diff --git a/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/GroupsInheritance/Index.rst b/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/GroupsInheritance/Index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b55c2628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/GroupsInheritance/Index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
+.. index:: backend, acl, permissions, user groups, user management
+.. _groups-inheritance:
+Groups inheritance
+Even though TYPO3 does not limit the depth of backend user group inheritance,
+it's advisable to avoid complex setups. Typically, 1 or 2 levels of inheritance
+should suffice. Such flat structures offer significant advantages over more complex,
+deeper inheritances, including easier maintenance, updates, and verification
+of the sources of specific permissions.
+..  uml:: _simple-groups-inheritance.plantuml
+    :align: center
+    :caption: Backend groups hierarchy with 2 levels of inheritance
+    :width: 700
+.. note::
+    Avoid complex inheritance within backend user groups. One or two levels of inheritance should suffice and make permissions easier to maintain.
diff --git a/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/GroupsInheritance/_simple-groups-inheritance.plantuml b/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/GroupsInheritance/_simple-groups-inheritance.plantuml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41a80dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/GroupsInheritance/_simple-groups-inheritance.plantuml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
+skinparam nodesep 10
+skinparam ranksep 20
+rectangle "User" AS User #Motivation {
+rectangle "First level" AS First_Level #line.dotted {
+    rectangle "R_role_group" AS R_role_group #Implementation {
+    }
+User <-down- First_Level
+rectangle "Second level" AS Second_Level #line.dotted {
+    rectangle "System Groups" AS System_Groups #line.dotted {
+        rectangle "PG_website_a" as PG_website_a #Application
+        rectangle "DBM_website_a" as DBM_website_a #Application
+        rectangle "FM_website_a" as FM_website_a #Application
+        rectangle "CM_website_a" as CM_website_a #Application
+        rectangle "FO_all" as FO_all #Application
+        rectangle "L_all" as L_all #Application
+        PG_website_a -[hidden]-> DBM_website_a
+        DBM_website_a -[hidden]-> FM_website_a
+        FM_website_a -[hidden]-> CM_website_a
+        CM_website_a -[hidden]-> FO_all
+        FO_all -[hidden]-> L_all
+    }
+    rectangle "ACL Groups" AS ACL_Groups #line.dotted {
+      rectangle "ACL_content_elements" as ACL_content_elements #Technology
+      rectangle "ACL_news" as ACL_news #Technology
+      rectangle "ACL_gallery" as ACL_gallery #Technology
+      rectangle "ACL_survey" as ACL_survey #Technology
+      ACL_content_elements -[hidden]-> ACL_news
+      ACL_news -[hidden]-> ACL_gallery
+      ACL_gallery -[hidden]-> ACL_survey
+    }
+    System_Groups -[hidden]right-> ACL_Groups
+First_Level <-down- Second_Level
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/Index.rst b/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/Index.rst
index 5816bfbb..fac8bea4 100644
--- a/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/Index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/PermissionsManagement/Index.rst
@@ -108,3 +108,4 @@ the naming convention for backend groups later on.
+   GroupsInheritance/Index