In-memory globals won't survive refreshing the browser.
We are caching important configuration files (app-config.json, forms.json, location-list.json) to avoid having to keep fetching those docs from the db.
Use the following code to take advantage of this caching:
- await this.appConfigService.getLocationList();
- await this.tangyFormsInfoService.getFormsInfo();
- await this.appConfigService.getAppConfig;
- await this.tangyFormService.getFormMarkup(this.eventFormDefinition.formId);
CaseDefinitionsService also has implements of caseDefinitions, but that is not exposed publicly. More info in this PR: #1991
Database variables will persist after page refreshes or app reboots.
Use VariableService. Stores data in 'tangerine-variables' pouchdb as a key/value pair. The key is the _id in the doc. The value can be a string, JSON object, or any other data type that can be persisted in a pouchdb.
await this.variableService.set('tangerine-device-is-registered', true)
await this.variableService.get('tangerine-device-is-registered')
They are not globals, but they are mighty useful. The TangerineConfigService provides variables set in Expose it in your constructor:
private readonly configService: TangerineConfigService,
And then you may use it:
const userOneUsername = this.configService.config().userOneUsername
Use await this.appConfigService.getAppConfig;
to fetch app-config.json settings in client.