Releases: VectorInstitute/FL4Health
Releases · VectorInstitute/FL4Health
Federated ensembling, Warmup Modules, Fixed seeds, and a lot of tests
What's Changed
- Add smoke tests for SCAFFOLD, APFL and others, Part 2 by @lotif in #79
- Smoke tests: display client logs on timeout by @lotif in #81
- Federated ensemble by @jewelltaylor in #77
- Fix random seed bug on initialized parameters by @lotif in #83
- Use poetry as the only source of dependency control by @lotif in #88
- Fix cyclops module import, adjust dependencies by @amrit110 in #90
- Add pip-audit to the CI checks by @lotif in #87
- Add warm up module by @sanaAyrml in #85
- Flamby experiments by @sanaAyrml in #86
- Flamby experiments by @sanaAyrml in #91
- Upgrading gitpython to 3.1.41 to fix a security issue by @lotif in #93
- Fixing a bug in the FedPer layers to exchange function by @emersodb in #94
Full Changelog: v0.1.9...v0.1.10
Bug fix associated with Basic Client
What's Changed
- Consolidate BasicClient and NumpyFlClient by @jewelltaylor in #74
- Set seed by @sanaAyrml in #75
- Build a first pass, basic smoke test associated with one of the examples by @lotif in #73
- Add smoke tests for SCAFFOLD, APFL and others, Part 1 by @lotif in #76
- bug fix in basic client by @yc7z in #80
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.8...v0.1.9
FedBN, FedPer, MOON, PerFCL and bug fixes
What's Changed
- Updating README by @emersodb in #51
- Dbe/implement unweighted fedavg by @emersodb in #52
- Add functionality to support FedBN method by @emersodb in #53
- Adding in a citation line at the bottom. by @emersodb in #57
- Refactor of Losses default additional_losses to empty by @emersodb in #58
- Fixing a bug with the FedProx refactor in FLamby by @emersodb in #59
- Small fix to the script by @emersodb in #60
- Refactor setup client by @jewelltaylor in #54
- Machinery to support Federated Evaluation Only by @emersodb in #55
- Add Server-side Checkpointing to Server Base by @emersodb in #56
- Fix wandb by @jewelltaylor in #61
- Dbe/setting doc string format by @emersodb in #64
- Update apfl client by @jewelltaylor in #62
- Moon by @sanaAyrml in #66
- Add contrastive losses by @sanaAyrml in #67
- Feature alignment by @yc7z in #63
- Create Fixed Requirements File for FLamby, Update Dynamic Weight Exchanger and FedOpt Example by @emersodb in #68
- Metric refactor by @jewelltaylor in #69
- Checkpoint Ablation for Flamby by @emersodb in #71
- FedPer Implementation by @emersodb in #72
Full Changelog: v0.1.7...v0.1.8
FLamby, Partial Layer Exchange, Adaptive FedProx
What's Changed
- Exchanger refactor by @yc7z in #33
- First shot at fixing the server side parameter initialization issue. by @emersodb in #37
- Fixing the APFL implementation that occurs if there are frozen layers in a model by @emersodb in #38
- Adding Tests for the APFL and FENDA layer exchange flow. by @emersodb in #35
- Expanding the FLamby Experimental Setup by @emersodb in #34
- Expanding Basic Client by @emersodb in #36
- Fix FLamby FedAdam NaN Issue on Eval by @emersodb in #39
- Fixing scaffold on GPU by @emersodb in #42
- Refactoring the FLamby Code and Adding Fed Heart Disease by @emersodb in #40
- FLamby Visualization input generation scripts by @emersodb in #43
- First stab at adding in Open-source licensing by @emersodb in #44
- Partial exchange example by @yc7z in #45
- Adding final dataset (Fed IXI) to our experiments. by @emersodb in #47
- Dp scaffold by @jewelltaylor in #48
- Add train by epochs option to scaffold client by @jewelltaylor in #49
- Automate privacy accounting by @jewelltaylor in #50
- Fed prox adaptive mu by @sanaAyrml in #46
New Contributors
- @sanaAyrml made their first contribution in #46
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7
What's Changed
- Dynamic layer exchange by @yc7z in #31
- Initial pass at FLamby Experimental Design by @emersodb in #30
- Other metrics by @fatemetkl in #32
New Contributors
- @fatemetkl made their first contribution in #32
Full Changelog: v0.1.5...v0.1.6
Adding in several new methods that deal with non-IID training
What's Changed
- Update client polling by @jewelltaylor in #18
- Scaffold by @jewelltaylor in #19
- Adding Configuration to Run Unit Tests on PR by @emersodb in #21
- Fed Prox and an example of Local Fine Tuning by @emersodb in #20
- Scripts for Launching Local and Vector Cluster Based FL by @emersodb in #22
- Patch fix for local fl script by @emersodb in #24
- Dbe/wandb first integration by @emersodb in #23
- Cluster FL Script on One Resource by @emersodb in #25
- Checkpointer: First pass by @emersodb in #26
- Parameter exchanger packing by @jewelltaylor in #27
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4
Adding in APFL to the library
What's Changed
- Apfl by @jewelltaylor in #16
- Bumping version number for release 0.1.3 by @emersodb in #17
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
Adding in Weighted DP and FENDA capabilities to the library.
What's Changed
- Get sample counts by @jewelltaylor in #11
- FENDA model implementation and other fixes by @emersodb in #12
- Bumping to version 0.1.2 for release by @emersodb in #15
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
FL4Health v0.1.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha...v0.1.1