python <proplist> <systemlist> [-o csv|json] > <destfile>
proplist is the list of system properties to be collected (see below available properties), seperated by commas without any space. Can be 'all' to collect all properties. Properties are case sensitive.
systemlist is the file containing the list of devices to collect properties. Can be 'all' to collect properties of all systems.
[-o csv|json] is the optional output format. Default is json.
destfile is the file where redirect the output.
Get hostname, last communication and tags for systems in systemlist:
python name,lastUpdate,tags systemlist -o csv > systemproperties.csv
Get all properties of all systems in ePO:
python all all > allprops.json
List of all available properties:
'id', 'name', 'parentId', 'epoGroup', 'agentGuid', 'lastUpdate', 'agentState', 'nodePath', 'agentPlatform', 'agentVersion','nodeCreatedDate', 'managed', 'tenantId', 'tags', 'excludedTags', 'managedState', 'computerName', 'domainName', 'ipAddress', 'osType', 'osVersion', 'cpuType', 'cpuSpeed', 'numOfCpu', 'totalPhysicalMemory', 'macAddress', 'userName', 'osPlatform','ipHostName', 'isPortable', 'installedProducts', 'assignedTags'
python <systemlist> [-o csv|json] > <destfile>
systemlist is the file containing the list of devices to collect Trellix products versions.
[-o csv|json] is the optional output format. Default is json.
destfile is the file where redirect the output.
Get installed products for systems in systemlist and write the in a csv file:
python name,lastUpdate,tags systemlist -o csv > installedproducts.csv