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Mod Features

Dead Coral and Coral Fans Erode into Sand

Provides additional Sand and Red Sand

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault coralErosion

Dead Coral and Dead Coral Fans with water flowing out of them will spawn a Sand item every 16-32 seconds. Fire versions spawn Red Sand instead.

The Coral has a 3% chance to break after spawning Sand.

Infinitely automatic farms are possible, but not trivial.

This method was added because:

  • Getting Sand purely from the Wandering Trader is not sufficient.
  • Gravity block duping and Trader multi-use bugs are unintended and could be fixed at any time.
  • The old method where Husks dropped Sand is boring as it's just another standard mob farm.

Shulkers Spawn On Dragon Kill

Provides Shulkers

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault shulkerSpawning

When an Ender Dragon is re-killed, a Shulker spawns on top of the Bedrock pillar.

Goats Break Apart Nether Wart Blocks By Ramming Them

Provides Nether Wart

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault rammingWart

When a Goat rams a Nether Wart Block, it will break into Nether Wart.

Thick Potions Convert Stone into Deepslate

Provides Deepslate

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableDeepslate

Disable only splash/lingering conversion with /carpetskyadditions setDefault renewableDeepslate no_splash

Right-clicking or dispensing a Thick Potion on Stone converts it to Deepslate.

A Thick Splash Potion will convert Stone blocks hit by the splash into Deepslate.

The conversion chance equals twice the percentage of the potion duration an entity would get.

A Thick Lingering Potion will continuously convert all Stone blocks in its cloud into Deepslate.

Netherrack and Nylium Generates with Nether Portal Structures

Provides Netherrack and Nylium

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableNetherrack

When a Nether Portal generates in the void, it generates a few blocks of Netherrack or Nylium around it.

Which block is generated depends on the Biome -- Crimson Nylium in Crimson Forests, Warped Nylium in Warped Forests, Netherrack elsewhere.

Wandering Traders Sell Tall Flowers

Provides Tall Flowers

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault tallFlowersFromWanderingTrader

Tall Flowers trades mimic Bedrock.

Additional Tier 1 Trades:
Item Price Trades until disabled
Lilac 1 12
Rose Bush 1 12
Peony 1 12
Sunflower 1 12

Vexes Can Be Allayed

Provides Allays

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault allayableVexes

Play Vexes the right sequence of 5 Note Block notes to convert them to Allays.

Vexes listen to Note Blocks within a 16 block range and emit particles based on whether the correct note is played. The instrument is ignored and the octave is ignored, meaning F#3 is treated the same as F#5.

When a Vex is in a Minecart, a Comparator can be used with a Detector Rail to determine the next note in the sequence. The Comparator outputs a value from 0 (corresponding to F#) to 11 (corresponding to F)

Foxes Spawn With Sweet Berries

Provides Sweet Berries

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault foxesSpawnWithSweetBerriesChance

Set the chance with /carpetskyadditions setDefault foxesSpawnWithSweetBerriesChance <chance>.

When a Fox spawns with an item, there is a 20% chance the item is Sweet Berries. The Fox will eat them soon after spawning, so be quick.

Anvils Compact Coal into Diamonds

Provides Diamonds

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableDiamonds

A Falling Anvil compresses a stack of Coal Blocks into a Diamond.

Lightning Electrifies Vines

Provides Glow Lichen

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault lightningElectrifiesVines

If lightning strikes Glowstone with vines attached, the vines will turn into Glow Lichen. It can also strike a Lightning Rod on the Glowstone.

Chorus Trees Generate on End Islands

Provides Chorus Fruit and Chorus Flowers

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault gatewaysSpawnChorus

When an End Gateway is taken to a position over the void, the Endstone island generated spawns with a Chorus Tree on it.

Dolphins Find Hearts of the Sea

Provides Hearts of the Sea

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableHeartsOfTheSea

When a Dolphin is fed a fish, they may dig a Heart of the Sea out of Sand or Gravel on the sea floor.

Make sure to give the Dolphin enough space to search.

Must be in an Ocean type biome -- they're Hearts of the Sea, not Hearts of the Jungle.

Budding Amethysts Can Be Generated

Provides Budding Amethysts

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableBuddingAmethysts

A lava block surrounded by Calcite which is then surrounded by Smooth Basalt will eventually turn into a Budding Amethyst.

How to build structure:

lava source ----> Lava surrounded by calcite ----> Calcite surrounded by smooth basalt

After some time (1/100 chance on a random tick — ~2 hours on average), the Lava in the center will turn into a Budding Amethyst.

Lava has become budding amethyst

Saplings Die on Sand

Provides Dead Bushes

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault saplingsDieOnSand

Saplings can be placed on Sand and Red Sand.

After a time, the saplings will die and turn into Dead Bushes.

Ender Dragons Can Drop their Head

Provides Dragon Heads

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableDragonHeads

When an Ender Dragon is killed by a Charged Creeper, she will drop her head.

Huge Mushrooms Spread Mycelium

Provides Mycelium

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault hugeMushroomsSpreadMycelium

When a Huge Mushroom grows, it spreads Mycelium nearby, similar to how Mega Spruces Trees spread Podzol.

Creatures with Echolocation Drop Echo Shards when Killed with Sonic Booms

Provides Echo Shards

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableEchoShards

Bats and Dolphins drop an Echo Shard when killed by a Warden's Sonic Boom attack.

Drowneds Foster Sniffer Eggs

Provides Sniffer Eggs

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault sniffersFromDrowneds

Drowneds have a 1% chance to spawn with a Sniffer Egg in their offhand.

This Egg will never drop when the Drowned dies.

Instead, when a Drowned holding a Sniffer Egg stomps on a Turtle Egg, it will replace the destroyed Egg with the Sniffer Egg.

Sniffers are Suspicious

Provides Suspicious Sand and Suspicious Gravel

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault suspiciousSniffers

Disable only Iron Nugget drops with /carpetskyadditions setDefault suspiciousSniffers no_iron

Sniffers will dig in Sand, Red Sand, Suspicious Sand, Gravel, and Suspicious Gravel.

They dig up Iron Nuggets from these materials. This Iron Nugget is more for lore than as an Iron source, but it can provide a passive Iron source before an Iron Golem farm is built.

Digging has a 10% chance to convert Sand into Suspicious Sand when it's within a Desert Pyramid or Warm Ocean Ruin and a 10% chance to convert Gravel into Suspicious Gravel when it's within a Trail Ruin or Cold Ocean Ruin.

Suspicious blocks will have the loot table of the structure they are created in. In Trail Ruins, it will have a 20% chance to have the rare Trail Ruins loot table. In a Desert Pyramid, it will have a 20% chance to have a Desert Well loot table.

Enchanting Tables Near Wardens can Enchant Items with Swift Sneak

Provides Swift Sneak

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableSwiftSneak

An Enchanting Table placed within 8 blocks of a Warden can enchant items with Swift Sneak.

Poisonous Potatoes Convert Spiders

Provides Cave Spiders

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault poisonousPotatoesConvertSpiders

Use a Poisonous Potato on a Spider to convert it to a Cave Spider.

Wandering Traders Can Spawn Riding Camels

Provides Camels

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault traderCamels

When a Wandering Trader spawns in a Desert or Badlands biome (tag carpetskyadditions:wandering_trader_spawns_on_camel), it will not have Trader Llamas, but will ride a Camel.

The Camel will despawn when the Wandering Trader does if the Trader is still riding it.

While the Wandering Trader is riding, the Camel can't be ridden, fed, or leashed.

Note: When installed only on the server side, the Trader will appear to be standing on the Camel, instead of sitting. Also, feeding or leashing the ridden Camel will appear use the Cactus or Lead. This is client side only, but I recommend not trying to mess with the Trader's Camel.

Small Dripleaves Can Propogate

Provides additional Small Dripleaves

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault spreadingSmallDripleaves

When a Small Dripleaf is planted on Clay such that the bottom half is waterlogged, the top isn't, and the top is at exactly light level 5, it can spread. Spreading works similarly to Mushrooms.

It only spreads to blocks which match the same conditions. It can spread to a location up to 5 blocks away horizontally and 2 vertically. Closer blocks are more likely. It can only spread to locations with a maximum of 15 Small Dripleaf blocks (both halves counted) in a 5x2x5 area around.

In SkyBlock worlds, Small Dripleaves are normally very limited, as they can only be obtained through the Wandering Trader, 10 at a time. This allows farming and heavier use of them.

Coral can Spread to Calcite

Provides additional Coral Blocks

Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault spreadingCoral

When a Calcite block has at least 8 of the same type of Coral block within a 3x3 around it, it can convert to that Coral block upon a random tick (if it would survive).

The chance of conversion depends on the suitability of the location. The suitability is based on the generation temperature and continentalness parameters. The ideal spot is defined as a temperature of 0.65 and a continentalness of -0.3, which translates to just off the coast, in warm locations. These values are visible on the F3 screen in singleplayer. The algorithm is:

if dimension is not overworld then
    suitability = 0
else if flat world then
    suitability = 0.5
    # This value is clamped between 0 and 1
    suitability = 1 - ((temperature - 0.65)^2 + (continentalness + 0.3)^2)

The chance of conversion upon a random tick is suitability * 0.49 + 0.01.

When most suitable, conversion takes about 2 minutes on average. When least suitable, it averages almost 2 hours.

In SkyBlock worlds, Coral Blocks are normally very limited, as they can only be obtained through the Wandering Trader, 8 at a time. This allows farming and heavier use of them.

Wandering Traders Sell Lava

Provides Lava

Enable with /carpetskyadditions setDefault lavaFromWanderingTrader true

*** Not automatically enabled in SkyBlock — Get Lava from a Hero of the Village Gift Instead***

Additional Tier 2 Trade:
Item Price Input Item Trades until disabled
Lava Bucket 16 Bucket 1

Blaze turn into Breeze when Brought to Overworld

Provides Breeze Rods

Disable with /carpetskyadditions setDefault blazeToBreeze false

Blaze mobs turn into Breeze when go from the nether into the overworld. This does not affect entities with a custom name tag.

Using a Breeze Rod on an Unactivated Trial Spawner Makes It a Breeze Trial Spawner

Provides Trial Chamber Loot

Disable generation with /carpetskyadditions setDefault generateTrialChambers false

Breeze Rods when used on an unactivated Trial Spawner turns it into a Breeze Trial Spawner. This is how you obtain the loot from Trial Spawners.

Growing a Pale Oak Sapling Near a Open Eye Blossom Produces a Creaking Heart

Provides Creaking Heart and Resin

Disable with /carpetskyadditions setDefault paleBlossomCreakingHeart false

If four pale oak saplings are placed close to an open eyeblossom in the pale garden biome, there are a 10% chance for the pale oak tree to generate a creaking heart.

Carpet Features

Default installation will also enable these fabric-carpet features.

  • renewableSponges for Sponges
    • run /carpet removeDefault renewableSponges to disable
  • piglinsSpawningInBastions for Piglin Brutes and Ancient Debris
    • run /carpet removeDefault piglinsSpawningInBastions to disable