maps.n["lS"] = { function() require("aerial").toggle() end, desc = "Symbols outline" }
maps.n["h"] = { function() local wins = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(0) if #wins > 1 and[vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(wins[1])].filetype == "neo-tree" then vim.fn.win_gotoid(wins[2]) -- go to non-neo-tree window to toggle alpha end require("alpha").start(false) end, desc = "Home Screen", }
maps.n["ua"] = { function() require("astrocore.toggles").autopairs() end, desc = "Toggle autopairs" }
maps.n["uc"] = { function() require("astrocore.toggles").buffer_cmp() end, desc = "Toggle autocompletion (buffer)" } maps.n["uC"] = { function() require("astrocore.toggles").cmp() end, desc = "Toggle autocompletion (global)" }
maps.n["uz"] = { "ColorizerToggle", desc = "Toggle color highlight" }
maps.n["/"] = { function() return require("Comment.api").call( "toggle.linewise." .. (vim.v.count == 0 and "current" or "count_repeat"), "g@$" )() end, expr = true, silent = true, desc = "Toggle comment line", } maps.x["/"] = { "lua require('Comment.api').locked('toggle.linewise')(vim.fn.visualmode())", desc = "Toggle comment", }
maps.n["d"] = vim.tbl_get(opts, "_map_sections", "d")
-- modified function keys found with showkey -a
in the terminal to get key code
-- run nvim -V3log +quit
and search through the "Terminal info" in the log
file for the correct keyname
maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").continue() end, desc = "Debugger: Start" }
maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").terminate() end, desc = "Debugger: Stop" } -- Shift+F5
maps.n[""] = { -- Shift+F9
vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Condition: " }, function(condition)
if condition then require("dap").set_breakpoint(condition) end
desc = "Debugger: Conditional Breakpoint",
maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").restart_frame() end, desc = "Debugger: Restart" } -- Control+F5
maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").pause() end, desc = "Debugger: Pause" }
maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end, desc = "Debugger: Toggle Breakpoint" }
maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").step_over() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Over" }
maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").step_into() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Into" }
maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").step_out() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Out" } -- Shift+F11
maps.n["db"] = { function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end, desc = "Toggle Breakpoint (F9)" }
maps.n["dB"] = { function() require("dap").clear_breakpoints() end, desc = "Clear Breakpoints" }
maps.n["dc"] = { function() require("dap").continue() end, desc = "Start/Continue (F5)" }
maps.n["dC"] = {
vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Condition: " }, function(condition)
if condition then require("dap").set_breakpoint(condition) end
desc = "Conditional Breakpoint (S-F9)",
maps.n["di"] = { function() require("dap").step_into() end, desc = "Step Into (F11)" }
maps.n["do"] = { function() require("dap").step_over() end, desc = "Step Over (F10)" }
maps.n["dO"] = { function() require("dap").step_out() end, desc = "Step Out (S-F11)" }
maps.n["dq"] = { function() require("dap").close() end, desc = "Close Session" }
maps.n["dQ"] = { function() require("dap").terminate() end, desc = "Terminate Session (S-F5)" }
maps.n["dp"] = { function() require("dap").pause() end, desc = "Pause (F6)" }
maps.n["dr"] = { function() require("dap").restart_frame() end, desc = "Restart (C-F5)" }
maps.n["dR"] = { function() require("dap").repl.toggle() end, desc = "Toggle REPL" }
maps.n["ds"] = { function() require("dap").run_to_cursor() end, desc = "Run To Cursor" }
maps.n["d"] = vim.tbl_get(opts, "_map_sections", "d") maps.v["d"] = vim.tbl_get(opts, "_map_sections", "d") maps.n["dE"] = { function() vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Expression: " }, function(expr) if expr then require("dapui").eval(expr, { enter = true }) end end) end, desc = "Evaluate Input", } maps.n["du"] = { function() require("dapui").toggle() end, desc = "Toggle Debugger UI" } maps.n["dh"] = { function() require("dap.ui.widgets").hover() end, desc = "Debugger Hover" } maps.v["dE"] = { function() require("dapui").eval() end, desc = "Evaluate Input" }
maps.n["g"] = vim.tbl_get(opts, "_map_sections", "g") maps.n["]g"] = { function() require("gitsigns").next_hunk() end, desc = "Next Git hunk" } maps.n["[g"] = { function() require("gitsigns").prev_hunk() end, desc = "Previous Git hunk" } maps.n["gl"] = { function() require("gitsigns").blame_line() end, desc = "View Git blame" } maps.n["gL"] = { function() require("gitsigns").blame_line { full = true } end, desc = "View full Git blame" } maps.n["gp"] = { function() require("gitsigns").preview_hunk_inline() end, desc = "Preview Git hunk" } maps.n["gh"] = { function() require("gitsigns").reset_hunk() end, desc = "Reset Git hunk" } maps.n["gr"] = { function() require("gitsigns").reset_buffer() end, desc = "Reset Git buffer" } maps.n["gs"] = { function() require("gitsigns").stage_hunk() end, desc = "Stage Git hunk" } maps.n["gS"] = { function() require("gitsigns").stage_buffer() end, desc = "Stage Git buffer" } maps.n["gu"] = { function() require("gitsigns").undo_stage_hunk() end, desc = "Unstage Git hunk" } maps.n["gd"] = { function() require("gitsigns").diffthis() end, desc = "View Git diff" }
maps.n["bb"] = { function() require("astroui.status.heirline").buffer_picker(function(bufnr) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, bufnr) end) end, desc = "Select buffer from tabline", } maps.n["bd"] = { function() require("astroui.status.heirline").buffer_picker( function(bufnr) require("astrocore.buffer").close(bufnr) end ) end, desc = "Close buffer from tabline", } maps.n["b\"] = { function() require("astroui.status.heirline").buffer_picker(function(bufnr) vim.cmd.split() vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, bufnr) end) end, desc = "Horizontal split buffer from tabline", } maps.n["b|"] = { function() require("astroui.status.heirline").buffer_picker(function(bufnr) vim.cmd.vsplit() vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, bufnr) end) end, desc = "Vertical split buffer from tabline", }
maps.n["u|"] = { "IBLToggle", desc = "Toggle indent guides" }
maps.n["li"] = { "LspInfo", desc = "LSP information", cond = function() return vim.fn.exists ":LspInfo" > 0 end }
maps.n["<Leader>pm"] = { function() require("mason.ui").open() end, desc = "Mason Installer" }
maps.n["<Leader>pM"] = { function() require("astrocore.mason").update_all() end, desc = "Mason Update" }
maps.n["e"] = { "Neotree toggle", desc = "Toggle Explorer" } maps.n["o"] = { function() if == "neo-tree" then vim.cmd.wincmd "p" else vim.cmd.Neotree "focus" end end, desc = "Toggle Explorer Focus", }
maps.n["uD"] = { function() require("notify").dismiss { pending = true, silent = true } end, desc = "Dismiss notifications", }
maps.n["zR"] = { function() require("ufo").openAllFolds() end, desc = "Open all folds" } maps.n["zM"] = { function() require("ufo").closeAllFolds() end, desc = "Close all folds" } maps.n["zr"] = { function() require("ufo").openFoldsExceptKinds() end, desc = "Fold less" } maps.n["zm"] = { function() require("ufo").closeFoldsWith() end, desc = "Fold more" } maps.n["zp"] = { function() require("ufo").peekFoldedLinesUnderCursor() end, desc = "Peek fold" }
maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_left() end, desc = "Move to left split" } maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_down() end, desc = "Move to below split" } maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_up() end, desc = "Move to above split" } maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_right() end, desc = "Move to right split" } maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").resize_up() end, desc = "Resize split up" } maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").resize_down() end, desc = "Resize split down" } maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").resize_left() end, desc = "Resize split left" } maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").resize_right() end, desc = "Resize split right" }
if require("astrocore").is_available "telescope.nvim" then maps.n["fT"] = { "TodoTelescope", desc = "Find TODOs" } end maps.n["]T"] = { function() require("todo-comments").jump_next() end, desc = "Next TODO comment" } maps.n["[T"] = { function() require("todo-comments").jump_prev() end, desc = "Previous TODO comment" }
maps.n["<Leader>f"] = vim.tbl_get(opts, "_map_sections", "f")
if vim.fn.executable "git" == 1 then
maps.n["<Leader>g"] = vim.tbl_get(opts, "_map_sections", "g")
maps.n["<Leader>gb"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_branches { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git branches",
maps.n["<Leader>gc"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_commits { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git commits (repository)",
maps.n["<Leader>gC"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_bcommits { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git commits (current file)",
maps.n["<Leader>gt"] =
{ function() require("telescope.builtin").git_status { use_file_path = true } end, desc = "Git status" }
maps.n["<Leader>f<CR>"] =
{ function() require("telescope.builtin").resume() end, desc = "Resume previous search" }
maps.n["<Leader>f'"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").marks() end, desc = "Find marks" }
maps.n["<Leader>f/"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").current_buffer_fuzzy_find() end,
desc = "Find words in current buffer",
maps.n["<Leader>fa"] = {
require("telescope.builtin").find_files {
prompt_title = "Config Files",
cwd = vim.fn.stdpath "config",
follow = true,
desc = "Find AstroNvim config files",
maps.n["<Leader>fb"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").buffers() end, desc = "Find buffers" }
maps.n["<Leader>fc"] =
{ function() require("telescope.builtin").grep_string() end, desc = "Find word under cursor" }
maps.n["<Leader>fC"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").commands() end, desc = "Find commands" }
maps.n["<Leader>ff"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").find_files() end, desc = "Find files" }
maps.n["<Leader>fF"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").find_files { hidden = true, no_ignore = true } end,
desc = "Find all files",
maps.n["<Leader>fh"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").help_tags() end, desc = "Find help" }
maps.n["<Leader>fk"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").keymaps() end, desc = "Find keymaps" }
maps.n["<Leader>fm"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").man_pages() end, desc = "Find man" }
if is_available "nvim-notify" then
maps.n["<Leader>fn"] =
{ function() require("telescope").extensions.notify.notify() end, desc = "Find notifications" }
maps.n["<Leader>fe"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles() end, desc = "Find history" }
maps.n["<Leader>fr"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").registers() end, desc = "Find registers" }
maps.n["<Leader>ft"] =
{ function() require("telescope.builtin").colorscheme { enable_preview = true } end, desc = "Find themes" }
if vim.fn.executable "rg" == 1 then
maps.n["<Leader>fw"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").live_grep() end, desc = "Find words" }
maps.n["<Leader>fW"] = {
require("telescope.builtin").live_grep {
additional_args = function(args) return vim.list_extend(args, { "--hidden", "--no-ignore" }) end,
desc = "Find words in all files",
maps.n["<Leader>ls"] = {
if is_available "aerial.nvim" then
desc = "Search symbols",
maps.n["<Leader>lD"] =
{ function() require("telescope.builtin").diagnostics() end, desc = "Search diagnostics" }
if then[1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_definitions { reuse_win = true } end
if maps.n.gI then
maps.n.gI[1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_implementations { reuse_win = true } end
--- TODO: AstroNvim v5 remove gr mapping as it's default and global
if then[1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_references() end end
if maps.n["<Leader>lR"] then
maps.n["<Leader>lR"][1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_references() end
if then[1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_type_definitions { reuse_win = true } end
if maps.n["<Leader>lG"] then
maps.n["<Leader>lG"][1] = function()
vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Symbol Query: (leave empty for word under cursor)" }, function(query)
if query then
-- word under cursor if given query is empty
if query == "" then query = vim.fn.expand "<cword>" end
require("telescope.builtin").lsp_workspace_symbols {
query = query,
prompt_title = ("Find word (%s)"):format(query),
maps.n["<Leader>t"] = vim.tbl_get(opts, "_map_sections", "t")
if vim.fn.executable "git" == 1 and vim.fn.executable "lazygit" == 1 then
maps.n["<Leader>g"] = vim.tbl_get(opts, "_map_sections", "g")
local lazygit = {
callback = function()
local worktree = astro.file_worktree()
local flags = worktree and (" --work-tree=%s --git-dir=%s"):format(worktree.toplevel, worktree.gitdir)
or ""
astro.toggle_term_cmd("lazygit " .. flags)
desc = "ToggleTerm lazygit",
maps.n["<Leader>gg"] = { lazygit.callback, desc = lazygit.desc }
maps.n["<Leader>tl"] = { lazygit.callback, desc = lazygit.desc }
if vim.fn.executable "node" == 1 then
maps.n["<Leader>tn"] = { function() astro.toggle_term_cmd "node" end, desc = "ToggleTerm node" }
local gdu = vim.fn.has "mac" == 1 and "gdu-go" or "gdu"
if vim.fn.has "win32" == 1 and vim.fn.executable(gdu) ~= 1 then gdu = "gdu_windows_amd64.exe" end
if vim.fn.executable(gdu) == 1 then
maps.n["<Leader>tu"] = { function() astro.toggle_term_cmd(gdu) end, desc = "ToggleTerm gdu" }
if vim.fn.executable "btm" == 1 then
maps.n["<Leader>tt"] = { function() astro.toggle_term_cmd "btm" end, desc = "ToggleTerm btm" }
local python = vim.fn.executable "python" == 1 and "python" or vim.fn.executable "python3" == 1 and "python3"
if python then
maps.n["<Leader>tp"] = { function() astro.toggle_term_cmd(python) end, desc = "ToggleTerm python" }
maps.n["<Leader>tf"] = { "<Cmd>ToggleTerm direction=float<CR>", desc = "ToggleTerm float" }
maps.n["<Leader>th"] =
{ "<Cmd>ToggleTerm size=10 direction=horizontal<CR>", desc = "ToggleTerm horizontal split" }
maps.n["<Leader>tv"] = { "<Cmd>ToggleTerm size=80 direction=vertical<CR>", desc = "ToggleTerm vertical split" }
maps.n["<F7>"] = { '<Cmd>execute v:count . "ToggleTerm"<CR>', desc = "Toggle terminal" }
maps.t["<F7>"] = { "<Cmd>ToggleTerm<CR>", desc = "Toggle terminal" }
maps.i["<F7>"] = { "<Esc><Cmd>ToggleTerm<CR>", desc = "Toggle terminl" }
maps.n["<C-'>"] = { '<Cmd>execute v:count . "ToggleTerm"<CR>', desc = "Toggle terminal" } -- requires terminal that supports binding <C-'>
maps.t["<C-'>"] = { "<Cmd>ToggleTerm<CR>", desc = "Toggle terminal" } -- requires terminal that supports binding <C-'>
maps.i["<C-'>"] = { "<Esc><Cmd>ToggleTerm<CR>", desc = "Toggle terminl" } -- requires terminal that supports binding <C-'>
maps.n["<Leader>ur"] =
{ function() require("illuminate").toggle_buf() end, desc = "Toggle reference highlighting (buffer)" }
maps.n["<Leader>uR"] =
{ function() require("illuminate").toggle() end, desc = "Toggle reference highlighting (global)" }