ppt link:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11NpGwS5DyFeG80rpskJG4kBqHfqmW1ziARqbc5Kd308/edit#slide=id.g205d1431386_1_2
repo link : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11NpGwS5DyFeG80rpskJG4kBqHfqmW1ziARqbc5Kd308/edit#slide=id.g205d1431386_1_2
- It is a blockchain based project for Trading Nft's.
- It works on the idea that: “All the users can buy,sell,mint/create their Nft's or can just view Nft's that are created by other people in the world” The entire process works on the blockchain in partnership with the IPFS(to provide data security).
- Does Everything for Nft's : Creating ,Selling and Buying.
- Also integrates Live Auctions of nfts's.
- Thus this is a modern way to manage and trade Nft's!
- It is D-App on Ethereum.
- Back-End has Smart Contract
- Front-end of our Web-App is made with React.Js
- All User-Data is stored on IPFS also every data is first encryted locally and then send to ipfs to have more security
We are using Metamask Browser Extension to work with Ethereum.
We have used Truffle for testing our project
Connect to metamask
Upon First Signup
User Profile will be set to the Explore page. -
You can edit your profile by going to the profile Setting page.
Landing page have these options :
- `Explore` - User's can Explore all the Nft's that have been minted by all users on our site. On the explore page user will get some filter options like recently minted or getting Nft's between specific price range(some filters are yet to be added still working on it).
Create page. - User's can create their Nft's by going to the create section. They can upload their artwork , give it name, set appropriate price and description.
Explore page.
- User's can Explore all the Nft's that have been minted by all users on our site. On the explore page user will get some filter options like recently minted or getting Nft's between specific price range(some filters are yet to be added still working on it).
NFT Bidding
- Owner can put there NFT's for Auction. As soon as the Auction starts NFT will be drived to a live Auction page ,where different users can bid for nfts.
- Once the nft is on Auction only the users particioating in Auction will be displayed under a specific aucted nft.
- Once the Auction ends the Payable value will be transfered to the owners account and at the end ownershipof that nft will be transfered.
Nft Details page.
- User's can view details about a particular Nft by clicking on it(nft info includes: Nft image, Creator, Current Owner,Previous Owner,Buy Option,if owner[then keep for sale/remove from sale option and change price option],description).
Buying of NFT's
- One method for buying NFT's is using crypto's.
- The second method for buying nft's for non-crypto user is Traditional payment method which is implemented using stripe payment method,after Successfully transfering of money particular nft's ownership will also be transfered to that specific buyer
Feed Page.
- User can create posts about there nft's which will then be displayed on feed page.
- Feed page can be used for publishment of special NFT's and for displaying tranding nft's.
- Solidity - Object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts.
- Bootstrap 4 - CSS framework for faster and easier web development.
- React.js - JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- web3.js - Allows users to interact with a local or remote ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or WebSocket.
- Truffle - Development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for blockchains using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
- Ganache - Personal blockchain for Ethereum development used to deploy contracts, develop DApps, and run tests.
- Stripe - Payment Gateway for Traditional Payment Method.
- Django -AI/ML.
- Marketplace DApp requires Metamask browser wallet extension to interact with.
- Connect metamask browser wallet to Localhost 7545 running a custom RPC like Ganache.
npm install -g truffle
npm i ganache-cli
ganache-cli --port 7545
git clone https://github.com/jhenilparihar/DeepSpace.git
cd DeepSpace
npm install
truffle compile
truffle migrate
truffle test
npm start
Open metamask browser wallet and connect network to Localhost 7545.
Import accounts from ganache-cli into the metamask browser wallet to make transactions on the DApp.
- We're are open to enhancements & bug-fixes.
- Feel free to add issues and submit patches.
- Harsh Ghosalkar - HarshDilipGhosalkar
- Jhenil Parihar - JhenilParihar
- Yash Joshi
- Param Kothari
- Paras Mehta
This project is licensed under the MIT