Explain how the ability to use video and audio on the web has evolved since the early 2000s. Well for one you no longer have to worry about the video of a website just starting up a video and blarring loud audio. We have gotten be
Describe the use of the src and controls attributes in the < video > element. The controls attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that video controls should be displayed.
Why is it important to have fallback content inside the < video > element? A fallback is a generic, one-size-fits-all response that's a better placeholder than what the browser would provide by default when a request fails. Some examples are: An alternative to the "missing image" placeholder. An HTML alternative to the standard "no network connection available" page
How does Grid layout differ from Flex? The basic difference between CSS Grid Layout and CSS Flexbox Layout is that flexbox was designed for layout in one dimension - either a row or a column. Grid was designed for two-dimensional layout - rows, and columns at the same time.
Grid container, grid item, and grid line are a few important terms to understand when using Grid. Please describe these terms in a few sentences. A grid container defines a grid layout with rows and columns. It contains grid items that are placed in this grid. Create a container with display:grid or display:inline-grid. An item property that sets the element's start position within the grid row. grid-template. A grid container property that is a shorthand for defining rows, columns, and areas. grid-template-columns. Defines the container line names and track sizing functions of the columns. Grid Lines are columns lines and row lines. Columns lines are the lines between columns and row lines between rows. The following is an example of grid lines.
- Besides making a site visually appealing across different screen sizes, why should developers make images responsive? making images responsives adds an interact element to your website, which provides a different way to navigate.
How is srcset more helpful for responsive images than CSS or JavaScript? Using the srcset attribute has made responsive image sizing much simpler. It allows you to define a list of differently-sized versions of the same image, and provide information about the size of each one. Then, the client (browser) gets to make the decision.
I need to look more into grind and how I can use it, I am pretty comfortable with flex but I need to get better with grid