Every year the Ukrainian government selects thousands of private companies to inspect their documents and business activity. They are unexpected for the business and could lead to high fines. The website allows the business owners to check the date and the topic of the inspection to prepare for the inspection in advance and proceed smoothly.
- 🏗 Architecture
- 🚀 Quick start
- 🔗 Data source
- ✉️ Feedback
- data cleaning and preparation (merging ~20 data sources into single DB)- the cleaned data merged into single
stored into AWS S3 bucket src
- React JS app with async downloading and parsingdb.csv
- Material UI is the visual framework used for web app development
- Database of "Subscribe for updates" feature implemented by Firestore using Firebase JS SDK
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/ValeryP/fop-check.git
- Run the local website
cd fop-check
yarn install
yarn start
- Open the source code and start editing
Your site is now running at http://localhost:3000