You need ruby 1.8.6 or above and rubygems installed.
Use following command to install runit-man:
gem install runit-man
Take a look at runit-man script options:
- -p - Port to listen (4567 by default)
- -b - IP Address to bind ( by default)
- -a - Directory of activated services (/etc/service by default)
- -f - Directory of all known services (/etc/sv by default)
- -u - User and password delimited by ':' for HTTP authentication (disabled by default)
- -r - Register runit-man as runit service (as defined by other options)
- --rackup='command' - Runs specified command in folder where is runit'man's located.
Usually you need thin gem to run runit-man effectively.
gem install thin
When You need to handle large files (logs etc.) by runit-man script You need another setup:
- Install rainbows gem (it prevents memory consumption).
- Install sendfile gem if possible (It decreases CPU usage in combination with rainbows).
- Run runit-man as:
runit-man --rackup='rainbows -E production -c rainbows.conf -p $PORT'
We provide runit-man cookbook to automate setup of runit-man using Opscode Chef.