- Dustrial Decor by BlueDuck & Slomaxonical
- 3d-Skin-Layers by tr7zw
- AE2Things by ProjectET
- AE2WTLib by mari_023, Ridanisaurus, DomamaN202
- Ad Astra by Alex Nijjar
- Ad Astra: Giselle Addon by gisellevonbingen
- Adaptive Tooltips by isXander
- Advancements Debug by Technici4n
- AlmostUnified by Almost Reliable
- Alternate Current by Space Walker
- Another Furniture by Starfish Studios
- AntiGhost by Giselbaer
- AppleSkin by squeek502
- Applied Energistics 2 by TeamAppliedEnergistics
- Architect's Palette Fabric by Jsburg & Slomaxonical
- Architectury by shedaniel
- Artifacts by ochotonida, Florens
- Async Locator by bright_spark
- AttributeFix by Darkhax
- Auth Me by Axieum
- Auto Config v1 Updated by sargunv, shedaniel
- Awesome dungeon by JTorLeon Studios
- Axolotl Item Fix by ColdLavaLamp
- Bad Packets by deirn
- Bad Wither No Cookie Reloaded by Kreezxil, Eleksploded
- Balm by BlayTheNinth
- Beacon Overhaul by Chloe Dawn
- Beenfo by Giselbaer
- Better Advancements by way2muchnoise
- Better Combat by Daedelus
- betterfpsdist mod by Love, Cheese and small house plants
- Better Mount HUD by Lortseam
- Better Ping Display by Quintinity
- Better Statistics Screen by TheCSDev
- Blockus by Brandcraft
- Bookshelf by Darkhax
- Botarium by CodexAdrian
- Bow Infinity Fix by Parker8283
- Building Wands by nicguzzo
- CC: Restitched by Daniel Ratcliffe, Aaron Mills, SquidDev, parly, Merith.TK, Jummit, Toad-Dev, 3prm3, Patbox
- CC:C Bridge by Sammy L. Koch, Luke A. Hanssen
- CapeJS by static
- Cardinal Components API by UpcraftLP, Pyrofab
- Carry On by Tschipp, Purplicious_Cow, cy4n
- Catwalks Inc. by Reoseah
- Charm of Undying by Illusive Soulworks
- Chat Heads by dzwdz, Fourmisain
- Chef's Delight by Redstone Games
- Cherished Worlds by Illusive Soulworks
- Chimes by BlewberryPie
- Chisel Refabricated by Slaincow, KnowYourKnot, Original Creator: AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village by ChoiceTheorem
- Chunky by pop4959
- CleanCut by Rongmario
- clickadv mod by Love, Cheese and small house plants
- ClimbLaddersFast by spoorn
- Cloth API by shedaniel
- Cloth Config v8 by shedaniel
- Clumps by Jaredlll08
- Collective by Rick South
- Configured by MrCrayfish
- Continuity by Pepper_Bell
- Controlling For Fabric by Jaredlll08
- CorgiLib by Corgi Taco
- Cosmetic Armor by Apace
- Couplings by Chloe Dawn
- Crafting Tweaks by BlayTheNinth
- Crawl by fewizz, McSkinnerOG, Chocohead
- Create by Fabricators of Create, Creators of Create
- Create Crafts & Additions by MRH0
- Create Slice & Dice by possible_triangle
- Create: Copycats+ by Lysine, Bennyboy1695, Redcat_XVIII
- Create: Steam 'n' Rails by The Railways Team
- Cull Less Leaves by isXander
- Cultural Delights Fabric by MrSterner
- Damage Tilt by Charles445
- Dank Storage by Tfarcenim
- Dark Loading Screen by Neecko5b84
- Dawn API by Hugman
- Decorative Blocks by Stohun, lilypuree
- Default Options by BlayTheNinth
- Disable Custom Worlds Advice by rdvdev2
- Easy Magic by Fuzs
- Ecologics by SameButDifferent, Zero_DSRS_VX, Drigonis, Crispytwig, Irishjevil, Foquito Azul
- EldritchMobs by CyborgPigeon
- Emojiful by HorizonStudio
- Enhanced Block Entities by FoundationGames
- Enhanced Workbenches by Luligabi
- EntityCulling-Fabric by tr7zw
- Equipment Compare by Grend
- Expanded Delight by ianm1647
- Experience Bug Fix by Mactso, Lupicus
- Explorer's Compass by ChaosTheDude
- Extended Drawers by MattiDragon
- Extreme sound muffler by LeoBeliik
- FPS Reducer by bre2el
- FTB Backups 2 by CreeperHost
- FTB Chunks by FTB Team
- FTB Essentials by FTB Team
- FTB Library by FTB, LatvianModder
- FTB Quests by FTB Team
- FTB Teams by LatvianModder
- FTB XMod Compat by FTB Team
- Fabric API by FabricMC
- Fabric Language Kotlin by FabricMC
- Factory Blocks Mod by slaincow
- Falling Leaves by Fourmisain, BrekiTomasson, RandomMcSomethin
- FancyMenu by Keksuccino
- Farmer's Delight by Zifiv, vectorwing, StevenPlayzz, dopadream, orlouge, BarchamMal, AwesomeDude091
- Farming for Blockheads by BlayTheNinth
- FastFurnace by Tfarecnim, ShadowsOfFire
- FerriteCore by malte0811
- FindMe by Buuz135
- Forge Config API Port by Fuzs
- Forgiving Void by BlayTheNinth
- Geckolib by Gecko, Eliot, AzureDoom, Hydos, DerToaster
- Geocluster by MrSterner
- Goblin Traders by MrCrayfish
- GuardVillagers by MrSterner
- Health Overlay by Terrails
- Held Item Info by Neecko5b84
- Herds Panic by Globox_Z, Abbanon
- Hookshot by Cammie
- Iceberg by Grend
- idwtialsimmoedm by glisco
- Immersive Structure by ChoiceTheorem
- Indium by comp500
- Industrial Quarry Mod by TEDinc, DissiNL
- Inmis by Draylar
- InmisAddon by Globox_Z, Pois1x
- Inventory HUD + by DmitryLovin
- Inventory Profiles Next by mirinimi/blackd
- Iris by coderbot, IMS212, Justsnoopy30, FoundationGames
- Iris Flywheel Compat by Leon
- Iron Chests: Restocked by Dev and Upgrade Textures - ThatGravyBoat, All Other Textures - Kekie
- Item Filters by LatvianModder
- Item Model Fix by Pepper_Bell
- JamLib by Jamalam
- JourneyMapIntegration by frankV
- Journeymap by Mysticdrew, Techbrew
- Just Another Void Dimension by UnRealDinnerbone
- Just Enough Calculation by Towdium, MorningSage, 6LeoY
- Kibe by D4rkness_King
- KleeSlabs by BlayTheNinth
- Konkrete by Keksuccino
- Krypton by tuxed
- KubeJS by LatvianModder
- LambDynamicLights by LambdAurora
- LazyDFU by tuxed
- Leaves Be Gone by Fuzs
- Let Me Despawn by frikinjay
- Library ferret by JTorLeon Studios
- Light Overlay by shedaniel
- Lithium by JellySquid, 2No2Name
- Logical Zoom by LogicalGeekBoy
- Lootr by ZestyBlaze, Noobanidus
- Low Fire by UltimateBoomer
- Lumberaxe by TacoMonkey, Deadeye Dutch
- Macaw's Paintings by Sketch Peachy and Sketch Macaw
- MidnightLib by Motschen, TeamMidnightDust
- MixinTrace by comp500
- MmmMmmMmmMmm by Mehvahdjukaar, Bonusboni, Gooigipunch, Plantkillable
- Mod Menu by Prospector, jackassmc, haykam821, TerraformersMC
- Modern Dynamics by Technici4n
- Modern Industrialization by Azercoco, Technici4n
- MI Sound Addon by static
- ModernFix by embeddedt
- Moonlight by MehVahdJukaar
- More Geodes by TheDeathlyCow, SalveMundiProd
- More Villagers by SameButDifferent, Zero_DSRS_VX
- Naturalist by Starfish Studios
- Nature's Compass by ChaosTheDude
- Nether's Delight by JustinPlayzz, StevenPlayzz, Umpaz, SoyTutta
- NetherPortalFix by BlayTheNinth
- No Chat Reports by Aizistral
- NoRecipeBook by Grayray75
- NotEnoughAnimations by tr7zw
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go by Corgi Taco, AOCAWOL, YaBoiChips, JT122406
- Passive Shield by Rick South
- Patchouli by Vazkii, williewillus
- Peripheralium by SirEdvin
- Pineapple Delight by Someoneice
- Player Animator by KosmX
- Pling by haykam821
- PolaroidCamera
- PolyLib by CreeperHost
- Polymorph by Illusive Soulworks
- PonderJS by kotakotik22, AlmostReliable
- Prism by Grend
- Promenade by Hugman
- Puzzles Lib by Fuzs
- Quick Shulker by kyrptonaught
- Raised by yurisuika
- Reacharound by spAnser
- Redirector by TeamPotato
- Reese's Sodium Options by FlashyReese
- Resourceful Lib by ThatGravyBoat
- Resourcefulconfig
- Revelationary by DaFuqs
- Rhino by LatvianModder, Mozilla
- Right Click Harvest by Jamalam
- River Redux by SuperCoder79
- Rotten Creatures by RPorotos, Team Fusion
- Roughly Enough Items by shedaniel
- Roughly Enough Loot Tables by GrigLog
- Roughly Enough Professions by Mrbysco, ShyNieke
- Roughly Enough Trades by GrigLog
- Runes by Daedelus
- Satin by Pyrofab
- Scannable by Sangar, embeddedt
- Smoothchunk mod by Someaddons
- ServerCore by Wesley1808
- Shear Cows by static
- ShetiPhianCore by ShetiPhian, Art: Fruzstrated
- Simple Animated Guns by Elidhan
- Simple Discord Rich Presence by Sunekaer
- Simple Magnets by SuperMartijn642
- Simple Voice Chat by Max Henkel
- Simply Light by Flanks255
- Simply Swords by Sweenus, Konsyliarz42 (Art)
- Smooth Boot by UltimateBoomer, fantahund
- Snow Under Trees by DeadlyMC, bl4ckscor3, mineblock11
- Sodium by JellySquid
- Sodium Extra by FlashyReese
- Spectrum by DaFuqs, Azzyypaaras, Noaaan
- Spell Engine by Daedelus
- Spell Power Attribute by Daedelus
- Spellblades and Such by cleannrooster!
- Spice of Fabric by Siphalor, CoolMineman, halotroop2288
- Staff of Traveling by LukeGrahamLandry#6888, CastCrafter, MelanX, noeppinoeppi
- Starlight by Spottedleaf
- Structory by Stardust Labs
- Structory: Towers by Stardust Labs
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib by SuperMartijn642
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib by SuperMartijn642
- Superflat World No Slimes by Rick South
- Supplementaries by MehVahdJukaar, Plantkillable
- Tech Reborn by Team Reborn, modmuss50, drcrazy
- TerraBlender by Adubbz
- The Twilight Forest by Benimatic, AtomicBlom, Drullkus, Killer_Demon, quadraxis, Tamaized, williewillus, Andromander, GizmoTheMoonPig, Jodlodi
- Time in a Bottle by alkyaLy
- Tip The Scales by Jaredlll08
- Toast Manager by Banzetta
- Tom's Simple Storage Mod by tom5454
- ToolStats by Darkhax
- ToolLeveling+ by Buecher_wurm
- Towns and Towers by Kubek, Biban_Auriu and Cristelknight999
- Trade Cycling by Max Henkel
- Trinkets by Emi, C4
- Trowel by enderCore
- Turtlematic by SirEdvin
- Universal Bone Meal by Fuzs
- Unlimited Peripheral Works by SirEdvin
- Vanilla Hammers by Draylar
- Very Many Players by ishland
- Visual Workbench by Fuzs
- Visuality by PinkGoosik
- WMITAF by ShaksterNano
- wthit by deirn, Nicholas "TehNut" Ignoffo, ProfMobius
- WaveyCapes by tr7zw
- Waystones by BlayTheNinth
- When Dungeons Arise by Aureljz, DiamondTown & Zephyrusj
- Wireless Chargers by SuperMartijn642
- Wizards by Daedelus
- XXLPackets by Tfarecnim (Original Creator), Lazul1ne
- Xp Obelisk by Meridanus
- YDM's Weapon Master by YourDailyModder
- YUNG's Better Desert Temples by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Tera
- YUNG's Better Dungeons by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts by YUNGNICKYOUNG
- YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Tera
- YUNG's Better Strongholds by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YUNG's Better Witch Huts by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YUNG's Extras by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- YetAnotherConfigLib by isXander
- You're in Grave Danger by b1n_ry
- Extended Armor Bars by RebelKeithy
- cAn i MiNe thIS bLOCk? by shedaniel
- cupboard by Someaddon
- libIPN by mirinimi/blackd
- oωo by glisco, Noaaan, BasiqueEvangelist
- spark by Luck
- st'ructure tools by ProjectET, ramidzkh, Direwolf20
- tech-enhanced by Thepigcat76