diff --git a/mod/Scripts/data/descriptions.json b/mod/Scripts/data/descriptions.json index a78f7030..194b1a16 100644 --- a/mod/Scripts/data/descriptions.json +++ b/mod/Scripts/data/descriptions.json @@ -13987,7 +13987,7 @@ "name": "ModDatabase" } ], - "description": "[h1] FANT MOD 2 CUSTOM GAMEMODE v 34.2 [/h1]\r\ngame version 0.6.6\r\n\r\n-No File edit needed\r\n-Vanilla Core Files\r\n-Auto Updates\r\n-Mod Mixing with Block&Part Mods works\r\n-Custom Recipe loading included \r\n-100% Multiplayer Functionality\r\n\r\n[hr][/hr]\r\nKnow Issue: With Unnormal Screen Ratios the Modded Hud can be \"Offcenter\", in that case just \"/fant 0\" to turn the Modded Hud Off\r\n[hr][/hr]\r\n[h1] MORE INFOS [/h1]\r\nYoutube Channel 00Fant:\r\n[h1] https://www.youtube.com/c/00FantMod [/h1]\r\n[u]subscribe to get the Newest Feature and Update Infos[/u]\r\nor\r\nDiscord link \r\n[h1] https://discord.gg/zTZjyrB5nh [/h1]\r\n[hr][/hr]\r\nFile Mod Version Here:\r\nhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2251509391\r\n\r\n\r\n[h1]Additional Recipes Here By Linus:[/h1]\r\nhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3050306813&searchtext=\r\n\r\n[hr][/hr]\r\n[h1] Mod Features: [/h1]\r\n[list]\r\n [*]Vacuumpump Extra Functions. Harvest, Drop, Filter, in and out of Chests. ALL Items.. REALY ALL!\r\n [*]Smart Chest\r\n [*]6 Way-Itempipe\r\n [*]Chemical Lift Engine\r\n [*]Chemical Cannon\r\n [*]Tank Cannon + Explosive Ammo container\r\n [*]Mountable Shotgun\r\n [*]Item Frame\r\n [*]Logo Frame\r\n [*]WASD Converter\r\n [*]Robot Detector\r\n [*]Player VS Player Damage\r\n [*]More Wheels\r\n [*]Suckomatic Grab Stuff\r\n [*]Chest Fill Detector\r\n [*]Daylight Sensor\r\n [*]Item Detector\r\n [*]Universal Grinder Types\r\n [*]Watercannons Useful as Thruster under Water\r\n [*]Watertank To Airtank - Underwater Air Supply for Seats\r\n [*]New Shape Blocks Clean Colors\r\n [*]Angle Sensor\r\n [*]Smoker\r\n [*]Campfire\r\n [*]Rosted Woc Meat ( refine buff )\r\n [*]Red Woc Energy Drink ( speed buff )\r\n [*]Gyroscope\r\n [*]Miner\r\n [*]Totebots Bar ( damage buff )\r\n [*]McFlys Pommes Fries ( jumpboost )\r\n [*]Tesla Coil\r\n [*]Autocrafter / AutoRecycler\r\n [*]Steam Engine\r\n [*]Wings\r\n [*]Large Storage Container\r\n [*]Propeller\r\n [*]Engine, Bearing and Controller - Simple Controller\r\n [*]Hud Clock\r\n [*]Clock ( Thanks to @MJM for help with it )\r\n [*]Offroad Wheel\r\n [*]Popcorn Food (Land Mine)\r\n [*]Wireless Gate\r\n [*]Plastic resource\r\n [*]Wire resource\r\n [*]Automatic Beehive\r\n [*]Glueclam Tank\r\n [*]Fluid Connection Point\r\n [*]Teleport Item Pipes\r\n [*]Pigment Flower Grow Box\r\n [*]Melee Weapons and Tools\r\n [*]Bazooka\r\n [*]Altimeter\r\n [*]Offcenter Pipe Connection Blocks\r\n [*]Laserpointer\r\n [*]Met Beer ( All in One Buff )\r\n [*]New Enemy Robot Straw Dog\r\n [*]Growing Sensor \r\n [*]Flamethrower\r\n [*]Flags\r\n [*]Smart Toilet\r\n [*]Unit Facer\r\n [*]Adjustabel Rotor\r\n [*]Camera Block\r\n [*]Eggplant\r\n [*]Watergun\r\n [*]Handheld Flamethrower\r\n [*]Unitfacer Hub\r\n [*]Custom Engine V8\r\n [*]Player Teleporter\r\n [*]Mountable Gatling Gun\r\n [*]Mountable Homing Carrots\r\n [*]Smart Fridge \r\n [*]Paintable: Woc´s, Glowbugs, Corn, Veggies, Fruits, Cotton\r\n [*]Display\r\n [*]Symbole Plate\r\n [*]Totebot Mace Melee Weapon\r\n [*]Paint Bucket ( Paint the whole creation with one click ) \r\n [*]Glowgun\r\n [*]Vacuumpump with 3 Connection Points\r\n [*]Multi Connection Tool\r\n [*]Gravitygun \"Woc Brusher 9000\"\r\n [*]Refinary and Resource Collector Upgrade Modules ( find them in Warehouses )\r\n [*]Breedable Wocs / Baby Wocs ( breeding: Feed 5 Eggplants to a Woc that is Close to a other Woc )\r\n [*]Waterwheels\r\n [*]Fluid Sensor\r\n [*]Air Generator for creating Under Water Bases\r\n [*]Ballast Tanks\r\n [*]Creative Health and Respawn\r\n [*]Creative PvPvE Scoreboard\r\n [*]Water Thruster\r\n [*]Team Respawn Point\r\n [*]Team Selector\r\n [*]Team Respawner\r\n [*]Team Alive Sensor\r\n [*]Breathing in Creative\r\n [*]Scrapgun\r\n [*]Snail\r\n [*]Inline Refinery\r\n [*]5x5x8 Resource Collector\r\n [*]Mountable Glowgun and Ammo box\r\n [*]Fant Mod Handbook ( wip )\r\n [*]Fant Block Editor Tool\r\n [*]Fant Waypoint Marker Tool\r\n [*]Pumpjack and Outlet ( out of renderdistance fluid supply )\r\n [*]Trash can\r\n [*]Measurement Tool\r\n [*]Beebot ( enemy )\r\n [*]1x1x2 thruster. Challange Winner Arageus, and that was his wish\r\n [*]Thruster Hammer\r\n [*]Unitfacer Target Block\r\n [*]Anchor block for Creations ( freeze / unfreeze )\r\n [*]Remotegun to control Wirelessgates\r\n [*]Custom Rotary Engine\r\n [*]Exo Suit Parts\r\n [*]Clouds\r\n [*]Level and Skill System\r\n [*]Creation Projector\r\n [*]Popcorn Launcher gun\r\n [*]Heavy Haybots\r\n [*]Heavy Underwater Totebots\r\n [*]Laser Generator\r\n [*]Laser Reciver\r\n [*]Laser Prisma\r\n [*]Laser Pixel\r\n [*]Automatic Full Recycler\r\n [*]Guitar Weapon\r\n [*]Grapplinghook\r\n [*]Rope\r\n [*]Rope Hook\r\n [*]Sails\r\n [*]Floating islands\r\n [*]Pumpipe\r\n [*]Info Box\r\n [*]Plunger Shoes\r\n [*]Ladders\r\n\r\nAND SO MUCH MORE... I Just stopped Listing them because it would be even longer. ;)\r\n\r\n [*]Chat Commands:\r\n/cheat\t\t- toggles the Cheats On / Off\r\n/shownametag\t- toggles the Default NameTag if you use a different language then English. Because the Nametag remove works only on English.\r\n/block playername - blocks a connected player and forces him to leave the game!. \r\n/unblock playername - unblocks a connected player.\r\n/fant -toogle the Fant Mod Hud Info\r\n/chunk \t- creates a Player Clone that Keeps the Tile/Chunk loaded. ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/chunksave\t- save all spawned Chunk Loaders. ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/chunkload\t- load after map load all Chunkloades back in ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/chunkclear\t- deletes all saved Chunk loader ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/fly\t\t- fly... ( CHEAT, in creative only if PvP is off )\r\n/field x y\t- creates a Soil Field, works in creative too ( CHEAT )\r\n/cam\t\t- Detach the Camera from the Player ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/soilinfo\t- shows infos about Planted Soils ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/delete\t\t- deletes the object in Aim ( CHEAT )\r\n/undo - undo the delete ( CHEAT )\r\n/cleanup Number - removes all objects in range ( CHEAT )\r\n/clearinv\t- removes all items from the player Inventory ( CHEAT )\r\n/fill\t\t- aim at a Container to fill it with materials like. ( gas, batteries and so on... ) /fill batterie will fill the container with batteries. ( CHEAT )\r\n/all\t\t- activates god, unlimited and perma Day\r\n/hammer\t\t- removes the default hammer / gives it back ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/fastgrow \t- let plants grow nearly instant ( CHEAT )\r\n/showtile -displayes the tile boarder ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/skill - shows the skill menu ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/setLevel - set the Level and Skill points ( CHEAT )\r\n/clouds -toggle clouds ( NO CHEAT )\r\n\r\nHOST ONLY:\r\n/pvp\t\t-toggles God Mode\r\n\r\nAll:\r\n/setrespawn \t-set the Respawn position\r\n/respawn \t-respawns you if you are dead\r\n/scorereset\t-resets your score\r\n/team name\t-join a Team with name...\r\n/leaveteam\t-leaves the team\r\n[/list]\r\n\r\n[u][b] Special Thanks to: [/b] [/u]\r\n [*]Questionable Mark ( Custom Gamemode Template )\r\n [*]Corvos (modeling exo suits)\r\n [*]RostigerSpieler (item description, json, textures, handbook pages)\r\n [*]MJM (code, gui, texture)\r\n [*]XM943 ( testing and improving )\r\n [*]Apollyon (code)\r\n [*]Fawx (modeling tips)\r\n [*]Puduku - Thin Chest Model\r\n\r\nFant Mod made by\r\n[h1]00Fant [/h1]\r\n\r\nThe Comments are Deactivated to focus all Infos and Help Requests otherwise i will be not able to keep up with everything. sorry in regard.. see at the top for more infos.\r\n\r\n[h1]modding-guidelines[/h1]\r\nhttps://scrapmechanic.com/modding-guidelines#", + "description": "[h1] FANT MOD 2 CUSTOM GAMEMODE v 34.3 [/h1]\r\ngame version 0.6.6\r\n\r\n-No File edit needed\r\n-Vanilla Core Files\r\n-Auto Updates\r\n-Mod Mixing with Block&Part Mods works\r\n-Custom Recipe loading included \r\n-100% Multiplayer Functionality\r\n\r\n[hr][/hr]\r\nKnow Issue: With Unnormal Screen Ratios the Modded Hud can be \"Offcenter\", in that case just \"/fant 0\" to turn the Modded Hud Off\r\n[hr][/hr]\r\n[h1] MORE INFOS [/h1]\r\nYoutube Channel 00Fant:\r\n[h1] https://www.youtube.com/c/00FantMod [/h1]\r\n[u]subscribe to get the Newest Feature and Update Infos[/u]\r\nor\r\nDiscord link \r\n[h1] https://discord.gg/zTZjyrB5nh [/h1]\r\n[hr][/hr]\r\nFile Mod Version Here:\r\nhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2251509391\r\n\r\n\r\n[h1]Additional Recipes Here By Linus:[/h1]\r\nhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3050306813&searchtext=\r\n\r\n[hr][/hr]\r\n[h1] Mod Features: [/h1]\r\n[list]\r\n [*]Vacuumpump Extra Functions. Harvest, Drop, Filter, in and out of Chests. ALL Items.. REALY ALL!\r\n [*]Smart Chest\r\n [*]6 Way-Itempipe\r\n [*]Chemical Lift Engine\r\n [*]Chemical Cannon\r\n [*]Tank Cannon + Explosive Ammo container\r\n [*]Mountable Shotgun\r\n [*]Item Frame\r\n [*]Logo Frame\r\n [*]WASD Converter\r\n [*]Robot Detector\r\n [*]Player VS Player Damage\r\n [*]More Wheels\r\n [*]Suckomatic Grab Stuff\r\n [*]Chest Fill Detector\r\n [*]Daylight Sensor\r\n [*]Item Detector\r\n [*]Universal Grinder Types\r\n [*]Watercannons Useful as Thruster under Water\r\n [*]Watertank To Airtank - Underwater Air Supply for Seats\r\n [*]New Shape Blocks Clean Colors\r\n [*]Angle Sensor\r\n [*]Smoker\r\n [*]Campfire\r\n [*]Rosted Woc Meat ( refine buff )\r\n [*]Red Woc Energy Drink ( speed buff )\r\n [*]Gyroscope\r\n [*]Miner\r\n [*]Totebots Bar ( damage buff )\r\n [*]McFlys Pommes Fries ( jumpboost )\r\n [*]Tesla Coil\r\n [*]Autocrafter / AutoRecycler\r\n [*]Steam Engine\r\n [*]Wings\r\n [*]Large Storage Container\r\n [*]Propeller\r\n [*]Engine, Bearing and Controller - Simple Controller\r\n [*]Hud Clock\r\n [*]Clock ( Thanks to @MJM for help with it )\r\n [*]Offroad Wheel\r\n [*]Popcorn Food (Land Mine)\r\n [*]Wireless Gate\r\n [*]Plastic resource\r\n [*]Wire resource\r\n [*]Automatic Beehive\r\n [*]Glueclam Tank\r\n [*]Fluid Connection Point\r\n [*]Teleport Item Pipes\r\n [*]Pigment Flower Grow Box\r\n [*]Melee Weapons and Tools\r\n [*]Bazooka\r\n [*]Altimeter\r\n [*]Offcenter Pipe Connection Blocks\r\n [*]Laserpointer\r\n [*]Met Beer ( All in One Buff )\r\n [*]New Enemy Robot Straw Dog\r\n [*]Growing Sensor \r\n [*]Flamethrower\r\n [*]Flags\r\n [*]Smart Toilet\r\n [*]Unit Facer\r\n [*]Adjustabel Rotor\r\n [*]Camera Block\r\n [*]Eggplant\r\n [*]Watergun\r\n [*]Handheld Flamethrower\r\n [*]Unitfacer Hub\r\n [*]Custom Engine V8\r\n [*]Player Teleporter\r\n [*]Mountable Gatling Gun\r\n [*]Mountable Homing Carrots\r\n [*]Smart Fridge \r\n [*]Paintable: Woc´s, Glowbugs, Corn, Veggies, Fruits, Cotton\r\n [*]Display\r\n [*]Symbole Plate\r\n [*]Totebot Mace Melee Weapon\r\n [*]Paint Bucket ( Paint the whole creation with one click ) \r\n [*]Glowgun\r\n [*]Vacuumpump with 3 Connection Points\r\n [*]Multi Connection Tool\r\n [*]Gravitygun \"Woc Brusher 9000\"\r\n [*]Refinary and Resource Collector Upgrade Modules ( find them in Warehouses )\r\n [*]Breedable Wocs / Baby Wocs ( breeding: Feed 5 Eggplants to a Woc that is Close to a other Woc )\r\n [*]Waterwheels\r\n [*]Fluid Sensor\r\n [*]Air Generator for creating Under Water Bases\r\n [*]Ballast Tanks\r\n [*]Creative Health and Respawn\r\n [*]Creative PvPvE Scoreboard\r\n [*]Water Thruster\r\n [*]Team Respawn Point\r\n [*]Team Selector\r\n [*]Team Respawner\r\n [*]Team Alive Sensor\r\n [*]Breathing in Creative\r\n [*]Scrapgun\r\n [*]Snail\r\n [*]Inline Refinery\r\n [*]5x5x8 Resource Collector\r\n [*]Mountable Glowgun and Ammo box\r\n [*]Fant Mod Handbook ( wip )\r\n [*]Fant Block Editor Tool\r\n [*]Fant Waypoint Marker Tool\r\n [*]Pumpjack and Outlet ( out of renderdistance fluid supply )\r\n [*]Trash can\r\n [*]Measurement Tool\r\n [*]Beebot ( enemy )\r\n [*]1x1x2 thruster. Challange Winner Arageus, and that was his wish\r\n [*]Thruster Hammer\r\n [*]Unitfacer Target Block\r\n [*]Anchor block for Creations ( freeze / unfreeze )\r\n [*]Remotegun to control Wirelessgates\r\n [*]Custom Rotary Engine\r\n [*]Exo Suit Parts\r\n [*]Clouds\r\n [*]Level and Skill System\r\n [*]Creation Projector\r\n [*]Popcorn Launcher gun\r\n [*]Heavy Haybots\r\n [*]Heavy Underwater Totebots\r\n [*]Laser Generator\r\n [*]Laser Reciver\r\n [*]Laser Prisma\r\n [*]Laser Pixel\r\n [*]Automatic Full Recycler\r\n [*]Guitar Weapon\r\n [*]Grapplinghook\r\n [*]Rope\r\n [*]Rope Hook\r\n [*]Sails\r\n [*]Floating islands\r\n [*]Pumpipe\r\n [*]Info Box\r\n [*]Plunger Shoes\r\n [*]Ladders\r\n\r\nAND SO MUCH MORE... I Just stopped Listing them because it would be even longer. ;)\r\n\r\n [*]Chat Commands:\r\n/cheat\t\t- toggles the Cheats On / Off\r\n/shownametag\t- toggles the Default NameTag if you use a different language then English. Because the Nametag remove works only on English.\r\n/block playername - blocks a connected player and forces him to leave the game!. \r\n/unblock playername - unblocks a connected player.\r\n/fant -toogle the Fant Mod Hud Info\r\n/chunk \t- creates a Player Clone that Keeps the Tile/Chunk loaded. ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/chunksave\t- save all spawned Chunk Loaders. ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/chunkload\t- load after map load all Chunkloades back in ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/chunkclear\t- deletes all saved Chunk loader ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/fly\t\t- fly... ( CHEAT, in creative only if PvP is off )\r\n/field x y\t- creates a Soil Field, works in creative too ( CHEAT )\r\n/cam\t\t- Detach the Camera from the Player ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/soilinfo\t- shows infos about Planted Soils ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/delete\t\t- deletes the object in Aim ( CHEAT )\r\n/undo - undo the delete ( CHEAT )\r\n/cleanup Number - removes all objects in range ( CHEAT )\r\n/clearinv\t- removes all items from the player Inventory ( CHEAT )\r\n/fill\t\t- aim at a Container to fill it with materials like. ( gas, batteries and so on... ) /fill batterie will fill the container with batteries. ( CHEAT )\r\n/all\t\t- activates god, unlimited and perma Day\r\n/hammer\t\t- removes the default hammer / gives it back ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/fastgrow \t- let plants grow nearly instant ( CHEAT )\r\n/showtile -displayes the tile boarder ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/skill - shows the skill menu ( NO CHEAT )\r\n/setLevel - set the Level and Skill points ( CHEAT )\r\n/clouds -toggle clouds ( NO CHEAT )\r\n\r\nHOST ONLY:\r\n/pvp\t\t-toggles God Mode\r\n\r\nAll:\r\n/setrespawn \t-set the Respawn position\r\n/respawn \t-respawns you if you are dead\r\n/scorereset\t-resets your score\r\n/team name\t-join a Team with name...\r\n/leaveteam\t-leaves the team\r\n[/list]\r\n\r\n[u][b] Special Thanks to: [/b] [/u]\r\n [*]Questionable Mark ( Custom Gamemode Template )\r\n [*]Corvos (modeling exo suits)\r\n [*]RostigerSpieler (item description, json, textures, handbook pages)\r\n [*]MJM (code, gui, texture)\r\n [*]XM943 ( testing and improving )\r\n [*]Apollyon (code)\r\n [*]Fawx (modeling tips)\r\n [*]Puduku - Thin Chest Model\r\n\r\nFant Mod made by\r\n[h1]00Fant [/h1]\r\n\r\nThe Comments are Deactivated to focus all Infos and Help Requests otherwise i will be not able to keep up with everything. sorry in regard.. see at the top for more infos.\r\n\r\n[h1]modding-guidelines[/h1]\r\nhttps://scrapmechanic.com/modding-guidelines#", "fileId": 2820096455, "localId": "d9fe4eec-1449-4a84-bf99-4478a7c6dd1c", "name": "Fant Mod 2 Custom Gamemode", diff --git a/mod/Scripts/data/last_update.json b/mod/Scripts/data/last_update.json index 60444bc1..c17ae92d 100644 --- a/mod/Scripts/data/last_update.json +++ b/mod/Scripts/data/last_update.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "unix_timestamp": 1705020343, + "unix_timestamp": 1705061860, "items": { "871146046": 1488453447, "873609632": 1488233741, @@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@ "2819752373": 1655704793, "2819814476": 1654977079, "2820091907": 1655065880, - "2820096455": 1704988724, + "2820096455": 1705046545, "2820664570": 1655152295, "2820911513": 1656509777, "2820933220": 1655592294, @@ -2655,7 +2655,7 @@ "3129883464": 1704239017, "3131135318": 1704374620, "3131241037": 1704383213, - "3131864422": 1704939111, + "3131864422": 1705038078, "3133289724": 1704573340, "3134861654": 1704968733, "3136138903": 1704881813, diff --git a/mod/Scripts/data/shapesets.json b/mod/Scripts/data/shapesets.json index 95259ed5..88330cef 100644 --- a/mod/Scripts/data/shapesets.json +++ b/mod/Scripts/data/shapesets.json @@ -94546,7 +94546,8 @@ "efece758-2e28-427f-8a61-6995f87d9769", "b145043f-fceb-4dbc-aaff-4e75647d77bd", "d7cf021e-4413-4956-af18-e953347e8ba5", - "256849ca-a712-4d81-a02b-543fde42f44f" + "256849ca-a712-4d81-a02b-543fde42f44f", + "b853d63a-b2cc-4487-bda2-5422e4230c67" ] }, "478e0c39-c1be-43fb-a46b-15646abe06a9": {