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Sarah Fisher edited this page May 22, 2023 · 6 revisions

Image Collection and Training

This Wiki outlines the process of collecting and processing data for YOLO training. This can be done from any host machine, but the tutorial assumes MacOS.


  • Clone the TAUV-Tools GitHub repository. Run $ git clone in terminal.
  • Clone the VideoLabeling GitHub repository. Run in terminal.
  • Make sure all necessary libraries and packages are installed on the host machine. Lists of these can be found in the Prerequisites section of the VideoLabeling repository and the Prerequisites section of the video_extraction directory in TAUV-Tools.
  • Download VLC or some other .mp4 viewer.

Retrieve rosbag data

This assumes that video data has been collected and saved to the Jetson as rosbag data.

Connecting to the Jetson

  1. Turn on the Jetson. Plug in a battery to the submarine powerboard or connect it to the e-bench power supply (set to 6 amps and 15 volts, connecting black before red). Insert the key, and wait to see that the Jetson lights turns on.
  2. Turn on the router. Connect the power cable (plugs in to the left side of the box), switch on the router (switch on left side of the box next to the power plug), and see that the router lights turn on.
  3. Connect to the network. Join the submariners-5g network from your host machine (password is tartanauv). Connect the Jetson to the router via ethernet (pink cable directly from the router to either the Jetson or front OAK-D camera). A light on the router numbered 1 - 4 (corresponding to the ethernet port the Jetson is attached to) and the green light by the ethernet port on the Jetson should each be lit if connected correctly.
  4. ssh to the Jetson. Use command $ ssh tartanauv@tartanauv (password is tauv). In the case that this raises the following error (or similar), use command $ ssh [email protected]. If you have any other trouble with this step, ensure that the the Jetson is connected via ethernet correctly as described in step 3.

ssh: Could not resolve hostname tartanauv: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

Transferring rosbag data to external drive

  1. Plug SanDisk ssd into Jetson.
  2. Mount the file system as follows:
    1. Run lsblk to list all connected drives, and find the one that follows /dev/sdx1.
      • This will most likely be /dev/sda1 but can be /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdbc1, or so on.
    2. Run sudo mount -o rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,user,exec,umask=003 /dev/sda1 /home/tartanauv/data to mount the ssd to the Jetson file system at location /home/tartanauv/data.
      • Replace /dev/sda1 with whatever name you found on the first command.
  3. Find the path to rosbag data. This is likely /home/tartanauv/shared/bags/test but may be different depending on the specified location at the time of rosbag collection. Ensure all bags are labeled with date of test as YYYY-MM-DD-xx-xx-xx_xx.bag by running ls <path_to_bags>.
  4. Run sudo rsync -P -r <path_to_bags> /home/tartanauv/data, replacing <path_to_bags> as found in step 3. This copies the folder containing rosbag data to the mounted ssd. There will be a progress bar for each individual bag.

Manage ssd on MacOS

  1. Plug SanDisk ssh into host machine.
  2. Run diskutil list to list all partitions of the host disk. Find the /dev/diskX listed as (external, physical) that matches description of the ssd. An example using an ssd named "ExtremeSSD" with identifier disk4s1 follows.

% diskutil list
dev/disk0 (internal):
/dev/disk4 (external, physical):
#:                                   TYPE   NAME                 SIZE          IDENTIFIER
0:   GUID_partition_scheme                              *2.0 TB      disk4
1:         Microsoft Basic Data    ⁨ExtremeSSD      2.0 TB      disk4s1

  1. Run diskutil mount /dev/diskXs1. This will mount the ssd to the host MacBook file system, located at /Volumes/<ssd_name>. A confirmation like as follows will be printed.

Volume ExtremeSSD on /dev/disk4s1 mounted

/Volumes/<ssd_name>/<bags_folder_name> will be the input directory for video_extraction.

Convert bags to mp4 videos

  1. Navigate to ~/TAUV-Tools/video_extraction in your host machine terminal.
  2. Run python3 <input_dir> --output_dir <output_dir>. This command using the running example directory names is as follows, with an output folder named proc located on the ssd.

python3 /Volumes/ExtremeSSD/test --output_dir /Volumes/ExtremeSSD/proc

Running this script creates a directory for each of the collected rosbags containing a subdirectory of .png images and an .mp4 video for each of the collected rostopics (usually darknet detections, depth, and color from front and bottom cameras). More details on specific prerequisites can be found in the of the video_extraction directory in TAUV-Tools. Note that the output directory of video_extraction will serve as the input directory for get_yaml_folder in the next step.

Label video footage

Make yaml files

  1. Navigate to ~/VideoLabeling in your host machine terminal.
  2. Ensure that the data_classes.txt and default.yaml are each up to date with all necessary classes for training (and that they match). If another data class name must be added, simply add another line with the name to the end of data_classes.txt and add the following to the end of default.yaml.

     - [-1, -1]

  1. Run python3 <input_dir> <output_dir_mp4> <output_dir_yaml>. This script takes the output of video_extraction and fills two directories: (1) a folder containing each of the .mp4 files located throughout the input directory (at the location specified by <output_dir_mp4>) and (2) a folder containing blank yaml files corresponding to each of these videos (at the location specified by <output_dir_yaml>).
  2. Load the folder of of the videos in an .mp4 viewer (VLC works nicely here), and for each video do the following.
    1. Open the video's corresponding .yaml file in a text editor. This file will have the same name as the video, just with the .yaml extension.
    2. Step through the video. For each interval of time that any object of a data class appears in the frame, make an annotation beneath that data class name on the .yaml file. The default .yaml file has the [-1, -1] written beneath each data class name, which indicates that it does not appear at all throughout the video. Overwrite this line for any object that does appear in the video, and leave it for any object that does not. The following is an example .yaml file for a video labeling cats and dogs in which a cat appears twice (from second 1 to second 4 and again from second 6 to second 10) and no dog appears.

         - [1, 4]
         - [6, 10]
         - [-1, -1]

At this point, you should have edited each .yaml file according to its corresponding video, and you're ready to trim the videos such that each interval is accounted for. Note that the <output_dir_mp4> directory containing .mp4 videos and the <output_dir_yaml> directory containing the updated .yaml files will be used as input to trim_all in the next step.

Trim videos

  1. Navigate to ~/VideoLabeling in your host machine terminal.
  2. Run python3 <yaml_dir> <mp4_dir> <output_dir>. <mp4_dir> should be the folder of all videos output by get_yaml_folder, and <yaml_dir> should be the path to the folder containing the .yaml files you've updated in the last step.

This script will take each of the intervals indicated in each .yaml file and create trimmed videos in which a set of objects is present the entire time. Note that the output directory of this step will be the input to find_all_bb in the next.

Annotate bounding boxes

  1. Navigate to ~/VideoLabeling in your host machine terminal.
  2. Open in a text editor. Ensure that, from line 160 onward, each of the data classes accounted for in data_classes.txt has a corresponding key assigned for its identification. If you must add a key to another data class, avoid the keys n and q, as these have different key bindings. Add the following to the end of the file and before the else: statement.

elif chr(key) == <unused_char>
     current_class = <data_class_name>

  1. Run python3 -h to see the directions for labeling the first set of bounding boxes for each trimmed video. Familiarize yourself with the commands. You can practice placing bounding boxes on a singular video by running python3 <path_to_video>.
  2. Run python3 <trimmed_videos_dir>. The path <trimmed_videos_dir> should be the output directory of trim_all from the prior step that contains each of the trimmed videos. This script will call find_bb for each of the videos in the input directory, automatically loading each frame that you must manually annotate.

This script will create a _rects.txt file that corresponds to the bounding boxes of each trimmed video, adding it to <trimmed_videos_dir>. These are necessary for input to track_all in the next step.

When running find_all_bb, once you hit q to save a specific set of boxes, you can't adjust them. If you notice you've made a mistake, take note of the name of the incorrectly labeled video. You can go back and overwrite the incorrect _rects.txt file by running python3 <path_to_video>.

Correct bounding box tracker

  1. Navigate to ~/VideoLabeling in your host machine terminal.
  2. Run python3 -h to see ...

Convert to YOLO notation


Update YOLO for training


Using EC2


Launching an instance


Connecting to an instance


Configuring an instance for training


Uploading data to an instance for training


Train the network


Updating darknet on the submarine


Update the config file


Update the weight file


Update the yaml file


Update the darknet launch file


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