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Scripts and utilities
Built-in scripts


Here is a documented version of the Next Right Now built-in scripts:

    // Starts the local development server
    "start": ". ./scripts/ && next dev --port 8888",

    // Start a HTTP/HTTPS tunnel using ngrok, allowing to give access to the development server through an url to other people (useful for sharing your work, collaborating, debugging, etc.)
    "start:tunnel": "ngrok http 8888",

    // Build script, called by Vercel upon project build. Runs tests before doing build, but don't run integration tests (too slow)
    "build": "yarn test:once:group:no-integration && next build",

    // Creates an optimized production build in profiling mode, allowing you to use the profiler on generated the production build - See
    "build:profiler": ". ./scripts/ && next build --profile --debug",

    // Analyze the production JS bundle, useful to understand what are the libraries that take most space - See
    // Only the production bundle matters, the development bundle never reaches the real clients
    "analyse:bundle": "yarn analyse:bundle:production",
    "analyse:bundle:development": "ANALYZE_BUNDLE=true yarn start",
    "analyse:bundle:production": "ANALYZE_BUNDLE=true next build",

    // Uses next-unused to find unused files in the Next.js project - See
    // Beware, as it finds a lot of false-positive results, though
    "analyse:unused": "next-unused",

    // Convert all .svg files in src/svg folder into .tsx files within the same folder - See
    // You must then copy all the generated .tsx files into src/components/svg
    // This manual step is on purpose, to avoid overwriting existing SVG-as-React-components mistakenly
    // From experience, we often customise those generated .tsx components by hand, and those changes would likely be overwritten if we were to replace the src/components/svg directly
    "svg": "npx svgr -d src/svg src/svg --ext tsx --template src/utils/svg/svgTemplate.ts",

    // Deploy scripts to deploy different customers (Multi Single Tenancy)
    // The ":simple" version don't run E2E tests and are therefore much faster to run
    "deploy": "yarn deploy:customer1",
    "deploy:all": "yarn deploy:customer1 && yarn deploy:customer2",
    "deploy:all:production": "yarn deploy:customer1:production && yarn deploy:customer2:production",
    "deploy:all:production:simple": "yarn deploy:customer1:production:simple && yarn deploy:customer2:production:simple",
    "deploy:all:all": "yarn deploy:all && yarn deploy:all:production",

    // Deploy script executed by GitHub Action (GHA)
    "deploy:ci:gha": "yarn vercel:cleanup && yarn vercel:deploy --local-config=vercel.${CUSTOMER_REF}.staging.json",

    // Deploy scripts you can execute locally to deploy customers online, they're also executed by GitHub Actions
    "deploy:customer:production:simple": "yarn vercel:cleanup && yarn vercel:deploy --local-config=vercel.${CUSTOMER_REF}.production.json --prod",
    "deploy:customer1:all": "yarn deploy:customer1 && yarn deploy:customer1:production",
    "deploy:customer1": "yarn vercel:cleanup && yarn vercel:deploy --local-config=vercel.customer1.staging.json",
    "deploy:customer1:production": "yarn deploy:customer1:production:simple && yarn e2e:customer1:production",
    "deploy:customer1:production:simple": "yarn vercel:cleanup && yarn vercel:deploy --local-config=vercel.customer1.production.json --prod",
    "deploy:customer2:all": "yarn deploy:customer2 && yarn deploy:customer2:production",
    "deploy:customer2": "yarn vercel:cleanup && yarn vercel:deploy --local-config=vercel.customer2.staging.json",
    "deploy:customer2:production": "yarn deploy:customer2:production:simple && yarn e2e:customer2:production",
    "deploy:customer2:production:simple": "yarn vercel:cleanup && yarn vercel:deploy --local-config=vercel.customer2.production.json --prod",

    // Creates an empty commit that contains no code. Useful to force a CI trigger by pushing no code.
    // Vercel will re-trigger a new deployment because we use the "--force" option in our CI, otherwise Vercel wouldn't trigger a real deployment as no code change would be detected
    "deploy:fake": "git commit --allow-empty -m \"Fake empty commit (force CI trigger)\"",

    // Removes all tmp files related to vercel, necessary when deploying locally to avoid the Vercel CLI to use the cached files in the .vercel folder for subsequent deployments,
    // as it wouldn't work if we tried to deploy different customers because it's use the cache version instead of the "name" specified in the "*.vercel" file being deployed
    "vercel:cleanup": "npx del-cli .vercel/",

    // Populates Git-related environment variables then triggers a Vercel deployment, and provide those variables as "build env" variables (which will be available in "next.config.js" upon initial build)
    // Since Vercel doesn't allow us to run the "git" binary, we run the git binary before, and then forward the variables of interest
    // This step is critical for the versioning of the deployment
    "vercel:deploy": ". ./scripts/ && vercel --build-env GIT_COMMIT_TAGS=$GIT_COMMIT_TAGS --build-env GIT_COMMIT_REF=$GIT_COMMIT_REF --build-env GIT_COMMIT_SHA=$GIT_COMMIT_SHA --confirm --debug --force",

    // Prints variables resolved by the script, for debugging
    "script:populate-git-env:print": ". ./scripts/ && echo 'SHA: '${GIT_COMMIT_SHA} && echo 'REF (current branch/tag): '${GIT_COMMIT_REF} && echo 'TAGS: '${GIT_COMMIT_TAGS}",

    // Git commands, used by
    "git:getReleasesAndTags": "git tag --points-at HEAD | tr '\\r\\n' ' '",
    "git:getCommitSHA": "git rev-parse HEAD",
    "git:getCommitSHA:short": "git rev-parse --short HEAD",
    "git:getCommitRef": "git symbolic-ref HEAD",

    // End-to-end commands (Cypress) to run E2E tests
    // By default, runs E2E against a running local server (you need to run "yarn start" in another shell for this to work)
    "e2e": "yarn e2e:run",

    // Run E2E tests against the production url of the different customers
    // The production url is specified in cypress/config-*.json file, as "baseUrl"
    // The ":open" version will open an interactive UI which makes interactive debugging easier
    "e2e:all:production": "yarn e2e:customer1:production && yarn e2e:customer2:production",
    "e2e:customer1:production": "CYPRESS_STAGE=customer1 yarn e2e:run",
    "e2e:customer1:production:open": "CYPRESS_STAGE=customer1 yarn e2e:open",
    "e2e:customer2:production": "CYPRESS_STAGE=customer2 yarn e2e:run",
    "e2e:customer2:production:open": "CYPRESS_STAGE=customer2 yarn e2e:open",

    // Installs the Cypress version specified as a devDependency below
    "e2e:install": "cypress install",

    // Run E2E tests against a local development server
    // The ":open" version will open an interactive UI which makes interactive debugging easier
    "e2e:open": "CYPRESS_STAGE=${CYPRESS_STAGE:-development}; cypress open --config-file cypress/config-$CYPRESS_STAGE.json",
    "e2e:run": "CYPRESS_STAGE=${CYPRESS_STAGE:-development}; cypress run --config-file cypress/config-$CYPRESS_STAGE.json",

    // Example script on how you can configure Cypress to only run some of the spec files, meant to serve as an example to add your own scripts
    "e2e:run:spec:common": "CYPRESS_STAGE=${CYPRESS_STAGE:-development}; cypress run --config-file cypress/config-$CYPRESS_STAGE.json --spec 'cypress/integration/app/common/*.js'",

    // E2E command executed through GitHub Actions CI/CD, which will install Cypress and then run it, and then send the recordings to the Cypress Dashboard
    // No recording will be send if you haven't specified an "orgId" in your cypress/config-customer-ci-cd.json
    "e2e:ci": "yarn e2e:install && cypress run --record",

    // Starts the local server for the documentation, using Jekyll and Ruby (run doc:gem:install, first)
    // The :fast version is faster (3sec instead of 12sec), but won't compile new files. It's great when modifying existing files, though.
    "doc:start": "cd docs/ && bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config-development.yml",
    "doc:start:fast": "cd docs/ && bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config-development.yml --incremental",

    // Install the pre-requisites binaries to run the documentation server (e.g: yarn doc:start)
    // You'll need Ruby and Jekyll installed, see
    "doc:gem:install": "cd docs/ && bundle install",

    // Open the online documentation running "yarn doc" (cross-platform)
    "doc": "yarn doc:online",
    "doc:online": "open-cli",
    "doc:online:scripts": "open-cli",

    // Creates an empty commit with a special tag (MAJOR/MINOR), which will be used to resolve the project version based on the Git history
    // See
    "bump:major": "git commit --allow-empty -m \"(MAJOR) Empty commit, bumps MAJOR version\"",
    "bump:minor": "git commit --allow-empty -m \"(MINOR) Empty commit, bumps MINOR version\"",

    // Linter in watch mode (eslint)
    "lint": "esw src/ -w --ext .ts --ext .tsx",

    // Linter without watch mode (for CI)
    "lint:once": "eslint src/ --ext .ts --ext .tsx",

    // Automatically applies the linter fixes
    // It's strongly recommended to commit your changes before, and to run a :preview too!
    "lint:fix": "eslint src/ --ext .ts --ext .tsx --fix",

    // Preview the linter fixes without changing anything to the source code
    "lint:fix:preview": "eslint src/ --ext .ts --ext .tsx --fix-dry-run",

    // Run Jest in watch mode
    // You can also run/ignore specific group(s) of tests - See
    "test": "NODE_ENV=test jest --watch",
    "test:group:api": "NODE_ENV=test jest --group=api --watchAll",
    "test:group:components": "NODE_ENV=test jest --group=components --watchAll",
    "test:group:integration": "NODE_ENV=test jest --group=integration --watchAll",
    "test:group:unit": "NODE_ENV=test jest --group=unit --watchAll",
    "test:group:utils": "NODE_ENV=test jest --group=utils --watchAll",

    // Run Jest once (for CI)
    "test:once": "NODE_ENV=test jest --runInBand --detectOpenHandles",
    "test:once:group:no-integration": "NODE_ENV=test jest --group=-integration",
    "test:coverage": "NODE_ENV=test jest --coverage",
    "test:coverage:group:no-integration": "NODE_ENV=test jest --group=-integration --coverage",

    // Prints the Jest configuration, great for debugging the configuration and understanding how options are actually applied
    "test:config": "NODE_ENV=test jest --showConfig",

    // Official react codemods meant to help you migrate legacy React code to more recent version automatically - See
    "codemod:update-react-imports": "npx react-codemod update-react-imports src/",
    "codemod:name-default-component": "npx @next/codemod name-default-component src/",
    "codemod:withamp-to-config": "npx @next/codemod withamp-to-config src/",

    // Runs a Yarn security audit, will print all (nested) packages with vulnerabilities and links to each vulnerability
    // Will print a summary, i.e: "2924 vulnerabilities found - Packages audited: 2634 - Severity: 2914 Low | 10 High"
    "security:audit": "yarn audit",

    // Runs Yarn in interactive mode for package upgrades
    // Displays a list of all outdated packages and you can select which ones you want to upgrade by pressing the space bar
    // Displays major versions in red
    // We recommend updating only packages that are related to each other, reading changelogs to detect breaking changes prior to upgrading
    // We strongly recommend to systematically push after each group of packages have been upgraded,
    // coupled with automated deployment and tests, it's the most effective way to detect regression caused by packages upgrades and locate issues much faster
    "packages:upgrade": "yarn upgrade-interactive --latest"


Next Right Now comes built-in with a few utilities that could come in handy:

Font Awesome

Font Awesome icons are available as React component.


import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';

<FontAwesomeIcon icon="exclamation-triangle" size={'4x'}/>

See documentation


Unfortunately, it's not automated, and you need to manually specify each Font-Awesome icon you wish to use as a component, in font-awesome.ts.

import {
} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';

// Import @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons

Once a FA icon has been configured (imported) it can be used anywhere in the Next.js app.

Reactstrap (Bootstrap)

You can use any Reactstrap component right away.

We're thinking about introducing ChakraUI instead of Reactstrap, we might do so in the future, in a new preset.

If so, we'd probably create a "UI library" guide to explain a bit more our motivations.

Interactive Debug mode

Learn more

Proper handling or sensitive information, using Vercel secrets

Learn more

Cookie consent popup

A cookie consent popup is automatically instantiated on all "legal" pages of the site. It relies on Osano open source cookieconsent library (v3).

See documentation

You can customise the behavior of the popup and change on which page it'll display, see example.

You can also customise the configuration of the cookieconsent library itself, see default configuration.

Open demo

The default configuration of the cookieconsent library is meant to cover a basic use-case and will most likely not be what you need exactly.

Our goal isn't to cover all use-cases, but simply to provide a good-enough base, which can be tailored to your needs as you see fit.

"Why did you render? (WDYR)" (React)

Next Right Now includes the why-did-you-render utility.

why-did-you-render monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders.

It's a very useful tool to optimize your components and understand what re-renders and why.

Refer to their documentation to understand how it works.

Please note it won't print logs when renders are expected, only when they aren't necessary.

Next.js page optimizations for client-side bundling

If you ever wondered what kind of optimization does the Next.js framework perform behind the curtains when it builds a page, check out this interactive demo.

Please note the demo was created around Next.js 9.3 release (SSG support), but still quite useful to understand what code is and isn't used by the browser