The Pytorch implementation is facebookresearch/detr.
For details see End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers.
- GTX2080Ti / Ubuntu16.04 / cuda10.2 / cudnn8.0.4 / TensorRT7.2.1 / OpenCV4.2
- GTX2080Ti / win10 / cuda10.2 / cudnn8.0.4 / TensorRT7.2.1 / OpenCV4.2 / VS2017
- generate .wts from pytorch with .pth
// git clone
// go to facebookresearch/detr
// download
// download
// copy tensorrtx/detr/ and demo.jpg into facebookresearch/detr
// a file 'detr.wts' will be generated.
- build tensorrtx/detr and run
// put detr.wts into tensorrtx/detr
// go to tensorrtx/detr
// update parameters in detr.cpp if your model is trained on custom dataset.The parameters are corresponding to config in detr.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo ./detr -s [.wts] // serialize model to plan file
sudo ./detr -d [.engine] [image folder] // deserialize and run inference, the images in [image folder] will be processed
// For example
sudo ./detr -s ../detr.wts detr.engine
sudo ./detr -d detr.engine ../samples
- check the images generated, as follows. _demo.jpg and so on.
- tensorrt use fixed input size, if the size of your data is different from the engine, you need to adjust your data and the result.
- image preprocessing with c++ is a little different with python(opencv vs PIL)
average cost of doInference(in detr.cpp) from second time with batch=1 under the ubuntu environment above
fp32 | fp16 | int8 | |
R50 | 19.57ms | 9.424ms | TODO |