Aggregated javadocs for the Helidon Components.
The Maven sources.jar
are required to aggregate the javadocs.
When building locally against SNAPSHOT, you can generate the sources.jar
all components by doing a top level build with -Psources
# Cd to the project root
$ mvn install -Psources
$ cd javadocs ; mvn generate-sources
If you are behind a proxy and get errors from javadoc that it can't
resolve links then you need to pass your proxy settings to javadoc.
One easy way to do this is to use the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
variable to set the http proxy Java system properties.
If you've already set these system properties in MAVEN_OPTS
echo $MAVEN_OPTS -Dhttp.proxyPort=80
-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=|localhost| -Dhttps.proxyPort=80
then you can just do: