app:

  1. BTP provider subaccount: Get the URL of the Audit log viewer: Open menu item Instances and Subscriptions and pick the URL of the Application "Audit Log Viewer Service".

  2. ByD: Open work center view Application and User Management - Mashup Authoring and create a new URL mashup with the following data:

    • Port Binding Type: Select 1 - Without Port Binding
    • Mashup Name: "Audit Log"
    • Description: "View audit logs"
    • URL: Enter the URL of the Audit log viewer application.
    • HTTP Method: Select Get

Add the BTP apps to the ByD Launchpad:

  1. ByD: Open work center view Home - My Launchpad and start the personalization mode by selecting Start Personalization Mode from the Me Area menu in the top shell bar. Choose the best fitting launchpad group (or create a new group), click on "+", and pin the tiles refering to the mashups created above from the mashup gallery to the launchpad. Finally, save and stop the peronalization mode.

  2. Test frontend SSO: Open ByD using the SSO-URL (following the pattern login using your IAS user. Then launch the BTP application via the ByD launchpad. No additional authentication should be required.