- feat: support the user interface to grant or revoke privileges
- feat: support to sort the data by the sortRules firstly, when quering documents
- feat: return [FailIndexedDocumentSets] in describing collectionView's response
- feat: return the number of collections/collectionViews in listing database's response
- refactor: update default stopwords file
- feat: support search radius for searching in collection
- fix: optimize warning message for modifing vector indexes interface
- fix: optimize the interface modifing vector indexes
- fix: replace large file-sized dictionaries in Git LFS with URLs to enable the usage of NewBM25Encoder with language-specific dictionaries when customers refer to the "tcvdbtext" directory in this Go package.
- feat: support binary vector
- feat: support to return documents' count when using Count function
- feat: support to delete documents with limit
- feat: add params terminateAfter and cutoffFrequency, when hybrid search
- feat: support to hybrid search by text in embedding collection
- feat: support to modify vector indexes
- 为tcvectordb包的部分接口,增加注释
- ExistsDatabase实现方法中:增加对AI_DB类型数据库的判断
- CreateCollectionView和LoadAndSplitText接口支持设置文件解析的parsingType,可设置为AlgorithmParsing/VisionModelParsing
- 移除buildtag,支持windows平台上编译运行
- 支持BAAI/bge-m3新模型,也支持创建embedding collection时使用string直接设置模型
- 更换依赖cgo的分词包,为纯go实现的分词包,以更好的支持跨平台编译
- 新增/index/add接口实现
- DropDatabase添加返回值DropDatabaseResult
- ListDatabase返回值修改为ListDatabaseResult结构,将原[]Database放入result中
- 新增CreateAIDatabase接口,创建AI的database
- 新增DropAIDatabase接口,删除AI的database
- 新增AIDatabase接口,用于非API调用获取aidb对象
- DropCollection添加返回值DropCollectionResult
- TruncateCollection返回值AffectedCount修改为TruncateCollectionResult
- ListCollection返回值[]*Collection修改为ListCollectionResult
- 新增AI collectionView相关接口
- 接口名称修改,AliasSet替换为SetAlias,返回值修改为SetAliasResult
- 接口名称修改,AliasDelete替换为DeleteAlias, 返回值修改为DeleteAliasResult
- 新增AI collection的别名相关接口
- IndexRebuild修改名称为RebuildIndex, 返回值修改为RebuildIndexResult
- Upsert移动buildIndex参数到option中;返回值添加UpsertDocumentResult
- Query移动retrieveVector到option中,返回值修改为QueryDocumentResult
- Search\SearchById\SearchByText移动filter、hnswparam、retrieveVector、limit到option中;返回值修改为SearchDocumentResult
- Delete移动documentIds到option中,返回值添加DeleteDocumentResult
- 新增AI documentSet相关接口