- Before pushing the code, make sure to format the document!
Ctrl + Shift + P
or⌘ + Shift + P
→Format Document
- Constants
- All caps with underscores (eg:
- All caps with underscores (eg:
- Member variables
- No "m" with camelCase (eg:
instead ofmSomeMemberVariable
- No "m" with camelCase (eg:
- Subsystems should be in the form of a singleton class
- Class method order: Getters, setters, other methods (alphabetically)
- Member definition order
- Grouped logically (in an order that makes sense), but Talon configs then subsystem static object getter comes last
- Sample order:
- Some Motor
- Some sensor
- Voltage/DutyCycle configs (If applicable)
- Static subsystem instance
- Private class constructor
- Getters
- Setters
- Other methods (Orderd based on functionality)
- Subsystem instance getter
- Subsystem configs (Eg, Swerve will have AutoBuilder config)
- Device configs (If applicable)
- Subsystem constructors are private and will be called within the class
- Import statements: let Java RedHat extension take care of it
- Spaces in code where necessary (Eg, between methods, between operations such as + or -)
- Braces are on the same line as method declarations
- The
keyword should be used for ALL member objects/methods - Always add Javadoc to methods!!
- Opening braces should be on the same line as method declaration
public void someMethod(boolean param1, boolean param2) {
// Method body
- Method chaining should split over multiple lines
public void initialize() {
- Parameters should be split over multiple lines if the line gets too long
- Method call should still stay on the same line
public void initialize() {
- Indentation
- Tabs, 4 spaces
- The method name should be the same as the object being modified
- Parameter name should also be the same as the name of the object being modified
private boolean someBoolean
public void setSomeBoolean(boolean someBoolean) {
this.someBoolean = someBoolean
public void getSomeBoolean() {
return this.someBoolean;
public void someMethod() {
int a = 0;
a += (this.someBoolean ? 2 : 4);