What is the single responsibility principle and how does it apply to components? The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) The idea behind the SRP is that every class, module, or function in a program should have one responsibility/purpose in a program. As a commonly used definition, "every class should have only one reason to change". The class above violates the single responsibility principle.
What does it mean to build a ‘static’ version of your application? Static frameworks are pre-compiled libraries that are linked to your app during the build process. This means that the framework code is included in the final app binary and cannot be updated or changed at runtime.
Once you have a static application, what do you need to add? To host a static website, you need a web hosting provider. W3Schools provides W3Schools Spaces to host your static website. With Spaces, you can easily host your website with a few clicks. It allows you to make static sites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
What are the three questions you can ask to determine if something is state?
How can you identify where state needs to live?
What is a “higher-order function”? In simple words, A Higher-Order function is a function that receives a function as an argument or returns the function as output. For example, Array. prototype. map , Array.
Explore the greaterThan function as defined in the reading. In your own words, what is line 2 of this function doing?
Explain how either map or reduce operates, with regards to higher-order functions.