Find Symbols with Dexterify
\lor % Logical OR ∨
\land % Logical AND ∧
\lnot % Logical NOT ¬
% Set
\mathbb {R}
\setminus & without
% Brackets
\langle \rangle % Angled Brackets 〈〉
\ddots % Diagonal dots
\vdots % Vertical dots
\hdots % Horizontal dots
\usepackage { marvosym }
\Lightning % lightning bolt, contradiction
\usepackage {amssymb }
\checkmark % checkmark
\overset {!}{=} % Gives a equal with a exclamation point above
\usepackage {mathtools }
\coloneqq % := (define symbol)
\underbrace {2*p}_{\text {even number}}
f : \mathbb {N} \to \mathbb {R}
\usepackage {amsmath } % cases
f(x) = \begin {cases }
0 & x\leq 0 \\
\pi & 100\leq x
\end {cases }
% Caligraphic font in math
\mathcal {text}
\usepackage {amsfonts }
% or
\usepackage {amssymb }
\mathbb {R}
\begin {center }
\includegraphics [width = 0.85\textwidth ]{graphic.png}
\end {center }
{\tt file\_ name.m }
\lstinputlisting [language=MatLab]{file_name.m}
\ begin{lstlisting} [escapeinside={(*}{*)},language=MatLab]
if foo
list= { (*$S_1,S_2,S_3$*) }
\end {lstlisting }
\usepackage {multicol }
\begin {multicols }{2}
\begin {align* }
1 + 1 &= 2
\end {align* }
\begin {align* }
2 + 1 &= 3
\end {align* }
\end {multicols }
\begin {center }
\begin {tabular }{|l|c|r|}
Title1 & Tile2 & Tile3 \\
1 & test & 51989 \\
2 & test & 62782 \\
\end {tabular }
\end {center }
\begin {align* }
\begin {bmatrix }
0 & 1 \\
2 & 3 \\
\end {bmatrix }
\end {align* }
QED, black square after proof
\newcommand {\QED }{\tag *{$ \blacksquare $ }}
\begin {align* }
x + 0 &= x
\end {align* }