distance sample: take the "Centre ville" Nantes neighbourhood center and use modify to move a point to see how far we are from the "Centre ville"
nearest sample: use the same POI points and it's where you click that launch the nearest function call.
centroid sample: take the center of each Nantes neighbourhood and put them in a new layer
center sample: in truth it's the center of gravity (barycentre in maths)
square: set a max extent on the demo. Demo can failed because with sync, sometimes out of bounds and failed assertion.
concave: issue when some hundred points (too slow, browser go down)
buffer: can be slow (issue already in Turf main tracker)
plugin simplestyle for OpenLayers 3 See https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox.js/blob/5799ab238c2cd4e8126ae1dc577cd802f916e40d/src/simplestyle.js and
Change MapQuest tiles to Hydda (see below excerpt for Leaflet)
var Hydda_Full = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/full/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 18, attribution: 'Tiles courtesy of OpenStreetMap Sweden — Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA' });
- General: use ol.FeatureOverlay instead of full layers when drawing http://openlayers.org/en/v3.0.0/apidoc/ol.FeatureOverlay.html
forEachFeatureIntersectingExtent to get element within an extent getClosestFeatureToCoordinate equivalent to nearest jsts "flat" buffer midpoint exists also in OpenLayers 3 > ol.Sphere.prototype.midpoint and ol.geom.LineString.prototype.getFlatMidpoint
- collect
- along
- area
- bboxPolygon
- bearing
- center
- centroid
- destination
- distance
- envelope
- lineDistance
- midpoint
- pointOnSurface
- square
- bezier
- buffer
- concave
- convex
- difference
- intersect
- simplify
- union
- combine
- explode
- flip
- kinks
- lineSlice
- pointOnLine
- featureCollection
- feature
- lineString
- multiLineString
- point
- polygon
- multiPoint
- multiPolygon
- geometryCollection
- random
- sample
- isolines
- planepoint
- tin
- inside
- tag
- hexGrid
- pointGrid
- squareGrid
- triangleGrid
- within
- nearest
- propEach (1) (turf-meta)
- coordEach (1) (turf-meta)
- coordReduce (1) (turf-meta)
- featureEach (1) (turf-meta)
- getCoord (1) (turf-invariant => wrong in the doc?)
- featureOf (1) (turf-invariant)
- collectionOf (1) (turf-invariant)
- bbox
- circle (1) (turf-circle => wrong in the doc?)
- geojsonType (1) (turf-invariant)
- propReduce (1) (turf-meta => wrong in the doc?)
- coordAll (1) (turf-meta => wrong in the doc?)
- tesselate
(1) Not in default turf.min.js