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File metadata and controls

80 lines (56 loc) · 3.82 KB


Data Source

The initial dataset can be downloaded at here.
The file needs to be unzipped before use.

Here, we are assuming the data can be found at ./brackets

How to run

ETL Script

This Spark script takes in a directory of json files and outputs to a directory of the loaded data in parquet format.

spark-submit back-end/data-transformation-scripts/ParquetOutput_from_JSONinput_ETL/ brackets brackets-etl

Feature Extraction Script

This Spark script takes in a directory of parquet files, with subdirectories for usage and summary created by the ETL script. It outputs the result of 3 dataframes of feature data aggregated from the transformed data to a directory. The output directory can be an S3 URI if given the credentials are passed in via the module

Writing to local

spark-submit back-end/data-transformation-scripts/observable-features-script/ brackets-etl brackets-features

Writing to S3

When writing to S3, you have to make sure to pass the relevant hadoop aws connector to Spark

e.g. From our cluster to the bucket s3://brackets-analytics/features

spark-submit --jars /opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.12.262.jar,/opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-aws-3.3.4.jar back-end/data-transformation-scripts/observable-features-script/ brackets-etl s3a://brackets-analytics/features

ML Regression scripts


As part of our analysis we wanted to see if we can predict future number of users from current users. The regression relies on the users table given by preprocess script

spark-submit back-end/data-transformation-scripts/ml-preproccess-scripts/ brackets-etl brackets-ml-data

This table was eventually folded as a main feature and can be found at s3://brackets-analytics/features/users


The regression script takes in an input and output directory. The output is saved in Hive Partitioning style with the output directory as the root. Additionally, it takes a 3rd argument, mode = {n|p}.

In mode n normal, it takes in another 2 parameters, (platform and country to filter on) for 5 total. It runs a polynomial regression on date, to find number of users, where country={country|None} and platform={win|mac|null|None}

With the right credentials, in mode p persistent, it relies on AWS SQS messages to request jobs. It polls the message queue once a minute and runs a regression based on the request parameters.

Example: run regression once with no filters writing locally
spark-submit back-end/data-transformation-scripts/ml-preproccess-scripts/ brackets-ml-data user-predictions n None None

The server will save the results in output/platform=None/country=None

Example: run persistently writing to S3

On the cluster, make sure to pass the right S3 connectors to Spark.

spark-submit --jars /opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.12.262.jar,/opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-aws-3.3.4.jar back-end/data-transformation-scripts/ml-preproccess-scripts/ brackets-ml-data s3a://brackets-analytics/user_predictions p

When a message comes into the Queue with body

{'Country':'Canada', 'Platform':'Windows', 'JobID':'1234-abcd-5678'}

The server will run the regression with the filters country='Canada' and platfrom='win' and save the results to s3://brackets-analytics/user_predictions/platform=win/country=Canada/

Front end server

The front end is written in javascript with Node.js using the Express framework. To start the front end webserver with Node.js and npm installed:

npm install
npm start

The webserver will be accessible on localhost:3000