Welcome to the Substance 3D for Unity Extensions documentation page! This page contains information on various classes that extend the core functionality of the Substance 3D for Unity plugin. All extension and utility classes are contained in the SOS.SubstanceExtensions.Runtime
assembly definition and the SOS.SubstanceExtensions
Summaries for extensions and added functionality are listed below, as are links to more in depth documentation.
These classes make referencing and working with substance values easier.
Class | Description |
SubstanceParameter | Allows quick and easy selection of Substance inputs via the inspector. |
SubstanceParameterValue | Handles referencing a Substance input and displaying an appropriate value field in the inspector. |
SubstanceOutput | Allows easy selection of Substance output textures via the inspector. |
SceneSubstanceGraphData | Handles referencing substance graphs that are used in open scenes. |
These classes streamline substance runtime and editor functionality.
Class | Description |
SubstanceGraphRuntimeExtensions | Contains extension methods for SubstanceGraphSO runtime functionality. |
These attributes streamline working with substance assets in your inspectors.
Class | Description |
RuntimeGraphOnlyAttribute | Displays a warning if a referenced SubstanceGraphSO asset is not marked as runtime only. |
TransformMatrixAttribute | Draws a Vector4 field with similar controls to Substance Designer's transform matrix fields. |
SubstanceInputTypeFilterAttribute | Filters selectable inputs for SubstanceParameter fields. |
These classes streamline interactions with the core Substance Engine
Class | Description |
SubstanceEngineManager | Wraps the Substance plugin's Engine class and streamlines interactions with it. |
Extended functionality to support various Unity packages.
Several extension methods have been created to help make runtime Substance rendering easier to work with.
In depth documentation on working with runtime materials can be viewed here.
See the various runtime example scenes for more details on how these methods can be used.