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2. Helpers

Venomaus edited this page Dec 30, 2023 · 34 revisions

Here you will find an overview of all lib helper implementations.

These can all be accessed via the namespace: SOD.Common.Lib.{classname}


Contains various helper methods related to displaying messages in-game.


  • Broadcast: Broadcasts a message on the screen.
  • ShowPlayerSpeech: Queues a message on the bottom of the screen resembling the player's internal monologue.


Contains various helper methods and events related to the in-game time.


  • OnGamePaused: Invoked when the game is paused.
  • OnGameResumed: Invoked when the game is resumed from a paused state.
  • OnMinuteChanged: Invoked when an in-game minute passes.
  • OnHourChanged: Invoked when an in-game hour passes.
  • OnDayChanged: Invoked when an in-game day passes.
  • OnMonthChanged: Invoked when an in-game month passes.
  • OnYearChanged: Invoked when an in-game year passes.
  • OnTimeInitialized: Invoked once when the time manager is ready to calculate time. (on game load/init)

Structs exposed:

  • Time.TimeData: Contains (year, month, day, hour, minute) properties.


  • IsInitialized: True/False depending if the time manager is ready to calculate time.
  • CurrentDateTime: Returns a TimeData struct with all properties filled in.
  • CurrentDate: Returns a TimeData struct with only (year, month, day) filled in.
  • CurrentDayEnum: Returns the game's SessionData.WeekDay enum of the current week day.
  • CurrentMonthEnum: Returns the game's SessionData.Month enum of the current month.


  • ResumeGame: Resumes a paused game.
  • PauseGame: Pauses the game.


Contains various helper methods and events related to the saving and loading the game.


  • OnBeforeSave: Invoked before the game is saved.
  • OnAfterSave: Invoked after the game has finished saving.
  • OnBeforeLoad: Invoked before a save is loaded.
  • OnAfterLoad: Invoked after a save is finished loading.
  • OnBeforeDelete: Invoked before a save is deleted.
  • OnAfterDelete: Invoked after a save has been deleted.
  • OnBeforeNewGame: Invoked when clicking the new game button.
  • OnAfterNewGame: Invokved when the new game is loaded. (only for new games)


  • GetUniqueString(saveFilePath): Returns a unique string (which is the same for the provided path) that can be used to add to your filename.
  • GetSavestoreDirectoryPath(assembly): Returns the location path to plugins/YourMod/Savestore where you can store your custom files.
  • GetSavestoreDirectoryPath(assembly, fileName): Same as GetSavestoreDirectoryPath(assembly) but also combines a filename with the path.


var savecode = Lib.SaveGame.GetUniqueString(saveFilePath);
var fileName = $"ModJsonData_{savecode}.json";
return Lib.SaveGame.GetSavestoreDirectoryPath(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), fileName);


Contains various helper methods and events related to the detecting input from the game.


  • OnButtonStateChanged: Invoked when a button is pressed. (both down and up states are known)
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