- Bot need to be an admin of the source and destination Chats.
- String session user doesn't need to be an admin of both ends.
- String session user should not be banned in the source chat.
- Don't create the string session from an admin account. Session user will leave the chat at the end 😂
TG_BOT_TOKEN - Get from @BotFather
APP_ID - Get from
API_HASH - Get from
TG_USER_SESSION - Run any userbot session maker (
/help - To know how to use the bot
/source - Set source chat Id ( /source -1001234567890 )
/destination - Set destination chat Id ( /destination -1009876543210)
/view - To view the current stored chat configuration
/delconfig - To clear the stored chat configuration
/clone - Clone medias from source to destination chat
Create with variables as given below Refer sample.config
class Config(object):
TG_BOT_TOKEN = "134448596:AAEIyo3EBVCN3qdd3TfrmQUxoI-eZVGvmI"
APP_ID = int(123635)
API_HASH = "1a417dd4fdf3ead2819ff35641daa16b"
User session string can be generated from HERE
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
SpEcHiDe for his DeleteMessagesRoBot