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Releases: Tangerine-Community/tangy-form


15 Aug 20:47
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  • Enable content of a form to be styled from the parent document. #64

Upgrade instructions:
This is considered to be a major release because some users' forms would look into a form item's contents using tangyFormItemEl.shadowRoot.querySelector(...). The contents of the form can now be accessed at tangyFormItemEl.querySelector(...). If you have any use of shadowRoot in our form content, beware. The advantage of moving this content out of the shadow DOM is that you can now style it directly from your app.


14 Aug 17:22
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  • Add ability to reference inputs.NAME in valid-if attributes. #65


05 Aug 17:20
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07 Dec 15:42
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  • You no longer have to include all of the tangy input elements in your build. You define which ones you use by importing then individually. See for more details.
  • Overall code organization refactor. We now place input elements in the input folder, shared style files in the style folder, and some utilities in the util folder.
  • Tests are no longer all in one file. They are split out into files that match up with their related components into a specific "suite". All suites can be run by starting with npm start and then opening http://localhost:8081/test/. Click on a suite and it will run just the tests for that suite. Handy when you are doing TDD and don't want to wait for other suites to run.
  • tangy-form theme is now customizeable in your application. See README for details.