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Quantum Package and Champ

@@html: <img src=”./images/QP.png” width=”100px” /> @@ $\longrightarrow$ @@html: <img src=”./images/TREXIO.png” width=”100px” /> @@ $\longrightarrow$ @@html: <img src=”./images/Champ.png” height=”80px” /> @@


We will first use Quantum Package (QP) to generate two single-determinant wave functions for the water molecule. A first one with Hartree-Fock orbitals, and a second one with PBE Kohn-Sham orbitals. Then, we will export these wave functions into the TREXIO format, which is a general format for storing arbitrary wave functions.

In a second step, we will use CHAMP to run a VMC calculation with both wave functions. We will then optimize a Jastrow factor and run DMC calculations.

Basis set, Pseudo-potential

For QMC calculations, we need to use pseudopotentials optimized specifically for QMC, and basis sets optimized to be used with these pseudopotentials. Here, we use the Burkatzki-Filippi-Dolg (BFD) ones except for hydrogen (the hydrogen pseudo on the website is too soft and not sufficiently accurate).

QP can read basis sets and pseudopotentials from files in GAMESS format, if the files exist in the current directory. Otherwise, it will try to look into its own database of basis sets and pseudopotentials.


Create a file called with the geometry of the water molecule:

O       0.                     0.   0.
H      -0.756950272703377558   0.  -0.585882234512562827
H       0.756950272703377558   0.  -0.585882234512562827

BFD Pseudopotential

Store the pseudopotential parameters in a file named PSEUDO:

H GEN 0 0
 1.000000000000 1 25.000000000000
25.000000000000 3 10.821821902641
-8.228005709676 2  9.368618758833

O GEN 2 1
6.00000000 1 9.29793903
55.78763416 3 8.86492204
-38.81978498 2 8.62925665
38.41914135 2 8.71924452

Double-Zeta basis set

Store the basis set parameters in a file named BASIS:

s 3
1 6.46417546   0.063649375945
2 1.13891461   0.339233210576
3 0.28003249   0.702654522063
s 1
1 0.05908405   1.00000000
p 1
1 0.51368060   1.00000000

s 9
1 0.125346     0.055741
2 0.268022     0.304848
3 0.573098     0.453752
4 1.225429     0.295926
5 2.620277     0.019567
6 5.602818     -0.128627
7 11.980245     0.012024
8 25.616801     0.000407
9 54.775216     -0.000076
s 1
1 0.258551     1.000000
p 9
1 0.083598     0.044958
2 0.167017     0.150175
3 0.333673     0.255999
4 0.666627     0.281879
5 1.331816     0.242835
6 2.660761     0.161134
7 5.315785     0.082308
8 10.620108     0.039899
9 21.217318     0.004679
p 1
1 0.267865     1.000000
d 1
1 1.232753     1.000000

Hartree-Fock calculation

Create the EZFIO directory with the geometry, basis and pseudopotential parameters:

qp create_ezfio --pseudo=PSEUDO --basis=BASIS --output=h2o_hf

Run the Hartree-Fock calculation

qp run scf | tee h2o_hf.out

Export the wave function into TREXIO format

qp set trexio trexio_file h2o_hf.trexio
qp run export_trexio

DFT calculation

Create the EZFIO directory with the geometry, basis and pseudopotential parameters:

qp create_ezfio --pseudo=PSEUDO --basis=BASIS --output=h2o_dft

Specify that you want to use the PBE functional.

qp set dft_keywords exchange_functional pbe
qp set dft_keywords correlation_functional pbe

The default DFT grid is very fine. We can specify we want a coarser grid to accelerate the calculations:

qp set becke_numerical_grid grid_type_sgn 1

Run the Kohn-Sham calculation

qp run ks_scf | tee h2o_dft.out

Export the wave function into TREXIO format

qp set trexio trexio_file h2o_dft.trexio
qp run export_trexio

QMC runs

Check that the QMC setup is OK

First, we can compute with QP the energies of the single-determinant wave functions with the 2 different sets of MOs.

qp set_file h2o_hf
qp run print_energy

qp set_file h2o_dft
qp run print_energy

These commands return the energy of the wavefunction contained in the EZFIO database. These values will be useful for checking that the QMC setup is OK. You should obtain the energies:

HF MOs-16.9503842
DFT MOs-16.9465884

We will now convert the TREXIO files into input files suitable for CHAMP:

Create a new directory named H2O_HF and copy the TREXIO file h2o_hf.trexio into it. Go inside this directory and run

python3 ~filippi/Tutorial-QMC-School/ --trex "h2o_hf.trexio" \
                       --motype  "Canonical" \
                       --backend "HDF5" \
                       --basis_prefix "BFD-cc-pVDZ" \
                       --lcao \
                       --geom \
                       --basis \
                       --ecp \

Many files were created. Now, create a directory named pool, and move some files into the pool:

mkdir pool
mv *.xyz *bfinfo BFD-* ECP* pool

You can now create an input file for CHAMP vmc_h2o_hf.inp :

%module general
    title           'H2O HF calculation'
    pool            './pool/'
    pseudopot       ECP
    basis           BFD-cc-pVDZ
    mode            'vmc_one_mpi'

load molecule        $pool/
load basis_num_info  $pool/champ_v2_h2o_hf_with_g.bfinfo

load orbitals        champ_v2_h2o_hf_orbitals.lcao
load determinants    champ_v2_h2o_hf_determinants.det
load jastrow         jastrow.start

%module electrons
    nup           4
    nelec         8

%module blocking_vmc
    vmc_nstep     20
    vmc_nblk      20000
    vmc_nblkeq    1
    vmc_nconf_new 0

Create the file for the Jastrow factor as follows, and save it as jastrow.start:

jastrow_parameter   1
  0  0  0           norda,nordb,nordc
   0.60000000   0.00000000     scalek,a21
   0.00000000   0.00000000   (a(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparma)
   0.00000000   0.00000000   (a(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparma)
   0.00000000   1.00000000   (b(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparmb)

This files implies that there is no Jastrow factor ($exp(J)=1$).

Create the submission script as presented in section 3, and submit the job. You should obtain the Hartree-Fock energy.

Now reproduce the same steps for the TREXIO file containing the DFT orbitals in directory H2O_DFT.

The energies obtained with VMC without the Jastrow factor should be the same as those computed by QP at the beginning of this section.

Introduce and optimize a Jastrow factor

The Jastrow factor depends on the electronic ($\mathbf{r}$) and nuclear ($\mathbf{R}$) coordinates. Its defined as $exp(J(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{R}))$, where

\[ J = fen + fee + feen \]

Electron-nucleus and electron-electron: $R={1-e-κ r \over κ}$

\[ fen = ∑i=1N_{\rm elec} ∑α=1N_{\rm nuc} \left( {a_1 R \over 1+a_2R} + ∑p=2N^a_{\rm ord} ap+1 R^p \right) \]

\[ fee = ∑i=2N_{\rm elec} ∑j=1i-1 \left( {b_1 Rij \over 1+b_2Rij} + ∑p=2N^b_{\rm ord} bp+1 Rij^p \right) \]

Electron-electron-nucleus: $R=exp\left(-κ r \right)$

\[ feen = ∑i=2N_{\rm elec} ∑j=1i-1α=1N_{\rm nuc} ∑p=2N^c_{\rm ord} ∑k=p-1^0 ∑l=l_{\rm max}^0 c_n Rij^k (R^l+R^l) (RR)^m \]

where $m={p-k-l \over 2}$

  • Typically $N^a\rm ord=N^b\rm ord=5$. If $feen$ is included, $N^c\rm ord=5$.
  • Dependence among $\{c_n\}$ $→$ $feen$ does not contribute to cusp-conditions
  • $fen$ and $feen$: different $\{a_n\}$ and $\{c_n\}$ for different atom types

Add a simple e-e and e-n Jastrow factor

  • $N^a\rm ord=5$

    Since we are using pseudopotentials (no e-n cusps), we always leave $a_1=a_2=0$ and add $a_3 (r^2), \ldots, a_6 (r^5)$ equal to zero, which we then optimize. We do so for each atom type.

  • $N^b\rm ord=5$

    We set $b_1=0.5$ (for up-down e-e cusp condition), and add $b_3$ ($rij^2$), $\ldots$, $b_6$ ($rij^5$) equal to zero, which we then optimize. $b_1$ is modified to 0.25 for up-up and down-down electrons.

    The following file is your starting Jastrow factor jastrow.start:

    jastrow_parameter   1
      5  5  0           norda,nordb,nordc
       0.60000000         scalek
       0.00000000   0.00000000 0. 0. 0. 0. (a(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparma) ! e-n O
       0.00000000   0.00000000 0. 0. 0. 0. (a(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparma) ! e-n H
       0.50000000   1. 0. 0. 0. 0. (b(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparmb) ! e-e
     (c(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparmc) ! e-e-n O
     (c(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparmc) ! e-e-n H

Optimize the Jastrow factor

Create the file jastrow.der:

4 4 5 0 0 0 0 nparma,nparmb,nparmc,nparmf
  3 4 5 6 (iwjasa(iparm),iparm=1,nparma) ! e-n O
  3 4 5 6 (iwjasa(iparm),iparm=1,nparma) ! e-n H
2 3 4 5 6 (iwjasb(iparm),iparm=1,nparmb) ! e-e
3 5 7 8 9         11 13 14 15 16     17 18 20 21 23 (c(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparmc)
3 5 7 8 9         11 13 14 15 16     17 18 20 21 23 (c(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparmc)

where you are telling CHAMP to optimize $a_i, 3≤ i ≤ 6$ for e-n of O and H (4 parameters for both O and H), and $b_i, 2 ≤ i ≤ 6$ (5 parameters in total).

Now, specify the name of the info of the derivatives of the Jastrow in the input file, below the line where the jastrow.start file is specified. You also need to add a block with different options for the optimizer as follows.

load jastrow         jastrow.start
load jastrow_der     jastrow.der

%module optwf
    ioptwf        1
    ioptci        0
    ioptjas       1
    ioptorb       0

    method        'sr_n'
    nopt_iter     20
    nblk_max      4000

    ncore         0
    nextorb       100

    sr_tau        0.05
    sr_eps        0.001
    sr_adiag      0.01

Optimization doesn’t require a long QMC simulation in the first SR steps. You can reduce the number of blocks in blocking_vmc to 100, and the code will slowly increase the number of blocks to nblk_max in the optwf module.

%module blocking_vmc
    vmc_nstep     20
    vmc_nblk      100
    vmc_nblkeq    1
    vmc_nconf_new 0

If you grep 'total E' output, you will see the optimization progressing and generating new Jastrow factors in jastrow_optimal.1.iterX.

If you grep nblk output you will see that the code automatically increases the maximum number of blocks.

Diffusion Monte Carlo

Let us start to run a DMC simulation with the HF orbitals and the optimal Jastrow factor you have just generated.

Create a new directory and copy the wave function TREXIO info and the optimal Jastrow factor (for simplicity, pick the last one).

First, generate an input file as before where you read the wave function files (careful to load the new Jastrow factor) and perform a short VMC calculation to generate the walkers for DMC.

To shorten the VMC run, you can choose a small vmc_nblk in the main input file and modify vmc_nconf_new to be the number of walkers per core you wish. Here, we use the same values as for the starting iterations of the Jastrow factor optimization:

%module blocking_vmc
    vmc_nstep     20
    vmc_nblk      200
    vmc_nblkeq    1
    vmc_nconf_new 100

This will generate 100 walkers per core (vmc_nconf_new) by writing the coordinates of a walker every $20 × 200 / 100$ steps. Since the correlation time is less than 2 step in VMC, your walkers will be decorrelated.

A bunch of mc_configs_newX files will appear in your directory, each containing 100 walkers.

cat mc_configs_new* >> mc_configs
rm mc_configs_new*

mc_configs contains now all walkers.

Generate a DMC input

%module blocking_dmc
    dmc_nstep     60
    dmc_nblk      40
    dmc_nblkeq    1
    dmc_nconf     100

%module dmc
    tau           0.05
    etrial      -17.240
    icasula      -1

You also need to change the mode keyword in the input file:

mode            'dmc_one_mpi1'

within the general module.

Some debug files are being created, that you can just erase.

rm problem*
rm mc_configs_new*

To look at the energy, you can do

grep '( 100) =' dmc*out

In the last column, you have the correlation time.

Also perform another calculation with a smaller time step.

Repeat the optimization and DMC calculation with the DFT orbitals. Compare the VMC and DMC energies.

Optimal one-determinant Jastrow-Slater wave function

Finally, starting from the DFT orbitals and the optimal two-body Jastrow optimize the full wave function (Jastrow and orbitals).

To this aim, set ioptorb to 1 in the optwf module.

ioptorb     1

More examples to play with

Multiple files with geometries, basis sets and pseudopotentials can be downloaded here: Examples