Title: [A short summary of the pull request]
Please provide a clear and concise description of what this pull request does, including any relevant details.
Link to the issue that this pull request addresses (if applicable). Use the format: Fixes #[issue number]
- Briefly describe the changes you made. Include any relevant information.
- I have tested my code and it works as expected.
- I have added/updated documentation where necessary.
- I have included tests for new features.
- I have followed the project's coding standards.
Add any relevant screenshots or examples that help illustrate your changes.
Example 1:
- Title: Add product filtering functionality
- Description: This PR adds the ability for users to filter products by category and price range.
- Related Issue: Fixes #23
- Changes Made:
- Implemented filter component in the product listing page.
- Updated backend API to support filtering.
- Checklist:
- I have tested my code and it works as expected.
- I have added documentation for the new filter feature.
- I have included tests for the filtering functionality.
Example 2:
- Title: Fix broken user registration form
- Description: This PR addresses an issue with the user registration form where users could not submit their details.
- Related Issue: Fixes #15
- Changes Made:
- Updated validation logic for form inputs.
- Adjusted styles for better user experience.
- Checklist:
- I have tested my code and it works as expected.
- I have added documentation for the changes made.
- I have included tests for the registration form validation.