This is a repository listing the projects I've worked on at the inner circle in 42Seoul. For questions about learning and code, please email to [email protected].
to build and use the projects, please check the Makefile.
to clone this repository, please use below command :
git clone --recursive
Circle | Project | Language | summary | Date of Completion |
0 | Libft | C | making a library with c |
21. 01. 24. |
1 | get_next_line | C | Implementing a function that behaves similarly to getline() |
21. 02. 24. |
ft_printf | C | recode printf() |
21. 04. 22. | |
netwhat | network | solving quiz to learning network knowledge |
2 | fdf | C | making landscape renderer with basic graphic library in c |
21. 06. 01. |
push_swap | C | solving a queue sort problem |
21. 09. 06. | |
minitalk | C | making a client and a server for SMS program using signal() |
21. 10. 22. | |
3 | philosopher | C | solving dining philosopher problem with pthread |
21. 10. 20. |
minishell | C | making small shell |
21. 12. 19. | |
4 | cpp_modules | C++ | learning basics of cpp |
22. 03. 11. |
cub3d | C | making raycasting renderer |
22. 03. 15. | |
5 | webserv | C++ | making HTTP 1.1 server program with cpp |
22. 06. 09. |
ft_containers | C++ | learing meta programming by making vector, map, set container |
22. 10. 23. | |
inception | docker | build and deploy wordpress service and it's server using docker-compose |
22. 11. 15. | |
6 | transcendence | javascript | making online pong game web-platform |
22. 11. 24. |